Web Images Video | Personalized Results 1 - 10 of about 60,300,000 for crap [definition]. (0.10 seconds) |
Crap is a slang word meaning excrement. The word is used to mean not only excrement, but anything of low quality, or as a negative interjection. ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crap - 18k - |
Crap.com is a showcase for crap that sells on the Internet. Finding crap on the net just got easier! www.crap.com/ - 23k - |
Art or Crap Quiz: Do you know your Dada from your Moma? www.modestypanel.com/artorcrap/ - 17k - |
Chicken Crap · home · videos · pictures. Videos. Penis Painting · 24: 1994 Edition · New Kid in the Kitchen · Dead Girls Gone Wild ... chickencrap.com/ - 11k - |
ZDNet Executive Editor David Berlind suggests that CRAP or Content, Restriction, Annulment, and Protection, is a catchier phrase than DRM - Digital Rights ... news.zdnet.com/2422-13569_22-156220.html - 40k - |
Mindless Crap - Filled with trivia, word origins, quotes, and all the other crap you could care less about, but want to know anyways. www.mindlesscrap.com/ - 17k - |
We learned that good design is based on the C.R.A.P. principles where C.R.A.P. stands for Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity, and when Creative ... www.thinkvitamin.com/features/ design/how-crap-is-your-site-design - 217k - |
Create a piece of shit online and email it to your friends and family. Choose the temperature, weight, impact, and other variables. www.crapmachine.com/ - 9k - |
A semi-biographical comic about the struggles and occasional humour of daily life, pets, friends, and the many people I meet. crap.jinwicked.com/ - 42k - |
Weird Crap: (wird'crap) adj.Useless, unexpected, humorous verbal exploits of an odd, bizarre, or unearthly nature.The Weird Crap: (tha wird'crap) n. www.theweirdcrap.com/ - 46k - |
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