Code to implement some of the USC COCOMO-family models. These models offer predictions for:
In standard practice, these models are tuned to local conditions using historical data. NOVA is an experiment in an alternate approach. When historical data is absent, NOVA uses AI search methods to find policies that are useful across the space of possible tunings.
The following models are based on the following variables.
(coco) converts COCOMO ranges numbers to a canonical form; e.g. "high" or "h" or "4" are all synonyms for "4".
(let ((names '((xh . 6) (6 . 6) (extremelyhigh . 6) (vh . 5) (5 . 5) (veryhigh . 5) (h . 4) (4 . 4) (high . 4) (n . 3) (3 . 3) (nominal . 3) (l . 2) (2 . 2) (verylow . 2) (vl . 1) (1 . 1) (low . 1)))) (defun coco (l) (labels ((coc1 (x) (or (cdr (assoc x names)) (warn "~a not a known coco-name" x) x))) (mapcar #'coco1 l))) (defun coco-restrict (old new) (let* ((new1 (coco new)) (overlap (intersection new1 old))) (or overlap (warn "~a does not intersect with ~a" old new) old))) )
Many of the USC models take the form:
(defstruct one-a line) (defstruct one-b num) ; b falls underneath the a line
(defun ?one-a (r) "from a floating a-line, pull fixed values" (let ((line (one-a-line r))) (?quantity (line-x1 line) (line-x2 line))))
(defun ?one-b (r &optional (a-val (! 'a)) (a-line (one-a-line (geta 'a (db-settings *db*))))) "from a floating b, pull fixed values" ; note that "b" is defined in terms of "a" (let ((inc (?num (one-b-num r)))) (max 0 (- (line-y a-val a-line ) inc))))
(defstruct (sf (:include bag)) effort ; impact on effort rsf ; impact on defect introduction during requirements dsf ; impact on defect introduction during design csf ; impact on defect introduction during coding )
(defstruct (em (:include bag)) effort ; impact on effort rin ; impact on defect introduction during requirements din ; impact on defect introduction during design cin ; impact on defect introduction during coding )
There are also defect removal variables (called "dr") that remove defects.
(defstruct (dr (:include bag)) rout ; impact on defect removal during requirements dout ; impact on defect removal during design cout ; impact on defect removal during coding )
These range of these values is some subset of
Internally to these models, these "sf,em,dr" variables form straight lines. These lines are either
(defun hinged-line (x m) (* m (- x 6)))
(defun hinged-line-coqualmo (x m) (* m (- x 1)))
(defun pivoted-line (x m) (+ 1 (* m (- x 3))))
(The justification for the last one is simple- the intuition behind the effort multipliers is that when x=3 (i.e. "nominal"). a variable has no impact on the prediction. Given a product of variables, a value of "1" means that the net effect on the prediction is "unchanged". Hence, the pivoted functions travel through the line (x,y)=(3,1)
With those functions, it is possible to map a "x" variable into a "y" effect on the prediction:
(defun em2effort (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (pivoted-line (em-range x1) (em-effort x1)))) (defun em2rin (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (pivoted-line (em-range x1) (em-rin x1)))) (defun em2din (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (pivoted-line (em-range x1) (em-din x1)))) (defun em2cin (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (pivoted-line (em-range x1) (em-cin x1))))
(defun sf2effort (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (hinged-line (sf-range x1) (sf-effort x1)))) (defun sf2rin (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (hinged-line (sf-range x1) (sf-rsf x1)))) (defun sf2din (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (hinged-line (sf-range x1) (sf-dsf x1)))) (defun sf2cin (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (hinged-line (sf-range x1) (sf-csf x1))))
(defun dr2rout (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (hinged-line-coqualmo (dr-range x1) (dr-rout x1)))) (defun dr2dout (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (hinged-line-coqualmo (dr-range x1) (dr-dout x1)))) (defun dr2cout (x) (let ((x1 (! x))) (hinged-line-coqualmo (dr-range x1) (dr-cout x1))))
Tuning a model changes the slopes of the "em,sf,dr" lines: The following structures store the minimum and maximum slopes seen in prior tunings.
