tod do ------ timmm show greg the blogger categories back for posts at atl greg categories vs tags ==================== elswhere a directory for blobs jpg mpg data pdf etc code worpress users login pages static pages (reports of blogs) has no nav links to blog pages blog has nav link to static pages main page growth statistics rss feed whoat is promise (short form) latest data sets rss feeds all data data comments papers paper comments workshops workshop comments news top 5/10 items from magpie rss feed page for multiple feed items page for single feed item multiples point to singles singles point back to their multiple email as a forms page hot a tag aded by webmster about us what is promise our community layout 2-3 col standard nav dribbles down the side home | about us | contact | repository | workshops | papers | hot top home | about us | contact | repository | workshops | papers | | hot sub menus (as categories) repository all data effort estimation (23) <-- auto add numbers defect prediction text mining other data papers all papers effort estimation defect prediction text mining other papers workshops 2008 2007 2006 corsslinks all papers havera tegory all persons have a category (or do i mean "tag") all data sets have a category all workshops havea cateory all things show links to other things polcies all people atre categories TimMenzies GregGay etc all people have a page "Tim Menzies" of category "TimMenzies" category "TimMenzies" incldues "Tiim Menzies" + all TimMEnzies papers plus all TimMenzies data ditto for papers