intro background (motivation) Model-based vs Model-lite reasoning Software quality optimization and effort estimation/reduction case-based reasoning, stopping at estimation need for simplicity, flexibility, and understanding current state of field COCOMO tuning variance Model-dependancy CBR and model lite statement of thesis contribution (research questions) 1.) Can W perform as well as model-based approaches? 2.) Is W effective across a wide variety of datasets and goals 3.) Can we reduce data collection through discretization? 4.) Are our recommendations reliable? (Stability) structure of this thesis related work seesaw standard cbr design (implementation, optimization) contrast set learning W algorithm optimization (dropping KNN, discretization) ???Meta-W (multi-runs, weighing recommendations by stability) results (certification) W across multiple datasets W vs SEESAW (software quality optimization) W as an alternative to drastic changes Discretization's affect on performance. Stability of W's recommendations (after optimization) ???Meta-W performance discussion (application) W as a flexible business tool W as a small statement on model-based vs model-lite CSL as a framework for reasoning conclusion research questions future work