;;;;compiled under: ;;;;slime 1:20070927-3 ;;;;SBCL 1: ;;;;Peter Santiago, July 15th, 2008 ;;;;Program note: the input data array is assumed to be AxB, ;;;;where each row represents the B dimensions of one point ;;;;and there are A points ;;;;All unknown values should be of value "BLANK" ;(defun discrete-main (inputfile outputfile fastmap-dimensions clusters-sought) ; "throws everything together" ;(let* ((infile (load-item inputfile)) ; (minmaxmatrix (get-minmax infile)) ; (normalizedm (normalize infile minmaxmatrix)) ; (discretedist (discrete-distances normalizedm minmaxmatrix)) ; (fastmatrix (fastmap fastmap-dimensions normalizedm discretedist))) ;(make-plottable-initial outputfile fastmap-dimensions clusters-sought) ;(make-plottable fastmatrix outputfile))) (defun discrete-main (inputfile outputfile fastmap-dimensions clusters-sought) "throws everything together" (let* ((infile (load-item inputfile)) (minmaxmatrix 0) (normalizedm 0) (discretedist 0) (fastmatrix 0)) (setf minmaxmatrix (get-minmax infile)) (print 'done) (setf normalizedm (normalize infile minmaxmatrix)) (print 'done) (setf discretedist (discrete-distances normalizedm minmaxmatrix)) (print 'done) (setf fastmatrix (fastmap fastmap-dimensions normalizedm discretedist)) (print 'done) (make-plottable-initial outputfile fastmap-dimensions clusters-sought) (make-plottable fastmatrix outputfile) (make-plottable-clusters (quicksort-array (k-means clusters-sought fastmatrix)) outputfile))) (defun get-minmax (matrix) "For continuous values, finds the min and max per column. Note: Years are not continuous but are also obviously numbers. There is a terrible fix for it; a better programmer might come up with a better way." (labels ((digits (n) (ceiling (log (+ n .0000001) 10)))) ;don't work with powers of 10 (let* ((inf most-positive-fixnum) (ninf most-negative-fixnum) (minmax (make-array `(2 ,(array-dimension matrix 1)) :initial-contents (list (make-array (array-dimension matrix 1) :initial-element inf) (make-array (array-dimension matrix 1) :initial-element ninf))))) (dotimes (i (array-dimension matrix 0)) (dotimes (j (array-dimension matrix 1)) (cond ((not (numberp (aref matrix i j)))) ((numberp (aref matrix i j)) (if (< (aref matrix i j) (aref minmax 0 j)) (setf (aref minmax 0 j) (aref matrix i j))) (if (> (aref matrix i j) (aref minmax 1 j)) (setf (aref minmax 1 j) (aref matrix i j))))))) (dotimes (i (array-dimension minmax 0)) (dotimes (j (array-dimension minmax 1)) (cond ((or (= (aref minmax i j) inf) (= (aref minmax i j) ninf) (if (> (aref minmax i j) 0) (= 4 (digits (aref minmax i j))))) (setf (aref minmax i j) nil))))) minmax))) (defun normalize (matrix minmax) "This function normalizes data that can be normalized." (dotimes (i (array-dimension matrix 0)) (dotimes (j (array-dimension matrix 1)) (if (numberp (aref minmax 0 j)) (if (numberp (aref matrix i j)) (setf (aref matrix i j) (/ (- (aref matrix i j) (aref minmax 0 j)) (- (aref minmax 1 j) (aref minmax 0 j)))))))) matrix) (defun discrete-distances (matrix minmax) "This function determines the distances between data points. The resulting matrix is returned. (+ sum 0) is added in for clarity." (let ((distm (make-array (list (array-dimension matrix 0) (array-dimension matrix 0)) :initial-element nil)) (sum 0)) (dotimes (i (array-dimension matrix 0) distm) (format t "Now on: ~a~%" i) (dotimes (j (array-dimension matrix 0)) (setf sum 0) (cond ((equalp (aref distm i j) nil) (dotimes (k (array-dimension matrix 1)) (cond ((or (equalp (aref matrix i k) 'BLANK) (equalp (aref matrix j k) 'BLANK)) (setf sum (+ sum 0))) ((equalp (aref minmax 0 k) nil) (if (equalp (aref matrix i k) (aref matrix j k)) (setf sum (+ sum 0)) (setf sum (+ sum 1)))) ((numberp (aref minmax 0 k)) (setf sum (+ sum (expt (- (aref matrix i k) (aref matrix j k)) 2)))))) ;(format t "Setting ~a:~a and ~a:~a~%" i j j i) (setf (aref distm i j) (sqrt sum)) (setf (aref distm j i) (sqrt sum)))))))) (defun load-item (filename) "load-item: allows the file at filename to be parsed and stored" (let ((x 0)) (with-open-file (in filename) (with-standard-io-syntax (setf x (read in)) x)))) ;end load-item (defun save-item (filename item) "save-item: allows the variable item to be stored in the file at filename as a lisp object" (with-open-file (out filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (with-standard-io-syntax (print item out) 'done))) ;end save-item