set terminal postscript enhanced eps set output "finnish-delta.eps" set size 0.75,0.75 set ylabel "prod" set xlabel "Finnish Instances" set xrange [0:37] set yrange [0:30] #set object 1 rect from 10,13.58 to 16,9.268 fc lt -2 fs #set object 2 rect from 22,7.55 to 28,4.127 fc lt -2 fs set arrow from 13,0 to 13,30 nohead lt -1 lw 0.8 set arrow from 25,0 to 25,30 nohead lt -1 lw 0.8 set arrow from 16,0 to 16,30 nohead lt 3 lw 1.2 set arrow from 10,0 to 10,30 nohead lt 3 lw 1.2 #set arrow from 10,9.268 to 10,13.58 lt -1 lw 1 #set arrow from 10,13.58 to 10,9.268 lt -1 lw 1 #set label "{/Symbol D}_{12}=4.312" at 7,11.424 center set arrow from 28,0 to 28,30 nohead lt 3 lw 1.2 set arrow from 22,0 to 22,30 nohead lt 3 lw 1.2 #set arrow from 28,7.55 to 28,4.127 lt -1 lw 1 #set arrow from 28,4.127 to 28,7.55 lt -1 lw 1 #set label "{/Symbol D}_{23}=3.42" at 31,5.8385 center set label "B_1" at 6.5,25 center set label "B_2" at 19.5,25 center set label "B_3" at 31.5,25 center set nokey plot 'finnishcol5.dat' using 1 with lines title "prod"