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Too many values for %s (max %d) [ %03.2f to %03.2f ]/%sDiscr.names%sDiscr.dataw,%s %s: %s,?,%s [ %4.2f to %4.2f ]ScoreCountName%-30s%20s%20s ---------%-30s%20d%20f Number of Instances = %d Best Class Count = %d Base Lift = %f Total number of Lines of Code: %d The ratio of best class to all is %f %s %d/%d Percent of best class represented: %f BDFEND %s, ?, %s: %s, %s%s%-30s = [ %s(%d) OR %s(%d) ] and %-26s = [ %35cScore: %2.5f %35cEffort: %2.5f %35cPD: %2.5f %35cPF: %2.5f ]%35cSupport: %2.5f The StackUsage: ./which [OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]Help -? %-20s Scoring Type (ps||li|ee) -s %-20s InfoGain ig - %s Prob * Support ps - %s Lift # li - %s # - Base of Lift score.Effort, PD, PF # ee - %s # - Attribute number for Lines of Code.FileName $ -f %-20s Stack Size # -z %-20s Discretization Type #-(q|a) %-20s q - Equal Frequency a - Equal Range # - Number of Bins.Number to Report # -r %-20s Number to Pick #-(p|e) %-20s p - Number of random combines. e - Number of entire stack combines.Best Support # -b %-20s Check Old #1 #2 -o %-20s #1 - 1 For True, 0 for False. #2 - Number of picks in between checks. -test $ - Which will only test the file on the read in data. $ - The file with the saved Which rule in it. -disc Use which as a discretizer only. ---Configuration Paramaters--- -alpha - Sets up the weight of PD. -beta - Sets up the weight of PF. -gamma - Sets up the weight of Effort.cf-p-e-q-a-r-f-sigpsliee-z-b-o-alpha-beta-gamma-test-discOptions StackSize = %-4d Equal RangeEqual Frequency Discretization Method = %s Bins = %-4d ReportNo = %-4d FileName = %s ScoringType = INFOGAINLIFT Base Score = %3.2f Prob*SuptEffort, Pd, Pf LOC Attr No. = %d alpha = %f beta = %f gamma = %f BestSupport = %-4.2f%% RandomExaustive Pick Type = %s Number of Picks = %d TrueFalse Check Old = %s CheckEvery = %d Test Only = %s Which Rule File = %s Disc Only = %s .dataeffest%d %d%f,%f,%f,%f,%f TopOfStackPick %d Stack after picking two %d times wr Start %d. Stop %d. 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