(defstruct (sfs ; scale factors (:include num (max -1.56 ) (min -1.015 )))) (defstruct (em+ ; some effort multipliers increase effort (:include num (max 0.25 ) (min 0.073 )))) (defstruct (em- ; some effort multiplers decrease effort (:include num (max -0.178 ) (min -0.078 ))))
(defstruct (rin+ ; some variables increase defects at requirements time (:include num (max 0.112 ) (min 0 )))) (defstruct (rin- ; some variables decrease defects at requirements time (:include num (max -0.146 ) (min -0.034 )))) (defstruct (din+ ; some variables increase defects at design time (:include num (max 0.117 ) (min 0.08 )))) (defstruct (din- ; some variables decrease defects at design time (:include num (max -0.152 ) (min -0.038 )))) (defstruct (cin+ ; some variables increase defects at coding time (:include num (max 0.117 ) (min 0.008 )))) (defstruct (cin- ; some variables decrease defects at coding time (:include num (max -0.152 ) (min -0.042 ))))
Impact on defect removal of scale variables:
(defstruct (rsf (:include num (max -0.146 ) (min 0.0 )))) (defstruct (dsf (:include num (max -0.208 ) (min 0.0 )))) (defstruct (csf (:include num (max -0.190 ) (min 0.0 ))))
(defstruct (rdr (:include num (max 0.117 ) (min 0.083 )))) (defstruct (ddr (:include num (max 0.130 ) (min 0.083 )))) (defstruct (codr (:include num (max 0.147 ) (min 0.092 ))))
Functions to get/set variables:
(defmacro range? (x) ; declared as macro so we can "setf" it `(bag-range (bag-range (cdr (assoc ,x (db-settings *db*)))))) (defun range! (x y) ; simple as pie, once we've setf-ed range? (setf (range? x) (as-list y)))
(defmacro kloc? () `(cdr (assoc 'kloc (db-settings *db*)))) (defun kloc! (min max) (setf (kloc?) (make-num :min min :max max)))
(defun ?em (x) "from a floating em, pull fixed values" (make-em :range (?bag (em-range x)) :effort (?num (em-effort x)) :rin (?num (em-rin x)) :din (?num (em-din x)) :cin (?num (em-cin x))))
(defun ?sf (x) "from a floating sf, pull fixed values" (make-sf :range (?bag (sf-range x)) :effort (?num (sf-effort x)) :rsf (?num (sf-rsf x)) :dsf (?num (sf-dsf x)) :csf (?num (sf-csf x))))
(defun ?dr (x) "from a floating defect remover, pull fixed values" (make-dr :range (?bag (dr-range x)) :rout (?num (dr-rout x)) :dout (?num (dr-dout x)) :cout (?num (dr-cout x))))
(defun init-db (&optional (settings (cocomo-defaults))) "create defect settings" (setf *db* (init-db0 settings))) (defun init-db0 (&optional (settings (cocomo-defaults))) (make-db :settings settings))
The (cocomo-defaults) function is defined below.
Using all the above we can create the default ranges for all the variables used in the USC models.
(defun cocomo-defaults () (append (kloc-defaults) (a-defaults) (b-defaults) (defect-removal-defaults) (em-defaults) (sf-defaults)))
All these "defaults" function must return a list of dotted pairs otherwise the "append" in cocomo-defaults won't work.
