This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.11 (MiKTeX 2.9) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2011.3.21) 26 APR 2011 00:54 entering extended mode **active-v2.tex (C:\cygwin\home\kocaguneli\instanceLevel\text\active-v2.tex LaTeX2e <2009/09/24> Babel and hyphenation patterns for english, afrikaans, ancientgreek, ar abic, armenian, assamese, basque, bengali, bokmal, bulgarian, catalan, coptic, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, estonian, farsi, finnish, french, ga lician, german, german-x-2009-06-19, greek, gujarati, hindi, hungarian, iceland ic, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, kannada, kurmanji, lao, latin, lat vian, lithuanian, malayalam, marathi, mongolian, mongolianlmc, monogreek, ngerm an, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, nynorsk, oriya, panjabi, pinyin, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, swis sgerman, tamil, telugu, turkish, turkmen, ukenglish, ukrainian, uppersorbian, u senglishmax, welsh, loaded. (C:\cygwin\home\kocaguneli\instanceLevel\text\IEEEtran.cls Document Class: IEEEtran 2007/03/05 V1.7a by Michael Shell -- See the "IEEEtran_HOWTO" manual for usage information. -- \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA=\dimen102 \@IEEEtrantmpdimenB=\dimen103 \@IEEEtrantmpcountA=\count79 \@IEEEtrantmpcountB=\count80 \@IEEEtrantmptoksA=\toks14 -- Using IEEE Computer Society mode. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OT1+ppl on input line 366. ("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\psnfss\ot1ppl.fd" File: ot1ppl.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for OT1/ppl. ) -- Using 8.5in x 11in (letter) paper. -- Using PDF output. \@IEEEnormalsizeunitybaselineskip=\dimen104 -- This is a 10 point document. \CLASSINFOnormalsizebaselineskip=\dimen105 \CLASSINFOnormalsizeunitybaselineskip=\dimen106 \IEEEnormaljot=\dimen107 LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/n' in size <5> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/n' tried instead on input line 724. 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LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/n' in size <10> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/n' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/it' in size <10> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/it' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/n' in size <11> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/n' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/it' in size <11> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/it' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/n' in size <12> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/n' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/it' in size <12> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/it' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/n' in size <17> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/n' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/it' in size <17> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/it' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/n' in size <20> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/n' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/it' in size <20> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/it' tried instead on input line 724. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/ppl/bx/n' in size <24> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/ppl/b/n' tried instead on input line 724. 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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 36. ("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\context\base\supp-pdf.mkii" [Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] \scratchcounter=\count111 \scratchdimen=\dimen128 \scratchbox=\box31 \nofMPsegments=\count112 \nofMParguments=\count113 \everyMPshowfont=\toks25 \MPscratchCnt=\count114 \MPscratchDim=\dimen129 \MPnumerator=\count115 \everyMPtoPDFconversion=\toks26 ) Package caption Info: Begin \AtBeginDocument code. Package caption3 Info: subfig package 1.2 or 1.3 is loaded. LaTeX Info: Redefining \subref on input line 36. Package caption Info: float package is loaded. Package caption Info: End \AtBeginDocument code. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OT1+phv on input line 79. ("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\psnfss\ot1phv.fd" File: ot1phv.fd 2001/06/04 scalable font definitions for OT1/phv. ) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/phv/m/it' in size <11> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/phv/m/sl' tried instead on input line 79. 