(defstruct table name ;atom, the name of the data set, "titanic" rows ;list of Rows, all the rows from the data set. klasses ;list of Klasses, aka yes/no, the goal class answers cols ;list of Col, in this case it would have: job, age, gender, !survived etc results ;list of Result, nil for now(?) ) (destruct row ;signifies a row of data in the data set cells ;list of atoms, the actual row from the data set, each atom = a value class ;atom, referse to yes or no for survival, aka KLASS utility ;number, not sure what this is used for.. sortkey ;number, again idk... some sort of score? ) (defstruct klass ;refers to the goal class, aka yes/no as to if they survived. name ;atom, yes or no (n 0) ;You know. Stores how many rows with this Klass name in Table ) (defstruct col name ;atom, the name of this column goalp ;boolean, true if this is a class attribute ) (defstruct (sym :include col) ;counts the number of occurences of each collumn in the data set, ;but this means the # of males, or females, but all those are ;stored in this variable, under the hash for "gender" etc (counts (make-hash)) ;I'll give you one guess. ) (defstruct (num :include col) ;Eh not sure where this is used. n ;number sum ;number sumsq ;number min ;number max ;number ) #|------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (def parameter *w* nil) (defstruct wme (goal #\!) (num #\$) (unknown #\?) (file "file name for data set here") (utility_function #'zero) (! #'defrow) (ready #'sort-rows) (run #'noop) (report #'noop) table ) (defmacro thetable () '(wme-table *w*)) (defmacro thetable (&optional tbl) '(table-cols (or ,tbl (me-table *w*)))) (defmacro thename (&optional tbl) '(table-name (or ,tbl (me-table *w*)))) (defmacro therows (&optional tbl) '(table-rows (or ,tbl (me-table *w*)))) (defmacro theklasses (&optional tbl) '(table-klasses (or ,tbl (me-table *w*)))) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|#