"$Id: vimspell.vim,v 1.100 2005/09/14 11:51:40 clabaut Exp $ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Name: vimspell " Description: Use ispell or aspell to highlight spelling errors on the " fly, or on demand. " Author: Mathieu Clabaut " Original Author: Claudio Fleiner " Maintainer: Mathieu Clabaut " Url: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=465 " " GetLatestVimScripts: 465 2966 vimspell.vim " " Last Change: 14-Sep-2005. " " Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it " and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public " License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt " " Credits: Claudio Fleiner for the original " script, " Matthias Veit for " implementation idea of fly spelling. " Bob Hiestand for his " cvscommand.vim script, which was a reference for " documentation, vim usage, some ideas and functions. " Peter Valach for suggestions, bug " corrections, and vim conformance tip. " Markus Braun for several bug " report and patches :-). He helped me in reducing the " TODO list and in doing early testing before each " release. " Tim Allen for showing " me a way to autogenerate help file in his 'posting' " script. " Mikolaj Machowski for implementation of " on the fly spell checking in insert mode. " Guo-Peng Wen for several patches, improvements and code " cleaning. " Hari Krishna Dara who shows me how to map a key which " calls a function without leaving the insert mode. " Hugo Haas who suggests the automatic language guessing " function, and provides me with a sample function. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " " Section: Documentation "---------------------------- " " Documentation should be available by ":help vimspell" command, once the " script has been copied in you .vim/plugin directory. " " You still can read the documentation at the end of this file. Locate it by " searching the "vimspell-contents" string (and set ft=help to have " appropriate syntaxic coloration). " " Section: Plugin header {{{1 " loaded_vimspell is set to 1 when the initialization begins, and 2 when it " completes. This allows various actions to only be taken by functions after " system initialization. " Exit quickly when already loaded or when 'compatible' is set. if exists("loaded_vimspell") || &compatible finish endif " Line continuation used here let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Use a trick to get the number of this script (from Vim " documentation). map xx xx let s:sid=substitute(maparg("xx"),"xx","","") unmap xx let loaded_vimspell = 1 "causes a bug with iskeyword usage when encoding=utf-8 "scriptencoding iso-8859-15 " Filetype, spell checker and/or language dependents default options {{{2 let s:spell_ispell_tex_args = "-t" let s:spell_ispell_html_args = "-H" let s:spell_ispell_sgml_args = "-H" let s:spell_ispell_nroff_args = "-n" let s:spell_aspell_tex_args = "--mode=tex" let s:spell_aspell_html_args = "--mode=sgml" let s:spell_aspell_sgml_args = "--mode=sgml" let s:spell_aspell_mail_args = "--mode=email" " In french for example, "l'objet" or "½uvre" are words recognized by ispell. " add "'", "e in o" and "e in a" to 'iskeyword' " 'there should probably be some encoding consideration here... ? ) " let s:spell_francais_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,39,½,æ,¼,Æ,-" let s:spell_russian_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,^a-z,^A-Z" let s:spell_english_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,^192-255" " The double quote is used in latex for umlauts (which are written like "a, " "o, "u in latex) let s:spell_german_tex_iskeyword = "@,48-57,192-255,=,92,34" let s:spell_francais_tex_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,39,½,æ,¼,Æ,-,:,\\" let s:known_spellchecker = "aspell,ispell" if has("win32") || has("win16") let s:grep="findstr " let s:find="dir /B " let s:findname=" " let s:findopt=" " let s:default_spell_shell=&shell let s:os="dos" else let s:grep="grep " let s:find="find " let s:findname=" -name " let s:findopt=" -print -type f " let s:default_spell_shell="/bin/sh" let s:os="unix" endif " Section: Utility functions {{{1 " " Function: s:SpellMenuAlternatives() {{{2 " Propose alternative for keyword under cursor. Build popup menu to provide " alternatives. function! s:SpellMenuAlternatives() call s:SpellCheckLanguage(1) let l:alternatives=s:SpellSystem("echo \"".escape(expand(""),'\"')."\" | " \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -a -d ".b:spell_language) " add \n, that the next substitute works let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "^", "\n", "g") " delete all irrelevant lines let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "\n[@*#][^\n]*", "", "g") " join lines let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "\n", "", "g") " delete irrelevant begin of alternatives let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "^.*: \\(.*\\)", "\\1, ", "") let l:alterNr=1 let l:alter="" let l:index=stridx(l:alternatives, ", ") while (l:index > 0 && l:alterNr <= 20) let l:oneAlter=strpart(l:alternatives, 0, l:index) let l:alternatives=strpart(l:alternatives, l:index+2) let l:index=stridx(l:alternatives, ", ") let l:oneAlter=escape(l:oneAlter,'"') let alter=alter."amenu 1.5 PopUp.Spell.".l:oneAlter \ ." :call SpellReplace(\"".l:oneAlter."\") |" let l:alterNr=l:alterNr+1 endwhile :silent! exe "aunmenu PopUp.Spell" if l:alter !=? "" exe l:alter "else "amenu 1.5 PopUp.Spell :echo "no alternatives" endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellProposeAlternatives() {{{2 " Propose alternative for keyword under cursor. Define mapping used to correct " the word under the cursor. function! s:SpellProposeAlternatives() " If auto spelling is not enable, we should ensure that SpellSetupBuffer was " called in order to work properly. if !s:enable_autocommand call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif call s:SpellCheckLanguage(1) let l:alternatives=s:SpellSystem("echo \"".escape(expand(""),'\"')."\" | " \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . " -a -d ".b:spell_language) " add \n, that the next substitute works let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "^", "\n", "g") " delete all irrelevant lines let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "\n[@*#][^\n]*", "", "g") " join lines let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "\n", "", "g") " delete irrelevant begin of alternatives let l:alternatives=substitute(l:alternatives, "^.*: \\(.*\\)", "\\1, ", "") let l:alterValue="," let l:alterNr=1 let l:alter="" let l:index=stridx(l:alternatives, ", ") while (l:index > 0 && l:alterNr <= 20) let l:oneAlter=strpart(l:alternatives, 0, l:index) let l:alternatives=strpart(l:alternatives, l:index+2) let l:index=stridx(l:alternatives, ", ") let l:oneAlter=escape(l:oneAlter,'"') let alter=alter."echo \"".l:alterNr.": ".l:oneAlter."\"|" let l:alterValue=l:alterValue.l:alterNr.": ".l:oneAlter."," let l:alterNr=l:alterNr+1 endwhile let l:replaced=0 if l:alter !=? "" echo "Checking ".expand("") \.": Type 0 for no change, * to replace all or :" exe l:alter echo ">" let c=nr2char(getchar()) if c == '*' let replace="call s:SpellReplaceEverywhere(word)" let c=nr2char(getchar()) else let replace="call s:SpellReplace(word)" endif if '0' <= c && c <= '9' if l:alterNr > 10 " l:alterNr == 10 means 9 alternatives let ch=nr2char(getchar()) if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' let c = c * 10 + ch endif endif if c > '0' && c < l:alterNr let word=substitute(l:alterValue,'^.*,'.c.': \([^,]\+\),.*', '\1','') if word != l:alterValue silent exe replace let l:replaced=1 endif endif redraw endif else echo "no alternatives" endif if l:replaced && b:spell_auto_jump call s:SpellNextError(1) endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellReplace() {{{2 " Replace word under cursor by the string given in parameter function! s:SpellReplace(s) exe "normal ciw".a:s."\" endfunction " Function: s:SpellReplaceEverywhere() {{{2 " Replace word under cursor by the string given in parameter, in the whole " text. function! s:SpellReplaceEverywhere(s) exe ":%s/\\C\\<".expand("")."\\>/".a:s."