;;Chapter 3, Test 3, Page 39 (deftest test-access () (let ((lst (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)));creating list to use (check (= (nth 1 lst) 2);nth's index is zero based (= (nth 0 lst) 1);example of being 0 based (equal (nthcdr 2 lst) `(3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11));showing how nthcdr returns the rest of the array starting at index (equal (car(last lst)) 11);last returns a single? list containing the last element of lst. (= (tenth lst) 10);this is not zero based. (= (caddr lst) 3);car of the cdr of the cdr (= (cadddr lst) 4))));car of the cdr of the cdr of the cdr.