set size 1,1 set terminal postscript eps 25 enh set output "multi_search.eps" set xrange [0:1.1] set yrange [0:1.4] unset xtics unset ytics set border 3 set arrow from .1,1 to .1,.1 nohead lt 5 lw 7 set arrow from .1,.1 to 1,.1 nohead lt 5 lw 7 set arrow from .2,.3 to .2,.5 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from .2,.3 to .4,.3 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from .4,.5 to .4,.3 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from .4,.5 to .2,.5 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from .55,.55 to .55,.75 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from .55,.55 to .75,.55 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from .75,.75 to .75,.55 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from .75,.75 to .55,.75 nohead lt 6 lw 7 set arrow from 0,1 to 1,1 nohead lt 1 lw 7 set arrow from 1,1 to 1,0 nohead lt 1 lw 7 plot -1 lt 1 lw 7 title "first iteration",\ -1 lt 5 lw 7 title "second iteration",\ -1 lt 7 lw 7 title "third iteration"