# /* filetype=sh : */ # -*- sh -*- Tmp=`mktemp -d` trap "cd; rm -rf $Tmp" 0 1 2 3 15 Here=`pwd` cd $Tmp eden() { cat <<-EOF system with autonomy autonomy with 0 ksloc just 75 125 prec just 3 5 flex = 3 resl = 4 team = 3 # type. was 2 pmat just 4 5 # type. was 5 6 rely = 5 data = 4 cplx = 4 ruse = 4 docu just 3 4 time = 3 stor = 3 # type. was 2 pvol = 3 acap = 4 pcap = 3 pcon = 3 aexp = 4 plex = 4 #ltex just 2 5 ## replaced ion round 3 tool = 5 site = 6 #sced just 2 4 sced = 3 execution_testing_and_tools = 6 peer_reviews = 6 automated_analysis = 6 ltex = 5 EOF } eden > project.dat xomo -S $RANDOM -l -R 1000 -d $Here/defaults.dat -p project.dat -P 0 -s '<$defects,<$effort,<$risk,?$A,?$B,$ksloc'