# example call to this function: ./percentilePlotterTeak fileName # note that fileName should be a csv file containing the bias-variance values # and fileName should not include the extension gnuplot << EOF set datafile separator "," set size 1,1 set terminal postscript eps color "Times New Roman" 40 set pointsize 2 set output "$1.eps" set ylabel "Percentage" set xlabel "Percentile" set key top left set xrange [0:1] set yrange [0:15] set xtics (0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9) set ytics 4 plot "$1.csv" using 1:2 title "WC" with points pointtype 7,\ "$1.csv" using 3:4 title "CC" with points pointtype 9 EOF epstopdf $1.eps