set terminal png transparent large xffffff \ x000000 x202020 x404040 x606060 \ x808080 xA0A0A0 xC0C0C0 xE0E0E0 set style line 1 lt 1 pt 1 ps 1 set style line 2 lt 5 pt 2 ps 1 set style line 3 lt 3 pt 3 ps 1 #normalizers = [ (85, 110), (1454025, 2662), (5000000, 3700)] set size .5,.5 set key bottom left set xlabel "mean cost" set ylabel "mean benefit" set output "aeroComparsion.png" set xrange [:] set xtics .05 set title "aero" plot "SA/sa-aero-50000.csvfilter" using ($2/85):($4/110) with linesp ls 1 title "SA",\ "ddpStudy/experiment/AERO/BOR/500-75/transcript_11.csv_binned3" \ using 2:4 with linesp ls 2 title "500/75" set output "holoComparsion.png" set xrange [:] set xtics .1 set ytics .005 set title "holo" plot "SA/sa-holo-50000.csvfilter" using ($2/1454025):($4/2662) with linesp ls 1 title "SA",\ "ddpStudy/experiment/HOLO/BOR/500-75/transcript_11.csv_binned3" \ using 2:4 with linesp ls 2 title "500/75" set output "cobComparsion.png" set xrange [:] set title "cob" set ytics .1 plot "SA/sa-cob-50000.csvfilter" using ($2/5000000):($4/3700) with linesp ls 1 title "SA",\ "ddpStudy/experiment/COB/BOR/500-75/cob-500-75-5.csv_binned3" \ using 2:4 with linesp ls 2 title "500/75"