RE: TKDE-0074-0305, "Incremental Discretizastion and Bayes Classifiers Hanldes Concept Drfit and Scales Very Well" Manuscript Type: Concise Dear Dr. Menzies, We have completed the review process of the above referenced paper that was submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Enclosed are your reviews. We hope that you will find the editor's and reviewers comments and suggestions helpful. I regret to inform you that based on the reviewer feedback, Associate Editor, Dr. Qiang Yang could not recommend publishing your paper to our Editor-in-Chief. Final decisions on acceptance are based on the referees' reviews and such factors as restriction of space, topic, and the overall balance of articles. We hope that this decision does not deter you from submitting to us again. Thank you for your interest in the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Sincerely, Ms. Susan Miller Transactions Assistant IEEE Computer Society 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle Los Alamitos, CA 90720 USA Phone: +714.821.8380 Fax: +714.821.9975 *********** Editor Comments Reviewer 2 raised serious concern over the novelty of the work as well provided many good suggestions (same as reviewer one). On the basis of their reviews, I have to recommend rejection of the paper. *********************** Reviewer Comments Please note that some reviewers may have included additional comments in a separate file. If a review contains the note "see the attached file" under Section III A - Public Comments, you will need to log on to Manuscript Central to view the file. After logging in to Manuscript Central, enter the Author Center. Then, click on Submitted Manuscripts and find the correct paper and click on "View Letter". Scroll down to the bottom of the decision letter and click on the file attachment link. This will pop-up the file that the reviewer included for you along with their review. *********************** Reviewer 1 Section I. Overview A. Reader Interest 1. Which category describes this manuscript? ( ) Practice / Application / Case Study / Experience Report (X) Research / Technology ( ) Survey / Tutorial / How-To 2. How relevant is this manuscript to the readers of this periodical? Please explain your rating under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Very Relevant (X) Relevant ( ) Interesting - but not very relevant ( ) Irrelevant B. Content 1. Please explain how this manuscript advances this field of research and / or contributes something new to the literature. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. 2. Is the manuscript technically sound? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Yes ( ) Appears to be - but didn't check completely ( ) Partially (X) No C. Presentation 1. Are the title, abstract, and keywords appropriate? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Yes (X) No 2. Does the manuscript contain sufficient and appropriate references? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) References are sufficient and appropriate (X) Important references are missing; more references are needed ( ) Number of references are excessive 3. Does the introduction state the objectives of the manuscript in terms that encourage the reader to read on? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. (X) Yes ( ) Could be improved ( ) No 4. How would you rate the organization of the manuscript? Is it focused? Is the length appropriate for the topic? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Satisfactory (X) Could be improved ( ) Poor 5. Please rate and comment on the readability of this manuscript. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Easy to read (X) Readable - but requires some effort to understand ( ) Difficult to read and understand ( ) Unreadable Section II. Summary and Recommendation A. Evaluation Please rate the manuscript. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Award Quality ( ) Excellent ( ) Good (X) Fair ( ) Poor B. Recommendation Please make your recommendation. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Accept with no changes ( ) Author should prepare a minor revision (X) Author should prepare a major revision for a second review ( ) Reject Section III. Detailed Comments A. Public Comments (these will be made available to the author) Incremental discretization is enchanting when put into the context of concept drift. However, this interesting idea has not been studied gracefully enough to justify its publication. The paper title claims that incremental discretization and Bayes classifiers handle concept drift very well. There exist a large number of discretization methods for naove-Bayes as well as concept drift learning algorithm. However no empirical results are presented that compare SPADE or SAWTOOTH against its alternatives. This leaves readers wonder why they can be claimed to work ``very well``. In the conclusion section, the paper claims that one advantage is that ``In Figiure 3... This discretizer performed nearly as well as other discretization methods without requiring multiple passes through the data``. However, in Figure 3, SPADE is only compared with naove-Bayes with kernel estimation, which does not involve discretization at all. Where is the conclusion drawn from then? The understating of (naove) Bayes classifiers is far less than accurate. In the first paragraph on page 6, it is said that ``Bayes classifiers are called naove``. This expression is misleading. Bayes classifiers have a very big family. Naove Bayes is only one member out of it. Nobody calls Bayes classifiers naove except for naive Bayes. The paper then goes on by saying `` since they assume that the frequencies of different attributes are independent``. This statement is wrong. Instead, naove Bayess `attribute independence assumption` is: ``attributes are independent of each other given the class``. SPADE is interesting since it does not need to repeat scanning the data. This will be useful in applications where one can not retain the whole historical data. However, there are two potential pitfalls that the paper fails to address: >>> first on the merge mechanism. It produces new cut points from the old cut points. For example, the old discretization of age is (, [30, 39], [40, 49], ). Merging the two intervals will still retain the old cut points like 30 and 49. But what if should the appropriate cut points be 35 and 45 instead? >>> second on lacking a split mechanism. Although the paper has mentioned it is because ``do not know how to best divide up a bin without keeping per-bin data`` and `` experiments suggested that adding SubBins=5 new bins between old ranges and newly arrived out-of-range values was enough to adequately divide the range``, those arguments can not trade-off the need of a split operator. For example, the instances are patients coming into a clinic one after the other. The first one is an infant while the second one is an old lady. In the two first instances, one