#! /bin/bash # Example of running range: simply give it the train and test file names. # It expects to have data preprocessed like this. # This is simply an example so I'm using the same file twice, but please try with others. # Create tmp directory if necessary if [ ! -d /tmp/$USER ] then mkdir "/tmp/$USER" fi cd .. # Set up data to demonstrate usage Data="/tmp/$USER/nasa93_all.csv.numeric" Train="/tmp/$USER/train.csv" Test="/tmp/$USER/test.csv" echo -n "" > $Train echo -n "" > $Test echo "Preprocessing data file" gawk -f ../baker_lc/convertcsv.awk Method="COC81" Style="precise" "../data/nasa93.csv" > $Data echo "Preprocessed data stored at "$Data N=$(gawk 'END{print NR}' $Data) i=$(gawk -v X=$RANDOM -v N=$N 'BEGIN{print int(N*(X/32767))}') gawk -v X=$i -v Train=$Train -v Test=$Test '{if(NR==X){print $0 >> Test}else{print $0 >> Train}}' $Data echo "Training file generated and stored at "$Train echo "Test file generated and stored at "$Test echo "This may take a few minutes because COCOMOST has to run N+1 times and there are a lot of I/O operations to make the training files." echo "" # Run range #./range $Train $Test Seed=$RANDOM echo "Seed="$Seed ./cocomostRange $Train $Test $Seed