#Script designed to test #Determine which datasource to use It=a2b/breast-cancer It2=breast-cancer #It=a2b/audiology #It2=audiology #establish path to tmp directory Tmp="../../../../../var/tmp" #path to tmp directory from current directory Tmp2="../../../../var/tmp" #path to tmp directory from parent directory #Create folders in tmp directory for data storage and processing mkdir -p $Tmp mkdir -p $Tmp/data/ mkdir -p $Tmp/data/filtered-data mkdir -p $Tmp/data/test-data mkdir -p $Tmp/data/test-results mkdir -p $Tmp/data/final-stats mkdir -p $Tmp/data/tex-output #Change directory to parent directory cd ../ #Clear all folders in tmp directory of all data that might have been previously #created and used (in the event that the tmp directorys already existed) make clean-all #Copy datasource to tmp directory cp ../../../trunk/uci/discrete/$It.arff $Tmp2/. #Filter comments and excess whitespace from datasource and store new file in #filtered-data folder of tmp/data/ directory make pdThreshold=0.0 filter-data #This line used previouly, would create training and testing files for sawtooth #Removed based on need for time-locked data processing make resample-data #Line used to create a copy of the filtered data for testing cp $Tmp2/data/filtered-data/$It2.arff $Tmp2/data/test-data/$It2--test.arff #This line used previously, would use the make file to process training and #testing files for sawtooth. #make zThresh=-4.2645 perform-test set -x #Run SAWTOOTH on filtered data echo -e "SAWTOOTH \"$<\" \"$Tmp2/data/test-data/$It2--test.arff\" \"$@\"" gawk -f ./code/sawtooth.awk ERA=50 Verbose=0 Brief=0 SUBBINS=5 \ Pass=1 $Tmp2/data/test-data/$It2--test.arff \ zThresh=-4.2645 Pass=2 $Tmp2/data/test-data/$It2--test.arff #Create summary of data obtained from running SAWTOOTH #make class-stats #Create .tex output of the data obtained from the test #make texOutput=stats-table.tex \ # texStatsLabel="\"Unfiltered Data, z-test alpha = 0.01.\"" \ # texStatsId="\"tab:FinalStats:Unf:0.01\"" tex-output #cat ../../../../var/tmp/data/final-stats/${It2}.csv #cat ../../../../var/tmp/data/tex-output/stats-table-0.8-0.01.tex #diff $Tmp2/$It2.arff $Tmp2/data/filtered-data/$It2.arff