;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; test engine. adapted (simplied) from http://j.mp/fWeKZL (defparameter *tests* nil) (defmacro deftest (name params &body body) "Create a defun, adding it name to the list of *tests*." `(progn (unless (member ',name *tests*) (push ',name *tests*)) (defun ,name ,params ,@body))) (let ((pass 0) (fail 0)) (defun test (want got) "Run one test, comparing 'want' to 'got'." (labels ((white (c) ; returns nil if 'c' is not white space (member c '(#\# #\\ #\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\Linefeed #\Return #\Page) :test #'char=)) (whiteout (s) ; remove all white space (remove-if #'white s)) (samep (x y) ; true if strings of x&y, sans whitespace, are the same (string= (whiteout (format nil "~(~a~)" x)) (whiteout (format nil "~(~a~)" y))))) (cond ((samep want got) (incf pass)) (t (incf fail) (format t "~&; fail : expected ~a~%" want))) got)) (defun tests () "Run all the tests in *tests*." (labels ((run (x) (format t "~&;testing ~a~%" x) (funcall x))) (when *tests* (setf fail 0 pass 0) (mapcar #'run (reverse *tests*)) (format t "~&; pass : ~a = ~5,1f% ~%; fail : ~a = ~5,1f% ~%" pass (* 100 (/ pass (+ pass fail))) fail (* 100 (/ fail (+ pass fail))))))) ) (deftest !deftest1 (&aux (a 1)) "testing test" (test (+ a 1) 2)) (deftest !deftest2 (&aux (a 1)) "testing test: this time, with a failure." (test (+ a 1) 3)) (deftest !deftest3 () "testing tests defined using some other complicated function." (test (my-complicated-thing) '(3 4 5))) (defun my-complicated-thing () (member 3 '(1 2 3 4 5))) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; macros (defmacro oo (&rest l) "Print a symbol and its binding." `(progn (terpri) (o ,@l))) (defmacro o (&rest l) "Print a list of symbols and their bindings." (let ((last (gensym))) `(let (,last) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda(x) `(setf ,last (oprim ,x))) l) (terpri) ,last))) (defmacro oprim (x) "Print a thing and its binding, then return thing." `(progn (format t "~&[~a]=[~a] " (quote ,x) ,x) ,x)) (defmacro doitems ((one n list &optional out) &body body ) "Set 'one' and 'n' to each item in a list, and its position." `(let ((,n -1)) (dolist (,one ,list ,out) (incf ,n) ,@body))) (defmacro do12 ((one two list &optional out) &body body) "Set 'one' and 'two' to each par of adjecent items in a list." `(let ((,one (car ,list))) (dolist (,two (cdr ,list) ,out) ,@body (setf ,one ,two)))) (defmacro dohash ((key value hash &optional end) &body body) "Iterate through all keys and values in a hash." `(progn (maphash #'(lambda (,key ,value) ,@body) ,hash) ,end)) (defmacro dovalues ((value hash &optional end) &body body) "Iterate through all values in a hash." (let ((key (gensym))) `(progn (maphash #'(lambda (,key ,value) (declare (ignore ,key)) ,@body) ,hash) ,end))) ;Easy definition of anonymous small functions. ;Arguments are '_', '_1', ..., '_5'." ;Contenious: see http://j.mp/heV6yn (defmacro _ (&body body) `(lambda (&optional _1 _2 _3 _4 _5) (declare (ignorable _1 _2 _3 _4 _5)) (let ((_ _1)) (declare (ignorable _)) ,@body))) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; random number generation. from http://j.mp/cJtY6i (let* ((seed0 10013) (seed seed0) (multiplier 16807.0d0) (modulus 2147483647.0d0)) (defun reset-seed () (setf seed seed0)) (defun randf (n) (* n (- 1.0d0 (park-miller-randomizer)))) (defun randi (n) (floor (* n (/ (randf 1000.0) 1000)))) (defun park-miller-randomizer () "Cycle= 2,147,483,646 numbers" (setf seed (mod (* multiplier seed) modulus)) (/ seed modulus)) ) (deftest !rands () (reset-seed) (dotimes (i 11) (randf 100)) (test (randf 100) 8.386648357094572d0) (reset-seed) (test (randf 100) 92.16345646053713d0)) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; misc lib (defmethod print-object ((h hash-table) str) "Change the print method for a hash." (format str "{hash of ~a items}" (hash-table-count h))) (defun shuffle (l) "shuffle order of items in a list" (dotimes (i (length l) l) (rotatef (elt l i) (elt l (randi (length l)))))) (defun visit (fn l) "apply fn to all items in nested lists" (if (atom l) (funcall fn l) (dolist (one