(egs :3.3 (eg '(setf x '(a b c)) :of "defining a list") (eg '(setf y '(1 2 3)) :of "another list") (eg '(first x) :of "using first on a list evaluates to the first element") (eg '(second x) :of "using second on a list evaluates to the second element") (eg '(third x) :of "using third on a list evaluates to the third element") (eg '(nth 0 x) :of "using nth 0 on a list evaluates to the nth element and is zero based") (eg '(rest x) :of "rest evaluates to all but the first element") (eg '(car x) :of "another name for first -- Contents of Address Register") (eg '(cdr x) :of "another name for rest -- Contents of data register") (eg '(last x) :of "last cons cell in a list") (eg '(length x) :of "length evaluates to the number of elements in a list") (eg '(reverse x) :of "puts the list in reverse order") (eg '(cons 0 y) :of "add to the front of the list") (eg '(append x y) :of "appends list elements together") (eg '(list x y) :of "makes a new list") (eg '(list* 1 2 x) :of "append last argument to others") (eg '(null nil) :of "predicate is true of the empty list") (eg '(null x) :of "and false for everythinf else") (eg '(listp x) :of "predicate is true for any list, including nil") (eg '(listp 3) :of "and false for non-lists") (eg '(consp x) :of "predicate is true of non-nil lists") (eg '(consp nil) :of "and false for atoms, including nil.") (eg '(equal x x) :of "true for lists that look the same") (eg '(equal x y) :of "and false for lists that look different") (eg '(sort y #'>) :of "sort y with a comparison function") (eg '(subseq x 1 2) :of "subsequence of a list with start and end points") )