(defun kloc-defaults () `((kloc . ,(make-num :min 2 :max 2000))))
(defun a-defaults () `((a . ,(make-one-a :line (point-to-line 2 1 10 0.6)))))
(defun b-defaults () `((b . ,(make-one-b :num (make-num :min 0 :max 1)))))
(defun defect-removal-defaults () `((aa . ,(make-dr :range (make-r16) :rout (make-rdr) :dout (make-ddr) :cout (make-codr))) (etat . ,(make-dr :range (make-r16) :rout (make-rdr) :dout (make-ddr) :cout (make-codr))) (pr . ,(make-dr :range (make-r16) :rout (make-rdr) :dout (make-ddr) :cout (make-codr)))))
(defun sf-defaults () `((flex . ,(make-sf :range (make-r25) :effort (make-sfs) :rsf (make-rsf) :dsf (make-dsf) :csf (make-csf))) (pmat . ,(make-sf :range (make-r15) :effort (make-sfs) :rsf (make-rsf) :dsf (make-dsf) :csf (make-csf))) (prec . ,(make-sf :range (make-r15) :effort (make-sfs) :rsf (make-rsf) :dsf (make-dsf) :csf (make-csf))) (resl . ,(make-sf :range (make-r15) :effort (make-sfs) :rsf (make-rsf) :dsf (make-dsf) :csf (make-csf))) (team . ,(make-sf :range (make-r15) :effort (make-sfs) :rsf (make-rsf) :dsf (make-dsf) :csf (make-csf)))))
(defun em-defaults() `((acap . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (aexp . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (cplx . ,(make-em :range (make-r16) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin+) :din (make-din+) :cin (make-cin+))) (data . ,(make-em :range (make-r25) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin+) :din (make-din+) :cin (make-cin+))) (docu . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (ltex . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (pcap . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin+) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (pcon . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (plex . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (pvol . ,(make-em :range (make-r25) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin+) :din (make-din+) :cin (make-cin+))) (rely . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (ruse . ,(make-em :range (make-r26) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin+) :din (make-din+) :cin (make-cin+))) (sced . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (site . ,(make-em :range (make-r16) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-))) (stor . ,(make-em :range (make-r36) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin+) :din (make-din+) :cin (make-cin+))) (time . ,(make-em :range (make-r36) :effort (make-em+) :rin (make-rin+) :din (make-din+) :cin (make-cin+))) (tool . ,(make-em :range (make-r15) :effort (make-em-) :rin (make-rin-) :din (make-din-) :cin (make-cin-)))))
The effort model returns total staff months (155 hours, includes all development and management activities) to complete the software.
(defun effort () "return total development+management effort in months" (macrolet ((f (x) `(em2effort ',x)) (s (x) `(sf2effort ',x))) (let ((a (! 'a)) (b (! 'b)) (kloc (! 'kloc))) (* a (expt kloc (+ b (* 0.01 (+ (s prec) (s flex) (s resl) (s team) (s pmat))))) (f time) (f stor) (f data) (f pvol) (f ruse) (f rely) (f docu) (f acap) (f pcap) (f pcon) (f aexp) (f plex) (f ltex) (f tool) (f cplx) (f site) (f sced)))))
The months model returns the calendar months required to build the system (so staff = effort/months).
(defun months (&optional (pm (effort))) "return elapsed development time (in months)" (macrolet ((f (x) `(em2effort ',x)) (s (x) `(sf2effort ',x))) (let* ((c 3.67) (d 0.28) (sced (em-range (! 'sced))) (scedPercents '((1 . 75) (2 . 85) (3 . 100) (4 . 130) (5 . 160))) (scedPercent (geta sced scedPercents)) (pmNs (/ pm (f sced))) (elessb (* 0.01 (+ (s prec) (s flex) (s resl) (s team) (s pmat)))) (f (+ d (* 0.2 elessb)))) (* c (expt pmNs f) (/ scedPercent 100)))))
Note that the months model is computed from the effort model. However, the relationship is not simple. The following plot shows effort/months computerd using this model. The relationship between these relations is
months 180 ++--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------++ + + + + + + eff-mnths A + 160 ++ A ++ | A | 140 ++ ++ | A | 120 ++ A ++ | A A AA A | 100 ++ AAA +A | A A AA | | A A AAA A A AA A A A A A | 80 ++AAA AAAA A A A ++ |AAA AAA AA A | 60 +AAAAAAAAA AA A A ++ AAAAAAAA AAA A | 40 AAAAAAA ++ AAAA | 20 AA ++ A + + + + + + + 0 A+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------++ 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 effort
Not built yet.