/g" normal  endfunction " Function: s:SpellContextMapping() {{{2 " Define mapping defined for spell checking. function! s:SpellContextMapping() execute "map " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_case_accept_map","si") \ . " :call SpellCaseAccept()" execute "map " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_accept_map","su") \ . " :call SpellAccept()" execute "map " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_ignore_map","sa") \ . " :call SpellIgnore()" execute "map " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_exit_map","sq") \ . " :let @_=SpellAutoDisable()" execute "map " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_next_error_map","sn") \ . " :call SpellNextError(1)" "\ . ' /\<\(' . escape(b:spellerrors, "\\") . '\)\>' execute "map " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_previous_error_map","sp") \ . " :call SpellNextError(0)" endfunction " Function: s:SpellNextError() {{{2 " search next word with spelling error (way = 1 : next, way = 0 : previous) function! s:SpellNextError(way) let l:save_hls = &l:hlsearch setlocal nohlsearch " save position let l:cursorPosition = line(".") . " | normal!" . virtcol(".") . " |" let l:HLName = "" let l:found = -1 let l:found_col = 0 let l:first_found = 0 let l:first_found_col = 0 " use line and column info to prevent infinite loop while(l:found \ && (l:found != l:first_found || l:first_found_col != l:found_col) \ && l:HLName != "SpellErrors") if l:first_found == 0 && l:found != -1 let l:first_found = l:found let l:first_found_col = l:found_col endif if a:way let l:found = search('\<\(' . b:spellerrors. '\)\>') else let l:found = search('\<\(' . b:spellerrors. '\)\>', 'b') endif let l:found_col = col(".") let l:HLName = \ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(l:found, l:found_col, 1)), "name") endwhile if l:HLName != "SpellErrors" exe l:cursorPosition endif "echomsg l:found . " " . l:first_found . " ". l:found_col . " " . l:first_found_col . " ".l:HLName let &l:hlsearch=l:save_hls endfunction " Function: s:SpellSetIskeyword() {{{2 " Set keyword definition, and add language specific keyword. Called when " setting up a new buffer function! s:SpellSetIskeyword() let l:options="spell_".b:spell_language."_".&filetype."_iskeyword" if exists("s:".l:options) let l:ik_options=s:SpellGetOption(l:options,s:{l:options}) else let l:ik_options=s:SpellGetOption(l:options,"") endif "if no filetype and language specific option exists, try to find a language "only specific option. if l:ik_options == "" let l:options="spell_".b:spell_language."_iskeyword" if exists("s:".l:options) let l:ik_options=s:SpellGetOption(l:options,s:{l:options}) else let l:ik_options=s:SpellGetOption(l:options,"") endif endif if (l:ik_options != "") execute "setlocal iskeyword=".l:ik_options endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellCreateTemp() {{{2 " Create temp file use for fly spell checking. Define various window dependent " variables. function! s:SpellCreateTemp() if !exists("w:tempname") let w:tempname = tempname() endif let w:wtop=0 let w:wbottom=0 let b:my_changedtick=b:changedtick endfunction " Function: s:SpellDeleteTemp() {{{2 function! s:SpellDeleteTemp() if exists("w:tempname") call delete(w:tempname) endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellCaseAccept() {{{2 " add keyword under cursor to local dictionary, keeping case. function! s:SpellCaseAccept() let @_=s:SpellSystem('(echo "*'.escape(expand(""),'\"'). '"; echo "#") | ' \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options \ . " -a -d ".b:spell_language) if exists("b:spellcorrected") let b:spellcorrected=b:spellcorrected."\\|".escape(expand(""),"'\"") else let b:spellcorrected=escape(expand(""),"'\"") endif syntax case match syntax clear SpellCorrected execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellcorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options if b:spell_auto_jump call s:SpellNextError(1) endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellAccept() {{{2 " add lowercased keyword under cursor to local dictionary function! s:SpellAccept() let @_=s:SpellSystem('(echo "&'.escape(expand(""),'\"') . '";echo "#") | ' \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options \ . " -a -d ".b:spell_language) if exists("b:spellicorrected") let b:spellicorrected=b:spellicorrected."\\|".escape(expand(""),"'\"") else let b:spellicorrected=escape(expand(""),"'\"") endif syntax case ignore syntax clear SpellCorrected execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellicorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options if b:spell_auto_jump call s:SpellNextError(1) endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellIgnore() {{{2 " ignore keyword under cursor for current vim session. function! s:SpellIgnore() if exists("b:spellcorrected") let b:spellcorrected=b:spellcorrected."\\|".escape(expand(""),"'\"") else let b:spellcorrected=escape(expand(""),"'\"") endif syntax case match syntax clear SpellCorrected execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellcorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options if b:spell_auto_jump call s:SpellNextError(1) endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellCheckLanguage() {{{2 " verify that a language is defined or else defined one. function! s:SpellCheckLanguage(setisk) if !exists("b:spell_syntax_options") let b:spell_syntax_options="" endif if !exists("b:spell_language") " take first language let b:spell_language=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,",.*","","") if s:enable_menu exec "amenu disable ".s:menu."Spell.Language.".b:spell_language endif endif if a:setisk call s:SpellSetIskeyword() endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellVerifyLanguage(a:language) {{{2 " Verify the availability of the language for the previously selected " spell checker. function! s:SpellVerifyLanguage(language) if b:spell_executable == "ispell" || b:spell_executable == "aspell" let l:dirs = \ system("echo word |". b:spell_executable . b:spell_verify_option \." -d ". a:language . b:spell_verify_command ) if v:shell_error != 0 echo "Language '". a:language ."' not known from ". b:spell_executable ."." return 1 endif else echo "No driver for '". b:spell_executable."' spell checker." return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Function: s:SpellGuessLanguage() {{{2 " try to guess spelling language function! s:SpellGuessLanguage() call s:SpellCheckLanguage(1) let l:langnum=1 let l:score=999999 let l:bestlang="" let l:maxlines=s:SpellGetOption("spell_guess_max_lines",0) let l:mlang=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,",.*","","") " better language recognition for mailtype ? if (&filetype == "mail") let l:spell_options="" else let l:spell_options=b:spell_options endif "TODO : allow the use of anonymous buffer (if expand("%") returns empty) while matchstr(l:mlang,",") == "" \ && l:langnum <= s:SpellGetOption("spell_guess_max_languages",3) if (l:maxlines > 0) let l:errors=s:SpellSystem("head -" . l:maxlines . " " \. escape(expand("%"),' \') \. " | " . b:spell_executable . l:spell_options . b:spell_verify_option \." -d " . l:mlang . b:spell_verify_command) else let l:errors=s:SpellSystem(b:spell_executable . l:spell_options \. b:spell_verify_option . " -d " . l:mlang . b:spell_verify_command \. " < " . escape(expand("%"),' \')) endif let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"') let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") let l:spellcount=0 let l:errorcount=0 "count errors and get the score from it while (l:index > 0 && l:errorcount <= l:score) " use stridx/strpart instead of sustitute, because it is faster let l:errors=strpart(l:errors, l:index+1) let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") let l:errorcount=l:errorcount+1 endwhile if l:errorcount < l:score let l:score = l:errorcount let l:bestlang = l:mlang endif echomsg l:errorcount."-".l:score.":".l:mlang let l:langnum = l:langnum + 1 let l:mlang=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,".*\\C" . l:mlang \ . ",\\([^,]\\+\\),.*","\\1","") endwhile redraw! if (l:bestlang != "") call s:SpellSetLanguage(l:bestlang) endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellGetDicoList() {{{2 " try to find a list of installed dictionaries function! s:SpellGetDicoList() let l:default = "english,francais" let l:dirfiles="" if b:spell_executable == "ispell" " Try to get libdir from ispell -vv let l:dirs = s:SpellSystem('ispell -vv | '.s:grep.' LIBDIR') let l:dirs=substitute(l:dirs,'^.*["]\([^"]*\)["].*','\1','') " else try some standard installation path (for older ispell ?) if !isdirectory(l:dirs) if s:os == "dos" let l:dirs = "C:\\ISpell\\lib" endif if isdirectory("/usr/lib/ispell/") let l:dirs = "/usr/lib/ispell/" elseif isdirectory("/usr/local/lib/ispell/") let l:dirs = "/usr/local/lib/ispell/" else let l:dirs = "/usr/local/lib" endif endif if s:os == "dos" let l:dirs = substitute(l:dirs, "\/", "\\", "g") let l:dirfiles = s:SpellSystem(s:find . l:dirs . "\\" . '*.hash') let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"[\r\n]*$","","") else let l:dirfiles = glob("`".s:find . l:dirs . s:findname . '"*.hash"' . s:findopt ."`") let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\/[^\n]*\/","","g") let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"[^\\\/]*\/[^\n]*\/","","g") endif let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"[^\n]*-[^\n]*\n","","g") let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\.hash","","g") let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\n",",","g") elseif b:spell_executable == "aspell" " Thanks to Alexandre Beneteau for showing " me a way to get aspell directory for dictionaries. let l:dirs = system('aspell config dict-dir') "don't know, why there is a char at the end of line ? Get rid of it. let l:dirs = substitute(l:dirs,".