l) (visit fn one)))) (defun issamp (task wme &optional (n 20)) "N times, try to perform some problem." (unless (< n 1) (or (catch :restart (funcall task (funcall wme))) (issamp task wme (1- n))))) (defun nchars (&optional (n 40) (c #\Space)) (with-output-to-string (s) (dotimes (i n) (format s "~a" c)))) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; list tricks (defun select (selector-fn facts) "return all list items satisying selector-fn" (remove-if-not selector-fn facts)) (defun flatten (l) (let (out) (visit #'(lambda (one) (push one out)) l) (reverse out))) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; profiling tricks (defmacro time-it (n &body body) "Run 'body' 'n' times." (let ((n1 (gensym)) (i (gensym)) (t1 (gensym))) `(let ((,n1 ,n) (,t1 (get-internal-run-time))) (dotimes (,i ,n1) ,@body) (float (/ (- (get-internal-run-time) ,t1) (* ,n1 internal-time-units-per-second)))))) (deftest !time-it (&key (repeats 100) (loops 100) (max 10)) "Add up 'loops' random numbers." (reset-seed) (let (out) (dotimes (i loops) (push (randf max) out)) (time-it repeats (apply #'+ out)))) (defmacro watch (code) "Run the code, print number of calls for functions used in code." `(progn (sb-profile:unprofile) (sb-profile:reset) (sb-profile:profile ,@(my-funs)) (eval (prog1 t ,code)) (sb-profile:report) (sb-profile:unprofile) t) ) (defun my-funs () "Return a list of functions that are not in core LISP." (let ((lispfuns '(* * ** *** + + ++ +++ - - / / // /// 1+ 1- < <= = > >= abort abs acons acos acosh add-method adjoin adjust-array adjustable-array-p alpha-char-p alphanumericp alter always and append append appending apply applyhook *applyhook* apropos apropos-list aref arithmetic-error arithmetic-error-operands arithmetic-error-operation array-dimension array-dimension-limit array-dimensions array-element-type array-has-fill-pointer-p array-in-bounds-p array-rank array-rank-limit array-row-major-index array-total-size array-total-size-limit arrayp as ash asin asinh assert assert assoc assoc-if assoc-if-not atan atanh atom augment-environment bit bit-and bit-andc1 bit-andc2 bit-eqv bit-ior bit-nand bit-nor bit-not bit-orc1 bit-orc2 bit-vector-p bit-xor block boole both-case-p boundp break break *break-on-signals* *break-on-warnings* broadcast-stream-streams butlast byte byte-position byte-size caaaar caaadr caaar caadar caaddr caadr caar cadaar cadadr cadar caddar cadddr caddr cadr call-arguments-limit call-method call-next-method car case catch catenate ccase ccase cdaaar cdaadr cdaar cdadar cdaddr cdadr cdar cddaar cddadr cddar cdddar cddddr cdddr cddr cdr ceiling cell-error cell-error-name cerror cerror change-class char char-bit char-bits char-bits-limit char-code char-code-limit char-control-bit char-downcase char-equal char-font char-font-limit char-greaterp char-hyper-bit char-int char-lessp char-meta-bit char-name char-not-equal char-not-greaterp char-not-lessp char-super-bit char-upcase char/= char< char<= char= char> char>= character characterp check-type check-type choose choose-if chunk cis class-name class-of clear-input close clrhash code-char coerce collect collect collect-alist collect-and collect-append collect-file collect-first collect-fn collect-hash collect-last collect-length collect-max collect-min collect-nconc collect-nth collect-or collect-plist collect-sum collecting collecting-fn commonp compile compile-file compile-file-pathname *compile-file-pathname* *compile-file-truename* *compile-print* *compile-verbose* compiled-function-p compiler-let compiler-let compiler-macro-function compiler-macroexpand compiler-macroexpand-1 complement complex complexp compute-applicable-methods compute-restarts concatenate concatenated-stream-streams cond condition conjugate cons consp constantp continue control-error copy-alist copy-list copy-pprint-dispatch copy-readtable copy-seq copy-symbol copy-tree cos cosh cotruncate count count count-if count-if-not counting ctypecase ctypecase *debug-io* *debugger-hook* decf declaim declaration-information declare decode-float decode-universal-time *default-pathname-defaults* defclass defgeneric define-compiler-macro define-condition