# combine all the data tables into one # get the refs going # comment at end that we dont explor other things cant we dont, as yet, have recognized a data feature # that guides that deciision. however, we have clues. # move ekren's prototype stuff into my list Src=kernel-v5 Bibs=myref.bib all : dirs tex bib tex tex done one : dirs tex done done : @printf "\n\n\n==============================================\n" @printf "see output in $(HOME)/tmp/$(Src).pdf\n" @printf "==============================================\n\n\n" @printf "\n\nWarnings (may be none):\n\n" grep arning $(HOME)/tmp/${Src}.log dirs : - [ ! -d $(HOME)/tmp ] && mkdir $(HOME)/tmp tex : - pdflatex -output-directory=$(HOME)/tmp $(Src) bib : - cp $(Bibs) $(HOME)/tmp; cd $(HOME)/tmp; bibtex $(Src)