$","","") " Do you know how find base directory for the dictionary? " Unfortunately, "aspell config dict-dir" return only " relative path, not absolut. :( At me: "dicts" " I have aspell version. At this moment 05.01.2005 it's the " last one. At DOS/Windows C:\Aspell is the default install directory, " so we can try to get this one. :( if !isdirectory(l:dirs) && s:os == "dos" let l:dirs = "C:\\ASpell\\" . l:dirs endif if s:os == "dos" let l:dirs = substitute(l:dirs, "\/", "\\", "g") let l:dirfiles = s:SpellSystem(s:find . l:dirs . "\\" . '*.multi') let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"[\r\n]*$","","") else let l:dirfiles = glob("`".s:find . l:dirs . s:findname . '"*.multi"' . s:findopt ."`") let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\/[^\n]*\/","","g") endif let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"[^\n]*-[^\n]*\n","","g") let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\.multi","","g") let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles,"\n",",","g") endif if l:dirfiles != "" let l:dirfiles = substitute(l:dirfiles, '[~]', '\\~','') return l:dirfiles else return l:default endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellGetOption(name, default) {{{2 " Grab a user-specified option to override the default provided. Options are " searched in the window, buffer, then global spaces. function! s:SpellGetOption(name, default) if exists("w:" . a:name) execute "return w:".a:name elseif exists("b:" . a:name) execute "return b:".a:name elseif exists("g:" . a:name) execute "return g:".a:name else return a:default endif endfunction " " Function: s:SpellChangeFileType() {{{2 " function! s:SpellChangeFileType(ft) if !exists("b:spell_syntax_ft") || b:spell_syntax_ft != a:ft call s:SpellTuneCommentSyntax(a:ft) unlet! b:spell_buffer_setup call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif endfunction " " Function: s:SpellTuneCommentSyntax() {{{2 " Add support to do spell checking inside comment. Idea from engspchk.vim from " Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. . " This can be done only for those syntax files' comment blocks that " contains=@cluster. function! s:SpellTuneCommentSyntax(ft) if !exists("b:spell_syntax_ft") || b:spell_syntax_ft != a:ft let b:spell_syntax_ft = a:ft " Special treatment for filetype which do not use @Spell cluster. if a:ft == "amiga" syn cluster amiCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected " highlight only in comments (i.e. if SpellErrors are contained). let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "bib" syn cluster bibVarContents contains=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected syn cluster bibCommentContents contains=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "c" || a:ft == "cpp" syn cluster cCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "csh" syn cluster cshCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "dcl" syn cluster dclCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "fortran" syn cluster fortranCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected syn match fortranGoodWord contained "^[Cc]\>" syn cluster fortranCommentGroup add=fortranGoodWord hi link fortranGoodWord fortranComment let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "sh" || a:ft == "ksh" || a:ft == "bash" syn cluster shCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected elseif a:ft == "b" syn cluster bCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "xml" syn cluster xmlText add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected syn cluster xmlString add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected syn cluster xmlRegionHook add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "tex" syn cluster texCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected syn cluster texMatchGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected elseif a:ft == "vim" syn cluster vimCommentGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" elseif a:ft == "otl" syn cluster otlGroup add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" endif " @Spell cluster must be defined in new syntax files syn cluster Spell add=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected " by default, only errors in Spell cluster are highlight if !exists("b:spell_syntax_options") let b:spell_syntax_options = "contained" endif "but not for markup languages, where spelling errors must be also "highlighted outside of the Spell cluster. if stridx(s:SpellGetOption("spell_markup_ft", \ ",html,php,xhtml,dtml,tex,mail,text,help,Wikipedia,,"), ",".a:ft.",") > -1 let b:spell_syntax_options = "" endif endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellSetupBuffer() {{{2 " Set buffer dependents variables. This function is called when entering a " buffer. function! s:SpellSetupBuffer() " If automatic spell checking configuration for each buffer is not enabled, " make sure we only do setup for each buffer once: if !s:enable_autocommand && exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") return endif " This flag indicates that spell buffer is being, or has been setup. " It's put here to avoid possible reentering problem. let b:spell_buffer_setup=1 " If we're editing a directory rather than a file, return now to avoid " breaking syntax highlighting. Spell checking directories doesn't look like " a necessary feature. if isdirectory(expand("%")) return endif let b:spell_shell=s:SpellGetOption("spell_shell",s:default_spell_shell) call s:SpellSetSpellchecker(s:SpellGetOption("spell_executable","ispell")) let b:spell_filter=s:SpellGetOption("spell_filter","") if exists("b:spell_filter") && b:spell_filter != "" let b:spell_filter_pipe=b:spell_filter . "|" else let b:spell_filter_pipe="" endif " get filetype and speller dependent options. let l:options="spell_".b:spell_executable."_".&filetype."_args" if exists("s:".l:options) let l:ft_options=s:SpellGetOption(l:options,s:{l:options}) else let l:ft_options=s:SpellGetOption(l:options,"") endif if b:spell_executable == "ispell" " -S : sort by probability option. let b:spell_options=s:SpellGetOption("spell_options","-S") elseif b:spell_executable == "aspell" let b:spell_options=s:SpellGetOption("spell_options","") "TODO add auto encoding recognition. endif let b:spell_options = " " . b:spell_options ." " .l:ft_options ." " " set on-the-fly spell check, if filetype is set to a type in " spell_auto_type variable (particular case for "all" and "none"), and if " nothing is known about b:spell_auto_enable (we do not want to re-enable " spell checking on a buffer where it was previously disabled. let b:spell_auto_type = s:SpellGetOption("spell_auto_type", \"tex,mail,text,html,sgml,otl,cvs,none") let b:spell_guess_language_ft = s:SpellGetOption("spell_guess_language_ft", \"tex,mail,text,html") if !exists("b:spell_auto_enable") \ && ( (strlen(&filetype) \ && (match(b:spell_auto_type,'\<'.&filetype.'\>') >= 0 \ ||match(b:spell_auto_type, '\') >=0 ) \ ) \ || (!strlen(&filetype) \ && match(b:spell_auto_type, '\') >=0 ) \ ) " Shall we try to guess the language use ? if ( (strlen(&filetype) \ && (match(b:spell_guess_language_ft,'\<'.&filetype.'\>') >= 0 \ ||match(b:spell_guess_language_ft, '\') >=0 ) \ ) \ || (!strlen(&filetype) \ && match(b:spell_guess_language_ft, '\') >=0 ) \ ) call s:SpellAutoEnable(1) else call s:SpellAutoEnable(0) endif else let b:spell_auto_enable=0 if s:SpellGetOption("spell_insert_mode",1) && exists("b:save_backspace") let &backspace=b:save_backspace endif endif call s:SpellCheckLanguage(0) call s:SpellTuneCommentSyntax(&l:ft) " user need to be able to backspace before the start of insertion if " spell_insert_mode is set... (else backspace won't work for the user...) if s:SpellGetOption("spell_insert_mode",1) let b:save_backspace=&backspace if &backspace =~ '[012]' set backspace=2 else set backspace-=start backspace+=start endif endif let b:spell_auto_jump = s:SpellGetOption("spell_auto_jump",1) endfunction "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' " Function: s:SpellInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision) {{{2 " Install help documentation. " Arguments: " full_name: Full name of this vim plugin script, including path name. " revision: Revision of the vim script. #version# mark in the document file " will be replaced with this string with 'v' prefix. " Return: " 1 if new document installed, 0 otherwise. " Note: Cleaned and generalized by guo-peng Wen "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' function! s:SpellInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision) " Name of the document path based on the system we use: if (has("unix")) " On UNIX like system, using forward slash: let l:slash_char = '/' let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir -p ' else " On M$ system, use backslash. Also mkdir syntax is different. " This should only work on W2K and up. let l:slash_char = '\' let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir ' endif let l:doc_path = l:slash_char . 'doc' let l:doc_home = l:slash_char . '.vim' . l:slash_char . 