# /* filetype=sh : */ # -*- sh -*- Mod=$1 Data=$HOME/xomojOut/$Mod/PlotData Here=`pwd` # Temporarily add path to gnuplot if it is not in the default PATH PATH=/sw/bin/:${PATH} cd $Data echo "set terminal png set output \"output.png\" set xrange [0.5:5.5] set xtics (\"1\" 1,\"2\" 2,\"3\" 3,\"4\" 4,\"5\" 5) set xlabel \"round\" set size 1,1 set origin 0,0 set multiplot set size 0.33,1 set origin 0,0 set title \""$Mod" Defects/KLOC\" plot 'defects.dat' using 1:2 title \"mean\" with linespoints pointtype 2,'defects.dat' using 1:3 title \"sd\" with linespoints pointtype 5 set size 0.33,1 set origin 0.33,0 set title \""$Mod" Effort(months)\" plot 'effort.dat' using 1:2 title \"mean\" with linespoints pointtype 2,'effort.dat' using 1:3 title \"sd\" with linespoints pointtype 5 set size 0.33,1 set origin 0.66,0 set title \""$Mod" Threats\" plot 'risk.dat' using 1:2 title \"mean\" with linespoints pointtype 2,'risk.dat' using 1:3 title \"sd\" with linespoints pointtype 5 unset multiplot reset ###JDCR - following statements seem to be dups which cause errors in ### gnuplot batch mode, deleted. ### ###set terminal X11 ### ###set xrange [0.5:5.5] ###set xtics (\"1\" 1,\"2\" 2,\"3\" 3,\"4\" 4,\"5\" 5) ###set xlabel \"round\" ### ###set size 1,1 ###set origin 0,0 ### ###set multiplot ### ###set size 0.33,1 ###set origin 0,0 ### ###set title \""$Mod" Defects/KLOC\" ###plot 'defects.dat' using 1:2 title \"mean\" with linespoints pointtype 2,'defects.dat' using 1:3 title \"sd\" with linespoints pointtype 5 ### ###set size 0.33,1 ###set origin 0.33,0 ### ###set title \""$Mod" Effort(months)\" ###plot 'effort.dat' using 1:2 title \"mean\" with linespoints pointtype 2,'effort.dat' using 1:3 title \"sd\" with linespoints pointtype 5 ### ###set size 0.33,1 ###set origin 0.66,0 ### ###set title \""$Mod" Threats\" ###plot 'risk.dat' using 1:2 title \"mean\" with linespoints pointtype 2,'risk.dat' using 1:3 title \"sd\" with linespoints pointtype 5 ### ###unset multiplot ### ###reset ### ###pause -1 \"boo\" ### quit" > plt gnuplot "plt"