(defmodel evett ((:scale lamb 1 10) (:scale fvalue .01 .25 .01 special) (:scale n 1 5) (:scale lr 25 225 25)) ;This becomes the "model" accessible by evett-model. ((min lr (+ (/ (* (elt *p-values* 0) (calculate-t lamb (+ 1 n))) (* (elt *p-values* 1) (elt *s-values* n) fvalue)) (calculate-t lamb 0)))) ;Importance isn't implemented for this model. Yet? ((configure lamb :troughcolor (intern (format nil "gray~A" 30))) (configure n :troughcolor :green)) ;This is the business that generates the 3D image. It can't be removed. (format output-stream "#LAMBDA ~A N ~A LR~%" *DL* *DL*) (dotimes (x (round lamb)) (dotimes (y (round n)) (format output-stream "~A ~A ~A ~A ~A~%" (+ 1 x) *DL* (1+ y) *DL* (evett-model (1+ x) fvalue (1+ y) lr)))) (close output-stream) (format-gnuplot "set dgrid3d") (set-labels "LAMBDA" "N" "LR") (generate-thumbs 30 40 40 30) (format-gnuplot "splot 'tmp.dat' with linespoints"))