'doc' " Figure out document path based on full name of this script: let l:vim_plugin_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h') let l:vim_doc_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h:h') . l:doc_path if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) echomsg "Doc path: " . l:vim_doc_path execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"' if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) " Try a default configuration in user home: let l:vim_doc_path = expand("~") . l:doc_home if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"' if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) " Put a warning: echomsg "Unable to open documentation directory" echomsg " type :help add-local-help for more informations." return 0 endif endif endif endif " Exit if we have problem to access the document directory: if (!isdirectory(l:vim_plugin_path) \ || !isdirectory(l:vim_doc_path) \ || filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) != 2) return 0 endif " Full name of script and documentation file: let l:script_name = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t') let l:doc_name = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t:r') . '.txt' let l:plugin_file = l:vim_plugin_path . l:slash_char . l:script_name let l:doc_file = l:vim_doc_path . l:slash_char . l:doc_name " Bail out if document file is still up to date: if (filereadable(l:doc_file) && \ getftime(l:plugin_file) < getftime(l:doc_file)) return 0 endif " Prepare window position restoring command: if (strlen(@%)) let l:go_back = 'b ' . bufnr("%") else let l:go_back = 'enew!' endif " Create a new buffer & read in the plugin file (me): setl nomodeline exe 'enew!' exe 'r ' . l:plugin_file setl modeline let l:buf = bufnr("%") setl noswapfile modifiable norm zR norm gg " Delete from first line to a line starts with " === START_DOC 1,/^=\{3,}\s\+START_DOC\C/ d " Delete from a line starts with " === END_DOC " to the end of the documents: /^=\{3,}\s\+END_DOC\C/,$ d " Remove fold marks: % s/{\{3}[1-9]/ / " Add modeline for help doc: the modeline string is mangled intentionally " to avoid it be recognized by VIM: call append(line('$'), '') call append(line('$'), ' v' . 'im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:') " Replace revision: exe "normal :1s/#version#/ v" . a:revision . "/\" " Save the help document: exe 'w! ' . l:doc_file exe l:go_back exe 'bw ' . l:buf " Build help tags: exe 'helptags ' . l:vim_doc_path return 1 endfunction " " Function: s:SpellSystem() {{{2 " Call system function with sh shell. function! s:SpellSystem(command) let l:save_shell = &shell let &shell=b:spell_shell let l:res = system(a:command) let &shell = l:save_shell return l:res endfunction "Function: s:SpellAddTriggerMapping(key) {{{2 " Add an insert mode mapping triggering line spell checking. function! s:SpellAddTriggerMapping(key) " This function was necessary to prevent the new behavior of vim 6.3 to " disable abbreviation in imap. The side effect was that abbreviation were " not more available with vimspell åctivated in insert mode. let l:oldmap=maparg(a:key,'i') if l:oldmap != "" silent! iunmap silent! iunmap else let l:oldmap = "¬" endif " Using a special char instead of return... Didn't find a mean to use the " same code for ... if a:key != "÷" " Many, many thanks to Hari Krishna Dara who shows me how to map a " function call without leaving insert mode ! silent exec 'imap '.a:key.' ' .l:oldmap \. '=SpellCheckLine("'.a:key.'")' else silent exec 'inoremap ' \. '=SpellCheckLine("")' end endfunction "Function: s:SpellRemoveTriggerMapping(key) {{{1 " Remove an insert mode mapping triggering line spell checking. function! s:SpellRemoveTriggerMapping(key) " Remove spell check from the key mapping, " possibly restoring other mappings if present. let l:oldmap=maparg("",'i') if a:key != "÷" let l:newmap=substitute(l:oldmap,"=".s:sid \.'SpellCheckLine("'.a:key.'")', "", "") exec 'silent! iunmap '.a:key if l:newmap != "" && l:newmap != "¬" exec 'inoremap '.a:key.' '.l:newmap endif else let l:newmap=substitute(l:oldmap,"=".s:sid \.'SpellCheckLine("")', "", "") exec 'silent! iunmap ' if l:newmap != "" && l:newmap != "¬" exec 'inoremap '.l:newmap endif endif endfunction " Section: Spelling functions {{{1 " Function: s:SpellCheck() {{{2 " Spell check the text after *writing* the buffer. Define highlighting and " mapping for correction and navigation. function! s:SpellCheck() echo "Spell check in progress..." " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif " save position let l:cursorPosition = line(".") . "normal!" . virtcol(".") . "|" syn case match call s:SpellCheckLanguage(1) let l:filename=expand("%") if strlen(l:filename) silent update else " the buffer is a new one. let l:save_mod = &modified let l:filename = tempname() " save buffer to a temporary file. normal 1GO if exists("b:spell_filter") && b:spell_filter != "" silent execute ":2,$w!".l:filename else echomsg ":2,$w ! ". b:spell_filter .' > ' .l:filename silent execute ":2,$w ! ". b:spell_filter .' > ' .l:filename endif execute "1d" let &modified = l:save_mod endif syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx" syn clear SpellErrors " This is needed that we can use stridx instead of match for unique error " list. " Clear b:spellerrors when doing a complete check to get rid of old errors let b:spellerrors="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt\\" let b:spellcorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt" let b:spellicorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt" if exists("b:spell_filter") && b:spell_filter != "" let l:errors=s:SpellSystem('cat '. escape(l:filename,' \'). \ "|".b:spell_filter_pipe \. b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . b:spell_verify_option ." -d " \. b:spell_language . b:spell_verify_command) else let l:errors=s:SpellSystem(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options \. b:spell_verify_option . " -d ".b:spell_language \.b:spell_verify_command . " < ".escape(l:filename,' \')) endif let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"') let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") let l:spellcount=0 let l:errorcount=0 while (l:index > 0) " use stridx/strpart instead of sustitute, because it is faster let l:oneError="|".strpart(l:errors, 0, l:index)."\\" let l:errors=strpart(l:errors, l:index+1) let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") let l:errorcount=l:errorcount+1 " only add new errors " stridx instead of match for better performance if(stridx(b:spellerrors, l:oneError) == -1 ) let b:spellerrors=b:spellerrors . l:oneError let l:spellcount=l:spellcount+1 endif endwhile " remove unneeded tail let b:spellerrors=strpart(b:spellerrors, 0, strlen(b:spellerrors)-1) " install regex for higlight syntax case ignore execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellicorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options syntax case match execute "syntax match SpellErrors \"\\<\\(".b:spellerrors."\\)\\>\" " \ . b:spell_syntax_options execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellcorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options call s:SpellContextMapping() execute l:cursorPosition redraw! echo "Spell check done: ".l:spellcount." possible spell errors in " \ .l:errorcount." words." endfunction " Function: s:SpellCheckWindow() {{{2 " Spell check the text display on the window (+ some lines before and after) " *without* writing the buffer. Define highlighting and mapping for correction " and navigation. function! s:SpellCheckWindow() " SpellCreateTemp must have been called and spell_auto_enable must not be " set or must be equal to 0 if !exists("w:wtop") || (exists("b:spell_auto_enable") && b:spell_auto_enable==0) return endif " save position let l:cursorPosition = line(".") . "normal!" . virtcol(".") . "|" " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif " get the first and last visible line let sosave = &scrolloff let &scrolloff = 0 let l:curpos = line('.') norm H let wtop = line('.') norm L let wbottom = line('.') if has('jumplist') " Purge the jumplist from the two (or less) jump added. if wtop != l:curpos exec "norm \" endif if wbottom != l:curpos exec "norm \" endif else norm `` norm `` endif let &scrolloff = sosave " has something changed (buffer content or window position) ? if wtop == w:wtop && wbottom == w:wbottom && b:my_changedtick == b:changedtick execute l:cursorPosition return endif let b:my_changedtick = b:changedtick let w:wtop = wtop let w:wbottom = wbottom let b:save_mod = &modified " save portion of buffer we are interested in . if exists("b:spell_filter") && b:spell_filter != "" silent execute ":".wtop .",".wbottom."w !". b:spell_filter \ .' > '.w:tempname else silent execute ":".wtop .",".wbottom."w!".w:tempname endif let &modified = b:save_mod " define mappings and syntax highlighting for spelling errors syn case match call s:SpellCheckLanguage(1) syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx" syn clear SpellErrors " This is needed that we can use stridx instead of match for unique error " list if exists("b:spellerrors") let b:spellerrors=b:spellerrors."\\" else let b:spellerrors="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt\\" let b:spellcorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt" let b:spellicorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt" endif let l:errors=s:SpellSystem(b:spell_executable . b:spell_options \. b:spell_verify_option . " -d ".b:spell_language \. b:spell_verify_command. " < ".w:tempname) let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"') let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") while (l:index > 0) " use stridx/strpart instead of sustitude, because it is faster let l:oneError="|".strpart(l:errors, 0, l:index)."