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Underfull \hbox (badness 4217) in paragraph at lines 139--141 []\OT1/ppl/m/n/10 An active-learning guid-ance sys-tem based on [] LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OMS+ppl on input line 156. ("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\psnfss\omsppl.fd" File: omsppl.fd ) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OMS/ppl/m/n' in size <10> not available (Font) Font shape `OMS/cmsy/m/n' tried instead on input line 156. LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:cbr' on page 2 undefined on input line 210. [2 ] LaTeX Warning: Reference `sect:learners' on page 3 undefined on input line 216. LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:cbr' on page 3 undefined on input line 223. LaTeX Warning: Citation `Jor2004e' on page 3 undefined on input line 225. LaTeX Warning: Citation `Jor2005b' on page 3 undefined on input line 229. LaTeX Warning: Citation `shepperd96' on page 3 undefined on input line 232. (C:\cygwin\home\kocaguneli\instanceLevel\text\active-learning.tex) LaTeX Font Warning: Command \small invalid in math mode on input line 255. LaTeX Font Info: Calculating math sizes for size <> on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmr/m/n' in size <> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmr/m/n' in size <0.7> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmr/m/n' in size <0.5> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmm/m/it' in size <> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmm/m/it' in size <0.7> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmm/m/it' in size <0.5> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmsy/m/n' in size <> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmsy/m/n' in size <0.7> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmsy/m/n' in size <0.5> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/lasy/m/n' in size <> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/lasy/m/n' in size <0.7> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/lasy/m/n' in size <0.5> not available (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 258. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 265--266 []\OT1/ppl/m/it/10 An it-er-a-tive di-chotomizer : \OT1/ppl/b/n/10 C\OT1/ppl/m/ n/10 lassification \OT1/ppl/b/n/10 A\OT1/ppl/m/n/10 nd [] [3] Missing character: There is no â in font pplr7t! Missing character: There is no € in font pplr7t! Missing character: There is no ™ in font pplr7t! LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/phv/m/it' in size <10> not available (Font) Font shape `OT1/phv/m/sl' tried instead on input line 333. <../lib/linear.png, id=30, 289.08pt x 76.78688pt> File: ../lib/linear.png Graphic file (type png) [4 ] <../lib/active-pool.png, id=37, 492.33937pt x 234.1247pt> File: ../lib/active-pool.png Graphic file (type png) LaTeX Warning: Citation `foss03' on page 5 undefined on input line 447. LaTeX Font Warning: Command \small invalid in math mode on input line 448. LaTeX Warning: Citation `foss03' on page 5 undefined on input line 451. LaTeX Font Warning: Command \small invalid in math mode on input line 458. LaTeX Font Warning: Command \small invalid in math mode on input line 465. LaTeX Warning: Citation `foss03' on page 5 undefined on input line 474. LaTeX Font Warning: Command \small invalid in math mode on input line 476. LaTeX Font Warning: Command \small invalid in math mode on input line 480. LaTeX Warning: `!h' float specifier changed to `!ht'. [5 ] [6] <../lib/mdmre_desharnais.pdf, id=48, 993.7125pt x 442.65375pt> File: ../lib/mdmre_desharnais.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) <../lib/mdmre_albrecht.pdf, id=49, 993.7125pt x 442.65375pt> File: ../lib/mdmre_albrecht.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) <../lib/mdmre_maxwell.pdf, id=50, 993.7125pt x 442.65375pt> File: ../lib/mdmre_maxwell.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) <../lib/mdmre_cocomo81s.pdf, id=51, 993.7125pt x 442.65375pt> File: ../lib/mdmre_cocomo81s.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) [7] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] [8 ] [9] (C:\cygwin\home\kocaguneli\instanceLevel\text\active-v2.bbl [10]) [11 ] (C:\cygwin\home\kocaguneli\instanceLevel\text\active-v2.aux) LaTeX Font Warning: Size substitutions with differences (Font) up to 4.5pt have occurred. LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references. LaTeX Warning: There were multiply-defined labels. ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 4824 strings out of 494053 73189 string characters out of 3146170 182838 words of memory out of 3000000 8012 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000 60662 words of font info for 145 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000 718 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 44i,12n,45p,664b,495s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s {C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.9/fonts/enc/dvips/fontname/8r.enc} Output written on active-v2.pdf (11 pages, 398029 bytes). PDF statistics: 163 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607) 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000) 41 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)