set terminal postscript eps 'Helvetica' 18 set size 1, 1 set autoscale x set yrange [0.35:0.65] set key bottom right set ylabel "External Similarity" set output 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.eps' set title 'Overall AUC of External Similarity' plot 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:2 with lines lt -1 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:2 with points pt 3 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt -1 pt 3 t "Canopy-FastMap", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:3 with lines lt -1 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:3 with points pt 12 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt -1 pt 12 t "Canopy-PCA", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:4 with lines lt -1 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:4 with points pt 5 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt -1 pt 12 t "Canopy-TfIdf", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:5 with lines lt 0 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:5 with points pt 3 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt 0 pt 3 t "Genic-FastMap", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:6 with lines lt 0 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:6 with points pt 12 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt 0 pt 12 t "Genic-PCA", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:7 with lines lt 0 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:7 with points pt 5 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt 0 pt 5 t "Genic-TfIdf", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:8 with lines lt 1 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:8 with points pt 3 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt 1 pt 3 t "KMeans-FastMap", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:9 with lines lt 1 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:9 with points pt 12 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt 1 pt 12 t "KMeans-PCA", \ \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' using 1:10 with lines lt 1 notitle, \ 'clusterer_reducer_eSim_auc.dat' every 40 using 1:10 with points pt 5 notitle, \ -1 with linespoints lt 1 pt 5 t "KMeans-TfIdf"