\\" let l:errors=strpart(l:errors, l:index+1) let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") " only add new errors " use stridx instead of match for better performance if(stridx(b:spellerrors, l:oneError) == -1 ) let b:spellerrors=b:spellerrors . l:oneError endif endwhile " remove unneeded tail let b:spellerrors=strpart(b:spellerrors, 0, strlen(b:spellerrors)-1) " install regex for syntax highlighting syntax case ignore syntax clear SpellCorrected SpellErrors execute 'syntax match SpellCorrected "\<\('.b:spellicorrected \ . '\)\>" transparent contains=NONE '.b:spell_syntax_options syntax case match execute 'syntax match SpellErrors "\<\('.b:spellerrors.'\)\>" ' \ . b:spell_syntax_options execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellcorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options call s:SpellContextMapping() execute l:cursorPosition "syntax cluster Spell contains=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected endfunction " Function: s:SpellCheckLine() {{{2 " Spell check the line under the cursor *without* writing the buffer. Define " highlighting and mapping for correction and navigation. " May be called by a mapping on , for example. " function! s:SpellCheckLine(char) if a:char != "" let l:linepos = line(".") let l:colpos = col(".") "echomsg 'exe :.s/\%'.l:colpos.'c./'. a:char . '/' silent! exe ':.s/.\%' . l:colpos.'c/'. a:char . '/' if strpart(&encoding, 0, 1) == "u" " ugly hack - l:colpos - 1 prevents incorrect cursor positioning when " is pressed within a line. This applies only to Unicode " encodings. let l:colpos = l:colpos - 1 end "echomsg "call cursor(". l:linepos.", ".l:colpos.")" call cursor(l:linepos, l:colpos) end " return if there is not a word character before the cursor " or if there is a one character word (use -3 instead of -2, to prevent " side effect, which move cursor on the last chars. see :h i_CTRL-O if getline(line("."))[col(".") - 3] !~ '\k' return "" endif " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif " define mappings and syntax highlighting for spelling errors syn case match call s:SpellCheckLanguage(1) syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx" syn clear SpellErrors " This is needed that we can use stridx instead of match for unique error " list if exists("b:spellerrors") let b:spellerrors=b:spellerrors."\\" else let b:spellerrors="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt\\" let b:spellcorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt" let b:spellicorrected="nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt" endif let l:ispexpr = "echo \"".escape(getline('.'),'$[]\"<>`')."\"|".b:spell_filter_pipe \ . b:spell_executable . b:spell_options . b:spell_verify_option \ . ' -d '.b:spell_language . b:spell_verify_command let l:errors=s:SpellSystem(l:ispexpr) let l:errors=escape(l:errors,'"') let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") while (l:index > 0) " use stridx/strpart instead of sustitude, because it is faster let l:oneError="|".strpart(l:errors, 0, l:index)."\\" let l:errors=strpart(l:errors, l:index+1) let l:index=stridx(l:errors, "\n") " only add new errors " use stridx instead of match for better performance if(stridx(b:spellerrors, l:oneError) == -1 ) let b:spellerrors=b:spellerrors . l:oneError endif endwhile " remove unneeded tail let b:spellerrors=strpart(b:spellerrors, 0, strlen(b:spellerrors)-1) " install regex for syntax highlighting syntax case ignore syntax clear SpellCorrected SpellErrors execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellicorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options syntax case match execute "syntax match SpellErrors \"\\<\\(".b:spellerrors."\\)\\>\" " \ . b:spell_syntax_options execute "syntax match SpellCorrected \"\\<\\(".b:spellcorrected \ . "\\)\\>\" transparent contains=NONE ".b:spell_syntax_options call s:SpellContextMapping() return "" "syntax cluster Spell contains=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected endfunction " Function: s:SpellAutoEnable() {{{2 " Enable auto spelling. function! s:SpellAutoEnable(guess) if exists("b:spell_auto_enable") && b:spell_auto_enable return endif if s:SpellGetOption("spell_no_readonly",1) && &readonly return endif " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif let b:spell_auto_enable = 1 let filename=bufname(winbufnr(0)) augroup spellchecker execute "autocmd! CursorHold ". filename ." call s:SpellCheckWindow()" execute "autocmd! FocusLost ". filename ." call s:SpellCheckWindow()" execute "autocmd! BufWinEnter ". filename ." call s:SpellCreateTemp()" execute "autocmd! BufEnter ". filename ." call s:SpellCreateTemp()" execute "autocmd! BufWinLeave ". filename ." call s:SpellDeleteTemp()" augroup END call s:SpellCreateTemp() if s:enable_menu exe "amenu disable ".s:menu."Spell.Auto" exe "amenu enable ".s:menu."Spell.No\\ auto" endif " Add mapping if the auto spell is enabled and required in insert " mode (by mean of mapping). " An existing mapping is responsible to insert a space, if it's there. if s:SpellGetOption("spell_insert_mode",1) \ && exists("b:spell_auto_enable") && b:spell_auto_enable call s:SpellAddTriggerMapping("") call s:SpellAddTriggerMapping("÷") call s:SpellAddTriggerMapping('.') call s:SpellAddTriggerMapping(',') " if maparg('','i') == "" " exec 'inoremap =SpellCheckLine("\n")' " endif endif if a:guess call s:SpellGuessLanguage() endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellAutoDisable() {{{2 " Disable auto spelling function! s:SpellAutoDisable() call s:SpellExit() if !exists("b:spell_auto_enable") || b:spell_auto_enable == 0 return endif " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif let b:spell_auto_enable = 0 augroup spellchecker silent "autocmd! CursorHold ". filename silent "autocmd! FocusLost ". filename silent "autocmd! BufWinEnter ". filename silent "autocmd! BufWinLeave ". filename augroup END let &updatetime=g:spell_old_update_time unlet! w:wtop if s:enable_menu exe "amenu enable ".s:menu."Spell.Auto" exe "amenu disable ".s:menu."Spell.No\\ auto" endif if s:SpellGetOption("spell_insert_mode",1) call s:SpellRemoveTriggerMapping("") call s:SpellRemoveTriggerMapping("÷") call s:SpellRemoveTriggerMapping('.') call s:SpellRemoveTriggerMapping(',') endif endfunction " Function: s:SpellSetSpellchecker(a:spellchecker) {{{2 " Select a spell checker executable function! s:SpellSetSpellchecker(prog) if matchstr(s:known_spellchecker,a:prog) == "" echo "No driver for '".a:prog."' spell checker." return endif " Nothing to do if the executable is the same as the one previously set. if exists("b:spell_executable") && b:spell_executable == a:prog return endif " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif if s:enable_menu && exists("b:spell_executable") exec "amenu enable ".s:menu."Spell.".b:spell_executable endif let b:spell_executable=a:prog if (b:spell_executable == "ispell") let b:spell_verify_command = " " let b:spell_verify_option = " -l " else let b:spell_verify_command = " list " let b:spell_verify_option = " " endif if s:enable_menu exec "amenu disable ".s:menu."Spell.".b:spell_executable endif let b:spell_internal_language_list=s:SpellGetOption("spell_language_list", "") if b:spell_internal_language_list != "" " verify user defined language list let l:must_verify = 1 else "get language list (spell checker dependent. Ought to be valid) let b:spell_internal_language_list=s:SpellGetDicoList() let l:must_verify = 0 endif let b:spell_internal_language_list = b:spell_internal_language_list."," " Init language menu if s:enable_menu exec "aunmenu ".s:menu."Spell.Language" endif let l:mlang=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,",.*","","") while matchstr(l:mlang,",") == "" if s:enable_menu && (!l:must_verify || !s:SpellVerifyLanguage(l:mlang)) exec "amenu ".s:prio."50 ".s:menu."Spell.&Language.".l:mlang \ . " :SpellSetLanguage ".l:mlang."" endif " take next one let l:mlang=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,".*\\C" . l:mlang \ . ",\\([^,]\\+\\),.*","\\1","") endwhile "force spell check let b:my_changedtick=0 " remove actual highlighting and spelling errors unlet! b:spellerrors syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx" syn match SpellCorrected "xxxxx" syn clear SpellErrors syn clear SpellCorrected endfunction " Function: s:SpellChangeLanguage() {{{2 " Select next available language function! s:SpellChangeLanguage() " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif if !exists("b:spell_language") " take first language let b:spell_language=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,",.*","","") else if s:enable_menu exec "amenu enable ".s:menu."Spell.Language.".b:spell_language endif " take next one let l:res=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,".*\\C" \ . b:spell_language . ",\\([^,]\\+\\),.*","\\1","") if matchstr(l:res,",") != "" " if no next, take the first let l:res=substitute(b:spell_internal_language_list,",.