;Chapter 3, Test 1, Page 34 (deftest test-listequality () ;;creates two 4 lists, and 2 nils (let ((x (list 2 3 4)) (y (list 1 2 3 4)) (z nil) (a (list `a `b `c)) (b (list `d `e `f)) (c nil)) (setf z x); sets z to be x (check (eql x z));z is now equal and eql to x (setf x (push 1 x));pushing a new value onto x (setf c (copy-list a));storing a copy of a in c (setf c (append c b));append b to c (check (not (eql x y)); x and y are not eql b/c they are different lists wit the same values (equal x y);but, x and y is equal (not (equal x z)); x and z is not eql (not (eql c (append a b)));c is not eql to appending a to b. (equal c (append a b)))));but it is equal.