(defparameter *grammar1* '((sentence -> (noun-phrase verb-phrase)) (noun-phrase -> (Article Noun)) (verb-phrase -> (Verb noun-phrase)) (Article -> the a) (Noun -> man ball woman table) (Verb -> hit took saw liked)) "A grammar for a trivial subset of English.") (defparameter *grammar1* '((sentence -> (noun-phrase verb-phrase)) (noun-phrase -> (Article Adj* Noun PP*) (Name) (Pronoun)) (verb-phrase -> (Verb noun-phrase PP*)) (PP* -> () (PP PP*)) (Adj* -> () (Adj Adj*)) (PP -> (Prep noun-phrase)) (Prep -> to in by with on) (Adj -> big little blue green adiabatic) (Article -> the a) (Name -> He Her) (He -> obama george) (Her -> michelle laura) (Noun -> man ball woman table) (Verb -> hit took saw liked) (Pronoun -> He Her it these those that))) (defparameter *grammar2* '((Sentence -> (Nounphrase Verbphrase)) (Nounphrase -> (Boy)) (Nounphrase -> (Girl)) (Boy -> john ajit) (Girl -> pima barkha) (Verbphrase -> (Verb Modlist Adverb with Nounphrase)) (Verb -> runs walks ) (Modlist -> () (very Modlist)) (Adverb -> (quickly slowly)))) (defparameter *grammar3* '((sentence -> (Main Drink Extra)) (Main -> (Adj Dish PP)) (Adj -> moldy crusty greasy delicious scrumptous deepfried stale) (Dish -> boscostix hotdog chickenstrips salad) (PP -> with and also) (Drink -> (Liquid PP)) (Liquid -> coke fanta yoohoo milk puke guts snot) (Extra -> (Adj EX)) (EX -> mms crackers chips)))