Number of total policies is 172 rely = 5.000000000000 rely = 4.500000000000 sced = 2.500000000000 team = 6.000000000000 sced = 2.000000000000 plex = 5.000000000000 data = 2.500000000000 site = 6.000000000000 time = 4.000000000000 time = 3.000000000000 tool = 5.000000000000 sced = 1.500000000000 flex = 6.000000000000 ruse = 2.500000000000 plex = 4.500000000000 time = 3.500000000000 cplx = 2.500000000000 stor = 3.500000000000 site = 4.500000000000 flex = 5.500000000000 resl = 5.500000000000 execution_testing_and_tools = 6.000000000000 data = 3.000000000000 plex = 4.000000000000 resl = 6.000000000000 tool = 4.000000000000 team = 5.500000000000 pcon = 4.000000000000 automated_analysis = 2.000000000000 docu = 1.500000000000 Number of recommended policies is 30 Number of distinct attributes is 17 Results of applying above policies: Energy: median: 0.004318314849 spread: 0.000952026047 Effort: median: 227.648868877676 spread: 137.392740648152 Defects: median: 381.865766317717 spread: 261.445436178842 Threat: median: 0.000000000000 spread: 0.000000000000 Months: median: 15.833148244815 spread: 2.818162102258