define-declaration define-method-combination define-modify-macro define-setf-method defmacro defmethod defpackage defstruct deftype defun defvar delete delete-duplicates delete-file delete-if delete-if-not delete-package denominator deposit-field describe describe-object destructuring-bind digit-char digit-char-p directory directory-namestring disassemble division-by-zero do do do* do-all-symbols do-external-symbols do-symbols documentation documentation doing dolist dotimes double-float-epsilon double-float-negative-epsilon dpb dribble ecase echo-stream-input-stream echo-stream-output-stream ed eighth elt encapsulated enclose encode-universal-time end-of-file endp enough-namestring ensure-generic-function eq eql equal equalp error error error *error-output* etypecase etypecase eval eval-when evalhook *evalhook* evenp every exp expand export expt fboundp fdefinition *features* ffloor fifth file-author file-error file-error-pathname file-length file-namestring file-position file-string-length file-write-date fill fill-pointer finally find find-all-symbols find-class find-if find-if-not find-method find-package find-restart find-symbol finish-output first flet float float-digits float-precision float-radix float-sign floating-point-overflow floating-point-underflow floatp floor for format formatter fourth funcall function function-information function-keywords function-lambda-expression functionp gatherer gathering gcd generator generic-flet generic-function generic-labels gensym *gensym-counter* gentemp get get-decoded-time get-internal-real-time get-internal-run-time get-output-stream-string get-properties get-setf-method get-setf-method-multiple-value get-universal-time getf gethash go graphic-char-p handler-bind handler-case hash-table-count hash-table-p hash-table-rehash-size hash-table-rehash-threshold hash-table-size hash-table-test host-namestring identity if if ignore-errors imagpart import in-package in-package incf initialize-instance initially input-stream-p inspect int-char integer-decode-float integer-length integerp interactive-stream-p intern internal-time-units-per-second intersection invalid-method-error invoke-debugger invoke-restart isqrt iterate keywordp lambda-list-keywords lambda-parameters-limit last latch lcm ldb ldb-test ldiff least-negative-double-float least-negative-long-float least-negative-normalized-double-float least-negative-normalized-long-float least-negative-normalized-short-float least-negative-normalized-single-float least-negative-short-float least-negative-single-float least-positive-double-float least-positive-long-float least-positive-normalized-double-float least-positive-normalized-long-float least-positive-normalized-short-float least-positive-normalized-single-float least-positive-short-float least-positive-single-float length let let* lisp-implementation-type lisp-implementation-version list list* list-all-packages list-length listen listp load load-logical-pathname-translations *load-pathname* *load-print* load-time-value *load-truename* *load-verbose* locally locally log logand logandc1 logandc2 logbitp logcount logeqv logical-pathname logical-pathname logical-pathname-translations logior lognand lognor lognot logorc1 logorc2 logtest logxor long-float-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon long-site-name loop loop-finish lower-case-p machine-instance machine-type machine-version macro-function macroexpand macroexpand-1 *macroexpand-hook* make-array make-broadcast-stream make-char make-concatenated-stream make-condition make-dispatch-macro-character make-echo-stream make-hash-table make-instance make-instances-obsolete make-list make-load-form make-load-form-saving-slots make-package make-pathname make-random-state make-sequence make-string make-string-input-stream make-string-output-stream make-symbol make-synonym-stream make-two-way-stream makunbound map map-fn map-into mapc mapcan mapcar mapcon maphash mapl maplist mapping mask mask-field max maximize maximizing member member-if member-if-not merge merge-pathnames method-combination-error method-qualifiers min mingle minimize minimizing minusp mismatch mod *modules* most-negative-double-float most-negative-fixnum most-negative-long-float most-negative-short-float most-negative-single-float most-positive-double-float most-positive-fixnum most-positive-long-float most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float muffle-warning multiple-value-bind multiple-value-call multiple-value-list multiple-value-prog1 multiple-value-setq multiple-values-limit name-char named namestring nbutlast nconc nconc nconcing never next-in next-method-p next-out nil nintersection ninth no-applicable-method no-next-method not notany notevery nreconc nreverse nset-difference nset-exclusive-or nstring-capitalize nstring-downcase nstring-upcase nsublis nsubst nsubst-if nsubst-if-not nsubstitute nsubstitute-if nsubstitute-if-not nth nth-value nthcdr null numberp numerator nunion oddp off-line-port open open-stream-p optimizable-series-function or output-stream-p *package* package-error package-error-package package-name package-nicknames package-shadowing-symbols package-use-list package-used-by-list packagep pairlis parse-integer parse-macro parse-namestring pathname pathname-device pathname-directory pathname-host pathname-match-p pathname-name pathname-type pathname-version pathnamep peek-char phase pi plusp pop position position-if position-if-not positions pprint-dispatch pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted pprint-fill pprint-indent pprint-linear pprint-logical-block pprint-newline pprint-pop pprint-tab pprint-tabular previous prin1 *print-array* *print-base* *print-case* *print-circle* *print-escape* *print-gensym* *print-length* *print-level* *print-lines* *print-miser-width* print-object *print-pprint-dispatch* *print-pretty* *print-radix* *print-readably* *print-right-margin* print-unreadable-object probe-file proclaim producing prog prog* prog1 prog2 progn program-error progv propagate-alterability provide psetf psetq push pushnew *query-io* quote random *random-state* random-state-p rassoc rassoc-if rassoc-if-not rational rationalize rationalp read *read-base* read-byte read-char read-char-no-hang *read-default-float-format* read-delimited-list *read-eval* read-from-string read-line read-preserving-whitespace *read-suppress* *readtable* readtable-case readtablep realp realpart reduce reinitialize-instance rem remf remhash remove remove-duplicates remove-method remprop rename-file rename-package repeat replace require rest restart restart-bind restart-case restart-name result-of return return return-from revappend reverse room rotatef round row-major-aref rplaca rplacd sbit scale-float scan scan-alist scan-file scan-fn scan-fn-inclusive scan-hash scan-lists-of-lists scan-lists-of-lists-fringe scan-multiple scan-plist scan-range scan-sublists scan-symbols schar search second series series series-element-type serious-condition set set-char-bit set-difference set-dispatch-macro-character set-exclusive-or set-macro-character set-pprint-dispatch set-syntax-from-char setf setq seventh shadow shadowing-import shared-initialize shiftf short-float-epsilon short-float-negative-epsilon short-site-name signal signum simple-bit-vector-p simple-condition simple-condition-format-arguments simple-condition-format-string simple-error simple-string-p simple-type-error simple-vector-p simple-warning sin single-float-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon sinh sixth sleep slot-boundp slot-exists-p slot-makunbound slot-missing slot-unbound slot-value software-type software-version some sort special-form-p split split-if sqrt stable-sort standard-char-p *standard-input* *standard-output* step storage-condition store-value stream-element-type stream-error stream-error-stream stream-external-format streamp string string-capitalize string-char-p string-downcase string-equal string-greaterp string-left-trim string-lessp string-not-equal string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp string-right-trim string-trim string-upcase string/= string< string<= string= string> string>= stringp sublis subseq subseries subsetp subst subst-if subst-if-not substitute substitute-if substitute-if-not subtypep sum summing *suppress-series-warnings* svref sxhash symbol-function symbol-macrolet symbol-name symbol-package symbol-plist symbol-value symbolp synonym-stream-symbol t tagbody tailp tan tanh tenth *terminal-io* terminate-producing terpri the thereis third throw time to-alter trace *trace-output* translate-logical-pathname translate-pathname tree-equal truename truncate two-way-stream-input-stream two-way-stream-output-stream type-error type-error-datum type-error-expected-type type-of typecase typep unbound-variable undefined-function unexport unintern union unless unless unread-char until until-if untrace unuse-package unwind-protect update-instance-for-different-class update-instance-for-redefined-class upgraded-array-element-type upgraded-complex-part-type upper-case-p use-package use-value user-homedir-pathname values values-list variable-information vector vector-pop vector-push vector-push-extend warn warning when when while wild-pathname-p with with-accessors with-added-methods with-compilation-unit with-condition-restarts with-hash-table-iterator with-input-from-string with-open-file with-open-stream with-output-to-string with-package-iterator with-simple-restart with-slots with-standard-io-syntax write write-byte write-char write-string write-to-string y-or-n-p yes-or-no-p zerop unprofile reset report profile stream-read-char-no-hang stream-fresh-line stream-peek-char stream-write-char stream-write-byte stream-write-string stream-line-column stream-write-sequence stream-read-byte stream-read-line stream-line-length stream-read-sequence stream-read-char stream-clear-output stream-unread-char stream-clear-input stream-finish-output stream-start-line-p stream-force-output stream-terpri stream-advance-to-column stream-file-position stream-listen weak-pointer-p package-locked-p step-condition-result native-pathname defconstant-uneql-new-value defconstant-uneql-name cancel-finalization purify process-status-hook process-output timer-scheduled-p package-lock-violation process-plist interactive-eval list-all-timers process-p process-status get-bytes-consed process-error defconstant-uneql-old-value hash-table-weakness step-next package-implements-list float-nan-p octets-to-string with-unlocked-packages enable-debugger float-denormalized-p with-timeout package-locked-error-symbol process-pid package-implemented-by-list process-pty posix-getenv step-condition-args gc-off finalize without-package-locks unschedule-timer schedule-timer make-timer native-namestring parse-native-namestring float-infinity-p lock-package process-kill process-exit-code step-continue string-to-octets unlock-package quit process-alive-p remove-implementation-package find-executable-in-search-path weak-pointer-value process-wait disable-debugger process-core-dumped define-source-context add-implementation-package run-program process-close step-condition-form posix-environ timer-name process-input bytes-consed-between-gcs gc-on make-weak-pointer save-lisp-and-die describe-compiler-policy step-into gc float-trapping-nan-p truly-the internal-debug frame-has-debug-tag-p backtrace-as-list arg var backtrace unwind-to-frame-and-call slot alien-funcall def-alien-variable deref addr with-alien load-shared-object define-alien-routine def-alien-routine make-alien free-alien alien-sap cast get-errno load-foreign sap-alien def-alien-type null-alien define-alien-type define-alien-variable extern-alien load-1-foreign alien-size clear-output print princ-to-string defsetf remove-if-not vectorp print-not-readable-object copy-structure read-sequence get-dispatch-macro-character define-setf-expander fmakunbound write-sequence constantly labels prin1-to-string get-setf-expansion defconstant simple-condition-format-control ensure-directories-exist unbound-slot-instance /= get-macro-character allocate-instance remove-if array-displacement fceiling special-operator-p force-output princ lambda invoke-restart-interactively ftruncate fround write-line macrolet define-symbol-macro pprint fresh-line defparameter))) (let ((out '())) (do-symbols (s) (if (and (fboundp s) (find-symbol (format nil "~a" s) *package*) (not (member s lispfuns))) (push s out))) out)))