# ___ # _/ oo\ An evil idea: # ( \ -/__ the Evil nested file expander # \ \__) # / \ (c) 2009 by Tim Menzies, GPL 3.0 # / _\ http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt # `"""""`` jgs # #use X : recurses into X #SHOW X : recuses into X, showing the contents #show X : recuses into X, showing the contents, except para1 #list X : includes file X, wrapped in "pre" # # -R = root directory (where to look for files) # -p = print contents # -s = skip para one # -i = explore contents of included print files # -u = explore contents of included used files # -f = print file name BEGIN { options("R,.,p,,i,,u,,f,,S,1",Opt) } { xpand(1,opt("S")) } END { if (opt("f")) print " " FILENAME } function xpand(n,skippingPara1, skipped,i) { if (opt("i") && ($1 ~ "^#SHOW")) xpands(n+1,$2) else if (opt("i") && ($1 ~ "^#show")) xpands(n+1,$2,opt("S")) else if (opt("i") && ($1 ~ "^#list")) { print "
		print "
" } else if (opt("u") && ($1 ~ "^#use")) xpands(n+1,$2) else if (opt("p")) { if (skippingPara1) { if (skipped) print $0 } else print $0 } } function xpands(n,f,skippingPara1, skipped, missing) { gsub(/"/,"",f) if (newFile(f,Seen)) { f = opt("R") "/" f Stack[++Stack[0]]= f missing = 1 while((getline 0) { missing = 0 if (!skipped && ($0 ~ /^[\t ]*$/)) skipped = 1 xpand(n+1,skippingPara1,skipped) } close(f) if (missing) warn("?? [" Stack[Stack[0]-1] \ "] references missing file [" f \ "].") else { if (opt("f")) print chars(n*3," ") f } Stack[0]-- } } # standard one-liners function opt(x) { return (x in Opt) ? Opt[x] : warn("option ["x"] unknown") } function newFile(f,seen) { return (++seen[f])==1 } function chars(n,c, str) { while((n--)> 0) str=str c ; return str } function saya(str,a, i) { for(i in a) print str "[" i "]=" a[i]} function barph(s) { warn(s); exit } function warn(s) { print s >"/dev/stderr"; return 0 } function s2a(str,a, tmp,i,n) { n=split(str,tmp,/,/) for(i=1;i<=n;i += 2) a[tmp[i]]=tmp[i+1] return n } #begin world's simplest command-line parser. #Upper case flags have parameters #After grabbing all the command-line flags, #ARGV/ARGC is set to the remaining command-line vars function options(str,opt, key,i,j,k,n,tmp1,tmp2) { # first: split "str" to initialize "opt" n=split(str,tmp1,/,/) for(i=1;i<=n;i += 2) opt[tmp1[i]]=tmp1[i+1] # second: explore the arguments till no more flags for(i=1;i<=ARGC;i++) { key = ARGV[i] if (sub(/^-/,"",key)) { # we have a new flag if (key in opt) # if flag is legal, change its value # if flag begins with upper case, # then take value from command line opt[key] = (key ~ /^[A-Z]/) ? ARGV[++i] : 1 else print "? unknown key ["key"]" >"/dev/stderr" } else { i--; break } } # third: clear the flags from ARGC, ARGV for(j=i+1;j<=ARGC;j++) tmp2[j-i]=ARGV[j] split("",ARGV,"") for(k in tmp2) ARGV[k] = tmp2[k] ARGC -= i return ARGC }