*","","") endif let b:spell_language=l:res endif if s:enable_menu exec "amenu disable ".s:menu."Spell.Language.".b:spell_language endif " force spell check let b:my_changedtick=0 " remove actual highlighting and spelling errors unlet! b:spellerrors syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx" syn match SpellCorrected "xxxxx" syn clear SpellErrors syn clear SpellCorrected call s:SpellSetIskeyword() echo "Language: ".b:spell_language endfunction " Function: s:SpellSetLanguage(a:language) {{{2 " Select a language function! s:SpellSetLanguage(language) " Make sure spelling check environment is correctly setup before we proceed: if !exists("b:spell_buffer_setup") call s:SpellSetupBuffer() endif call s:SpellCheckLanguage(1) if s:SpellVerifyLanguage(a:language) return endif "create menu if a new language was requested. if match(b:spell_internal_language_list, '\<'.a:language.'\>') < 0 exec "amenu ".s:prio."50 ".s:menu."Spell.&Language.".a:language \ . " :SpellSetLanguage ".a:language."" endif if s:enable_menu exec "amenu enable ".s:menu."Spell.Language.".b:spell_language endif let b:spell_language=a:language if s:enable_menu exec "amenu disable ".s:menu."Spell.Language.".b:spell_language endif "force spell check let b:my_changedtick=0 " remove actual highlighting and spelling errors unlet! b:spellerrors syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx" syn match SpellCorrected "xxxxx" syn clear SpellErrors syn clear SpellCorrected echo "Language: ".b:spell_language endfunction " Function: s:SpellExit() {{{2 " remove syntax highlighting and mapping defined for spell checking. function! s:SpellExit() silent! "unmap " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_case_accept_map","si") silent "unmap " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_accept_map","su") silent "unmap " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_ignore_map","sa") silent "unmap " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_next_error_map","sn") silent "unmap " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_previous_error_map","sp") silent "unmap " \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_exit_map","sq") syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx" syn match SpellCorrected "xxxxx" syn clear SpellErrors syn clear SpellCorrected endfunction " Section: Command definitions {{{1 com! SpellAutoEnable call s:SpellAutoEnable(1) com! SpellAutoDisable call s:SpellAutoDisable() com! SpellCheck call s:SpellCheck() com! SpellExit call s:SpellExit() com! SpellProposeAlternatives call s:SpellProposeAlternatives() com! SpellMenuAlternatives call s:SpellMenuAlternatives() com! SpellChangeLanguage call s:SpellChangeLanguage() com! SpellCheckLine call s:SpellCheckLine() com! -nargs=1 SpellSetLanguage call s:SpellSetLanguage() com! -nargs=1 SpellSetSpellchecker call s:SpellSetSpellchecker() \ echo "Spell checker: ". " Allow reloading vimspell.vim com! SpellReload unlet! loaded_vimspell | SpellAutoDisable \ | runtime plugin/vimspell.vim " Section: Plugin mappings {{{1 nnoremap SpellCheck :SpellCheck nnoremap SpellCheckLine :SpellCheckLine nnoremap SpellExit :SpellExit nnoremap SpellChangeLanguage :SpellChangeLanguage nnoremap SpellAutoEnable :SpellAutoEnable nnoremap SpellAutoDisable :SpellAutoDisable nnoremap SpellProposeAlternatives \ :SpellProposeAlternatives nnoremap SpellMenuAlternatives \ :SpellMenuAlternatives " Section: Default mappings {{{1 if !hasmapto('SpellCheck') nmap ss SpellCheck endif if !hasmapto('SpellAutoEnable') nmap sA SpellAutoEnable endif if !hasmapto('SpellProposeAlternatives') nmap s? SpellProposeAlternatives endif if !hasmapto('SpellChangeLanguage') nmap sl SpellChangeLanguage endif if &mousemodel =~ 'popup' amenu 1.8 PopUp.-SEPx- nnoremap :SpellMenuAlternatives endif " Section: Menu items {{{1 " " The menu will be disable if the root menu name is "-". The s:enable_menu " flag indicates whether vimspell menu is enabled or not. let s:menu=s:SpellGetOption("spell_root_menu","Plugin.") let s:enable_menu=(s:menu ==# '-') ? 0 : 1 if s:enable_menu let s:prio=s:SpellGetOption("spell_root_menu_priority","500.") \ . s:SpellGetOption("spell_menu_priority","10.") if exists("mapleader") && mapleader != "" let s:ml=mapleader else let s:ml="\\" endif let s:sq=substitute(s:SpellGetOption("spell_exit_map","sq"), '', s:ml, "") let s:sp=substitute(s:SpellGetOption("spell_previous_error_map","sp"), '', s:ml, "") let s:sn=substitute(s:SpellGetOption("spell_next_error_map","sn"), '', s:ml, "") let s:sa=substitute(s:SpellGetOption("spell_ignore_map","sa"), '', s:ml, "") let s:su=substitute(s:SpellGetOption("spell_accept_map","su"), '', s:ml, "") let s:si=substitute(s:SpellGetOption("spell_case_accept_map","si"), '', s:ml, "") exe "amenu ".s:prio."10 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&Spell SpellCheck" exe "amenu ".s:prio."15 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&Off SpellExit" exe "amenu ".s:prio."30 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&Language.Next\ one SpellChangeLanguage" exe "amenu ".s:prio." ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&Language.-Sep- :" exe "amenu ".s:prio."40 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.-Sep- :" exe "amenu ".s:prio."45 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.A&uto SpellAutoEnable" exe "amenu ".s:prio."50 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&No\\ auto".s:sq." SpellAutoDisable " exe "amenu ".s:prio."100 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.-Sep2- :" exe "amenu ".s:prio."101 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.aspell :SpellSetSpellchecker aspell" exe "amenu ".s:prio."102 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.ispell :SpellSetSpellchecker ispell" exe "amenu disable ".s:menu."Spell.No\\ auto" exe "amenu ".s:prio."200 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.-Sep3- :" exe "amenu ".s:prio."210 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&Previous\\ error".s:sp." :call SpellNextError(0)" exe "amenu ".s:prio."220 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.N&ext\\ error".s:sn." :call SpellNextError(1)" exe "amenu ".s:prio."230 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&Ignore".s:sa." :call SpellIgnore()" exe "amenu ".s:prio."235 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.&Alternative SpellProposeAlternatives" exe "amenu ".s:prio."240 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.Insert\\ into\\ &dict\\.".s:si." :call SpellCaseAccept()" exe "amenu ".s:prio."250 ".s:menu \ . "Spell.Insert\\ into\\ di&ct\\.\\ (lc)".s:su." :call SpellAccept()" endif " Section: Doc installation {{{1 " let s:revision= \ substitute("$Revision: 1.100 $",'\$\S*: \([.0-9]\+\) \$','\1','') silent! let s:install_status = \ s:SpellInstallDocumentation(expand(':p'), s:revision) if (s:install_status == 1) echom expand(":t:r") . ' v' . s:revision . \ ': Help-documentation installed.' endif " Section: Plugin init {{{1 " highlight default SpellErrors ctermfg=Red guifg=Red cterm=underline gui=underline term=reverse " empty augroup spellchecker augroup spellchecker au! augroup END let g:spell_old_update_time=&updatetime let &updatetime=s:SpellGetOption("spell_update_time",2000) " If the menu and the automatic spelling check are both disabled, we should " not install BufEnter autocommand to minimize performance impact. The flag " s:enable_autocommand is used to indicate whether we should enable " automatic spell checking configuration for each buffer: let s:enable_autocommand=(s:enable_menu || \ s:SpellGetOption("spell_auto_type", "Default") != "") augroup SpellCommandPlugin au! augroup END if s:enable_autocommand augroup SpellCommandPlugin au BufEnter * call s:SpellSetupBuffer() au FileType * call s:SpellChangeFileType(expand("")) augroup END endif " Section: Plugin completion {{{1 let loaded_vimspell=2 let &cpo = s:cpo_save "}}}1 finish """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Section: Documentation content {{{1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" === START_DOC *vimspell.txt* On the fly spell checker with ispell/aspell. #version# VIMSPELL REFERENCE MANUAL~ Spelling text with the plugin "Vimspell" ============================================================================== CONTENT *vimspell-contents* Installation : |vimspell-install| Vimspell intro : |vimspell| Requirements : |vimspell-requirements| Vimspell commands : |vimspell-commands| Customization : |vimspell-customize| Bugs : |vimspell-bugs| Faq : |vimspell-tips| Todo list : |vimspell-todo| ============================================================================== 1. vimspell Installation {{{2 *vimspell-install* In order to install the plugin, place the vimspell.vim file into a plugin directory in your runtime path (please see |add-global-plugin| and |'runtimepath'|). By default, on-the-fly spell checking is enable for certain filetypes only. To disable it put the following line in your .vimrc : > let spell_auto_type = "" < In order to activate it for a filetype, you should redefine the |spell_auto_type| variable (see below). |vimspell| may be customized by setting variables, creating