has seen the two far ends of the age attribute [1, 90]. SPADE will produce 1+5 intervals by now and forever (assume the oldest is 90 years old). The reason behind this sub-optimality is that the attribute values do not necessarily gradually change, they can abruptly shift. In the second to last paragraph of Section V, the paper claims that SPADE is good because it outperforms dealing with numeric attributes by normal or kernel probability estimation. However, the observation that discretization is better than probability estimation has long been established. Mentioning it here only again proves that discretization is better, but not that SPADE itself is good discretization. A much convincing way is to compare SPADE with peer discretization methods. At the end of section C in experiments, it is said that `` SAWTOOTH can retain knowledge of old contexts and reuse that knowledge when contexts re-occur``. But the paper does not mention before any mechanism to retain old concepts or identify re-appearing concepts at all. How did this achievement happen then? Other minor comments: 1. Is WASTOOTH a method newly proposed in this paper or it is only reused by this paper? It does not hurt to clarify this point. If it is new, should emphasize more; if not, should give a reference. 2. At the end of this paper, in the conclusion section, the term ``V & V`` agent is mentioned for the first time. What does it mean? 3. The paper mentions the MaxBins parameters is by default set to be the square root of all the instances seen to date. If the paper wants to justify this setting, it may help by citing a causal paper: Ying Yang and Geoff Webb, Proportional k-interval discretization for naive-Bayes classifiers, ECML 2001. *********************** Reviewer 2 Section I. Overview A. Reader Interest 1. Which category describes this manuscript? (X) Practice / Application / Case Study / Experience Report ( ) Research / Technology ( ) Survey / Tutorial / How-To 2. How relevant is this manuscript to the readers of this periodical? Please explain your rating under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Very Relevant (X) Relevant ( ) Interesting - but not very relevant ( ) Irrelevant B. Content 1. Please explain how this manuscript advances this field of research and / or contributes something new to the literature. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. 2. Is the manuscript technically sound? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. (X) Yes ( ) Appears to be - but didn't check completely ( ) Partially ( ) No C. Presentation 1. Are the title, abstract, and keywords appropriate? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. (X) Yes ( ) No 2. Does the manuscript contain sufficient and appropriate references? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. (X) References are sufficient and appropriate ( ) Important references are missing; more references are needed ( ) Number of references are excessive 3. Does the introduction state the objectives of the manuscript in terms that encourage the reader to read on? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. (X) Yes ( ) Could be improved ( ) No 4. How would you rate the organization of the manuscript? Is it focused? Is the length appropriate for the topic? Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. (X) Satisfactory ( ) Could be improved ( ) Poor 5. Please rate and comment on the readability of this manuscript. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. (X) Easy to read ( ) Readable - but requires some effort to understand ( ) Difficult to read and understand ( ) Unreadable Section II. Summary and Recommendation A. Evaluation Please rate the manuscript. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Award Quality ( ) Excellent ( ) Good (X) Fair ( ) Poor B. Recommendation Please make your recommendation. Please explain your answer under IIIA. Public Comments. ( ) Accept with no changes ( ) Author should prepare a minor revision ( ) Author should prepare a major revision for a second review (X) Reject Section III. Detailed Comments A. Public Comments (these will be made available to the author) This paper describes SAWTOOTH and SPADE - the former is an implementation of a Naive Bayes (NB) classifier that does windowing on the input data, and the latter is a one-pass discretization algorithm. It is a bit difficult to ascertain the contribution of the paper. It could be, and the introduction leads one to believe that the authors consider it to be at least in part, the observation that simple systems can perform well on large datasets (such as the 1999 KDDCUP dataset). When Rob Holte made this observation over a decade ago, it was surprising to many. However, we now know that, roughly speaking, getting 90% of the best possible performance is quite easy, but getting that last 10% can be quite hard. Therefore, the results on the KDDCUP dataset presented in this paper are not surprising. They're close to, but not as good as, the results from the winning system which was much more complicated. The observations in section II on finding plateaus, and the method used, do not seem to constitute a novel contribution. As the authors acknowledge, the fact that relatively few instances often suffice has been noticed by others before. Figure 1 confirms this observation yet again. Also, there's a paper from KDD by Provost, Jensen, and Oates on progressive sampling in which issues related to determining when learning curves have plateaued that's relevant. The problem is fairly difficult. The use of sliding windows to deal with non-stationarity is not new, though the use of equation 1 to control window growth may be. However, that equation is presented without discussion as to its derivation and appears to be ad hoc. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but some discussion of why equation 1 is expected to be useful is in order. Section IV is just a review of NB, and section V presents SPADE. Figure 3 suggests that SPADE performs roughly as well as John and Langley's method, which is true of a large number of other discretization methods. There's nothing particularly new or insightful about the approach. Finally, the experiments are mostly done well, though there is a complete lack of information about variance in the paper. Are any of the results statistically significant? I suspect in the end that the answer may not be relevant - some results will be, and some won't, and SAWTOOTH/SPADE will enter the pack of other algorithms/approaches that exhibit similar behavior, though on different datasets. There is no free lunch in machine learning. Section VI-C describes an experiment in which the ability of SAWTOOTH to deal with concept drift is explored. However, very little information about the simulator is provided and, more significantly, the paper never says precisely how SAWTOOTH "retain[s] knowledge of old contexts". In summary, there's nothing really new in this paper.