maps, and specifying event handlers. Please see |vimspell-customize| for more details. Set 'mousemodel' to "popup_setpos" in order to enable popup menus (see |vimspell-popup|). *vimspell-auto-help* This help file is automagically generated when the |vimspell| script is loaded for the first time. ============================================================================== 1.1. vimspell requirements *vimspell-requirements* Vimspell needs the following external tools : - 'ispell' or 'aspell' spell checkers It has been tested with vim 6.1, but should also work with vim 6.0. ============================================================================== 2. vimspell intro {{{2 *vimspell* *spell* *vimspell-intro* vimspell script provides functions and mappings to check spelling ; either on demand on the whole buffer, or for the current visible window whenever the cursor is idle for a certain time. The default mappings are defined as follow (By default, stands for '\'. See |Leader| for more info) : ss - write file, spellcheck file & highlight spelling mistakes. sA - start autospell mode. sl - switch between languages. s? - check for alternatives. - open a popup menu with alternatives (see |vimspell-popup|). sn - go to next error. sp - go to previous error. si - insert word under cursor into user dictionary. su - insert word under cursor as lowercase into user dictionary. sa - accept word for this session only. sq - return to normal syntax coloring and disable auto spell checking. Note that those last mappings are only defined once the spelling was checked. See |vimspell-mappings-override| and |vimspell-options| to learn how to override those default mappings. ============================================================================== 3. vimspell commands {{{2 *vimspell-commands* See |vimspell-intro| for default mapping. Vimspell defines the following commands: :SpellCheck *:SpellCheck* Spell check the text after _writing_ the buffer. Define highlighting and mapping for correction and navigation. :SpellAutoEnable *:SpellAutoEnable* Enable on-the-fly spell checking. :SpellAutoDisable *:SpellAutoDisable* Disable on-the-fly spell checking. :SpellChangeLanguage *:SpellChangeLanguage* Select the next language available. :SpellSetLanguage *:SpellSetLanguage* Set the language to the one given as a parameter. :SpellSetSpellchecker *:SpellSetSpellchecker* Set the spell checker to the string given as a parameter (currently, aspell or ispell are supported). :SpellProposeAlternatives *:SpellProposeAlternatives* Propose alternative for keyword under cursor. If more than 10 alternatives exists, you can choose between the first 9 alternatives by typing 1 to 9 follow by the 'return' key, or by typing 01 to 09. :SpellExit *:SpellExit* Remove syntax highlighting and mapping defined for spell checking. :SpellReload *:SpellReload* Reload vimspell script. ============================================================================== 4. Vimspell customization {{{2 *vimspell-customize* 4.1. General configuration {{{3 ~ -------------------------- *loaded_vimspell* *vimspell-disable* You can disable this script by putting the following line in your |vimrc| > let loaded_vimspell = 1 < You can define your own color scheme for error highlighting, by setting |highlight| on SpellErrors group. For example: > highlight SpellErrors guibg=Red guifg=Black < If no words appear to be highlighted after a spell check, try to put the following lines in your |vimrc|: > highlight SpellErrors ctermfg=Red guifg=Red \ cterm=underline gui=underline term=reverse < *vimspell-popup* You can right click on a word to get a popup menu which contains a "Spell" sub-menu with all alternatives for the word under the cursor. In order to get the popup menu, you must be sure that 'mousemodel' is set to "popup" or to "popup_setpos" (see |'mousemodel'|). 4.2. Mapping documentation: {{{3 ~ --------------------------- *vimspell-mappings-override* By default, a global mapping is defined for some commands. User-provided mappings can be used instead by mapping to CommandName. This is especially useful when these mappings collide with other existing mappings (vim will warn of this during plugin initialization, but will not clobber the existing mappings). For instance, to override the default mapping for :SpellCheck to set it to \sc, add the following to the |vimrc|: > nmap \sc SpellCheck < The default global mappings are as follow: ss SpellCheck sA SpellAutoEnable s? SpellProposeAlternatives sl SpellChangeLanguage Other mapping are defined according to the context of utilisation, and can be redefined by mean of buffer-wise variables. See |vimspell-options| here after. 4.3. Options documentation: {{{3 ~ --------------------------- *vimspell-options* Several variables are checked by the script to customize vimspell behavior. Note that variables are looked for in the following order : window dependent variables first, buffer dependent variables next and global ones last (See |internal-variables|, |buffer-variable|, |window-variable| and |global-variable|). spell_case_accept_map *spell_case_accept_map* This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to accept the word under the cursor, taking case into account. Defaults to: > let spell_case_accept_map = "si" < When using 'ispell' the accepted words are put in the ./.ispell_ file if it exists or in the $HOME/.ispell_ file. spell_accept_map *spell_accept_map* This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to accept a lowercase version of the word under the cursor. Defaults to: > let spell_accept_map = "su" < spell_ignore_map *spell_ignore_map* This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to ignore the spelling error for the current session. Defaults to: > let spell_ignore_map = "sa" < spell_next_error_map *spell_next_error_map* This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to jump to the next spelling error. Defaults to: > let spell_next_error_map = "sn" < spell_previous_error_map *spell_previous_error_map* This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to jump to the previous spelling error. Defaults to: > let spell_previous_error_map = "sp" < spell_exit_map *spell_exit_map* This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to exit from spelling-checker mode. Defaults to: > let spell_exit_map = "sq" < spell_executable *spell_executable* This variable, if set, defines the name of the spell-checker. Defaults to: > let spell_executable = "ispell" < spell_filter *spell_filter* This variable, if set, defines the name of a script designed to filter out certain words from the standard input to the standard output. Defaults to: > let spell_filter = "" < For example : > let spell_filter="grep -v '^#' " < would prevent line beginning by # to be spell checked. spell_update_time *spell_update_time* This variable, if set, defines the duration (in ms) between the last cursor movement and the on-the-fly spell check. Defaults to: > let spell_update_time = 2000 < spell_language_list *vimspell_default_language* *spell_language_list* This variable, if set, defines the languages available for spelling. The language names are the ones passed as an option to the spell checker. Defaults to the languages for which a dictionary is present, or if none can be found in the standard location, to: > let spell_language_list = "english,francais" < Note: The first language of this list is the one selected by default. An empty list force vimspell to select dictionaries installed for the selected spell checker. spell_options *spell_options* This variable, if set, defines additional options passed to the spell checker executable. Defaults for ispell to: > let spell_options = "-S" < and for aspell to: > let spell_options = "" < spell_auto_type *spell_auto_type* This variable, if set, defines a list of filetype for which spell check is done on the fly by default. Set it to "all" if you want on-the-fly spell check for every filetype. You can use the token "none" if you want on-the-fly spell check for files which do not have a filetype. Defaults to: > let spell_auto_type = "tex,mail,text,html,sgml,otl,cvs,none" < Note: the "text" and "otl" filetypes are not defined by vim. Look at |new-filetype| to see how you could yourself define a new filetype. spell_guess_language_ft *spell_guess_language_ft* This variable, if set, defines a list of filetype for which vimspell try to automatically find which language is in use. Set it to "all" if you want to use the guess heuristic for every filetype. You can use the token "none" if you want to use it for files which do not have a filetype. Defaults to: > let spell_guess_language_ft = "tex,mail,text,html" < Note: the "text" filetype is not defined by vim. Look at |new-filetype| to see how you could yourself define a new filetype. spell_guess_max_languages *spell_guess_max_languages* This variable if set, set up how many languages are checked against the current buffer when vimspell try to determines the language in use. At most 'spell_ispell_sgml_args' are checked, and the one which best matches the current buffer is selected. Defaults to: > let spell_guess_max_languages = 3 < spell_guess_max_lines *spell_guess_max_lines* This variable, if set to a positive number, defines the number of lines considered when guessing the language of the buffer. Otherwise, the entire buffer is considered. Note that this feature makes use of the 'head' unix command. Defaults to: > let spell_guess_max_lines = 0 < spell_insert_mode *spell_insert_mode* This variable if set, set up a hack to allow spell checking in insert mode. This is normally not possible by mean of autocommands, but is done with a map to the key. Each time that is hit, the current line is spell checked. This feature can slow down vim enough but is otherwise very nice. Note that the mapping is defined only when spell check is done on the fly (see |spell_auto_type|). The 'backspace' may be modified when this option is set. Defaults to: > let spell_insert_mode = 1 < spell_no_readonly *spell_no_readonly* This variable, if set, defines if read-only files are spell checked or not. Defaults to: > let spell_no_readonly = 1 "no spell check for read only files. < spell_auto_jump *spell_auto_jump* This variable, if set, make the cursor automatically jump to the next error after: - inserting a word in the user dictionary, - accepting a word for the editing session, - accepting a suggestion from the alternative list. Defaults to: > let spell_auto_jump = 1 < spell_markup_ft *spell_markup_ft* This variable, if set, defines a list of filetype for which vimspell highlights all errors, and not only those included in the @Spell cluster (see |syn-cluster|). Defaults to: > let spell_markup_ft = ",html,php,xhtml,dtml,tex,mail,help,text,," < Note the beginning and ending commas. spell_{spellchecker}_{filetype}_args *spell_spellchecker_args* *spell_filetype_args* Those variables, if set, define the options passed to the "spellchecker" executable for the files of type "filetype". By default, they are set to options known by ispell and aspell for tex, html, sgml, email filetype. See also |vimspell-ispell-dont-work| below. For example: > let spell_aspell_tex_args = "-t" < spell_{language}_iskeyword *spell_iskeyword* Those variables if set define the characters which are part of a word in the selected language. See |iskeyword| for more informations. Note that the hereafter described variables (the filetype and language dependent ones) overrides, if exists, the spell_{language}_iskeyword variables. The following ones are defined: > let s:spell_francais_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,39,½,æ,¼,Æ,-" let s:spell_russian_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,^a-z,^A-Z" let s:spell_english_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,^192-255" < which says for example that the quote, the hyphen and some other digraphs must be considered as being part of french words. spell_{language}_{filetype}_iskeyword Those variable have exactly the same impact as the previous one, except that they are filetype dependant. The following is defined: > let s:spell_german_tex_iskeyword = "@,48-57,192-255,=,\,34" < which says that the double quote (char 34) must be considered as being part of words in german tex files. spell_root_menu *spell_root_menu* This variable, if set, give the name of the menu in which the vimspell menu will be put. If set to '-', no menu are displayed. Defaults to: > let spell_root_menu = "Plugin." < Note the termination dot. spell_root_menu_priority must be set accordingly. Set them both to "" if you want vimspell menu in the main menu bar. spell_root_menu_priority *spell_root_menu_priority* This variable, if set, give the priority of the menu containing the vimspell menu. Defaults to: > let spell_root_menu_priority = "500." < which is quite on the right of the menu bar. Note the termination dot. spell_menu_priority *spell_menu_priority* This variable, if set, give the priority of the vimspell menu. Defaults to: > let spell_menu_priority = "10." < Note the termination dot. spell_shell *spell_shell* This variable, if set, gives the name of the shell use for the system calls. Defaults to: > let spell_shell = "/bin/sh" < Note that other shells may not work as expected. For example, tcsh quoting differs from bash. ============================================================================== 5. Vimspell FAQ {{{2 *vimspell-faq* *vimspell-ispell-dont-work* When I try to spell check an HTML file using ispell, I got an error like "Not an editor command: -pfile | -wchars | ..." By default, vimspell pass the "-H" option to tell ispell that the file in which he is looking for errors is an HTML file. This option changed accross ispell versions. You should adjust the 'spell_ispell_html_args' and 'spell_ispell_sgml_args' variables appropriately. For example, with ispell 3.1.20, you should set the following lines in your .vimrc : > let spell_ispell_html_args = "-h" let spell_ispell_sgml_args = "-h" < *vimspell-latex-geman-quotes* Use of vimspell for latex file in german. Vimspell should work fine with german and latex but one problem stays: the german quotation marks which can be written "` and "' in latex. When replacing a word between german quotation marks, the last double quote will be replaced, destroying the quotation marks. The solution is to use \glqq and \grqq for german left and right quotation marks. How to minimize overhead on a small configuration. Do not use menu nor auto spell. Put the following line in your .vimrc: > let spell_root_menu = '-' let spell_auto_type = '' let spell_insert_mode = 0 < If you use the automatic guess language feature, you can also limit the number of lines used for guessing (this feature need the external "head" command to work) : > let spell_guess_max_lines = 30 < Or you can disable this feature by putting the following line in your .vimrc: > let spell_guess_language_ft = "" < The number of errors returned by vimspell doesn't match the number of keywords underlined ! Yes. It is a known problem. When calling the SpellCheck function, [ai]spell is fed with the whole text, even if some parts are not concerned by error highlighting (for exemple, in shell scripts, only errors in strings and comments are highlighted). Aspell doesn't understand the "oe" ligature, in iso-8859-15 encoding. Aspell does understant the ligature, but you must use the good dictionary. You can get one at : > http://geodisi.u-strasbg.fr/~daurat/latin9/ < ============================================================================== 6. Vimspell bugs {{{2 *vimspell-bugs* I'm not able to reproduce most of those bug with last version of vim and vimspell. If someone has more information about them, I will welcome them. - BUG digraphs are not passed to aspell/ispell. Since iskeyword is set globally, they are not underlined in red... - When not all errors are highlighted, SpellCheck() display an erroneous error count. - problem when opening file with a swap files. Messages are not visible. to be reproduced... - ispell doesn't seem to work with word containing iso-8559 encoded characters in TeX files... - BUG reported by Fabio Stumbo : Textual navigation in Plugin submenus doesn't work when pressing with the following .vimrc settings: > source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim set wildmenu set cpo-=< set wcm= map :emenu < - BUG reported by Rajarshi Guha. Vim 6.1 hang up with vimspell 1.46 when editing HTML (with EasyHtml 0.5.1 script) and sometimes when editing latex *with aspell*. Vim need kill -9. -- I'm not able to reproduced it with vimspell 1.65 (see also Fabio Stumbo bug below)... - BUG with aspell (aspell- on HTML files where aspell seems to loop infinitely (Fabio Stumbo ). - autocommands are not called in insert mode : this is apparently a feature of VIM. There will perhaps be a hook which will allow this in vim 6.2, but Bram seems quite reluctant in implementing it (because autocomands are dangerous and difficult to test thoroughly). ============================================================================== 7. Vimspell .TODO list {{{2 *vimspell-todo* - Take into account the FileType event to setup buffer correctly. - Add a way to customize the spell checking (so as to not use the syntax highlighting as a way to determine was as to be checked). For example, with the current syntax files, html and xml are badly checked. - Add a command to spellcheck a visually selected region - Add options to prevent some words to be checked (like TODO). If not, their highlighting is overwritten by spellcheck's one (depends of TODO highlighting definition... To be investigated). - selection of syntax group for which spelling is done (for example, only string and comments are of interest in a C source code..) - Partly done. - update documentation to explain the logic behind the existence of to way to redefine mappings, deppending on the mapping. - ... - reduce this TODO list (I didn't think it would have grown so quickly). ============================================================================== === END_DOC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " v im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: " vim600: set foldmethod=marker tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 smartindent smarttab : "fileencoding=iso-8859-15