
Think of a gang, patrolling at the front gate of a castle, protecting an area on a bridge.

Looking inside each members of the gang game, we may see

SteeringForce += 
	wander()            * wanderAmount        * wanderProirity +
    obstacleAvoidance() * avoidAmount         * avoidPriority +
	aligness()          * alignAmount         * alignPriority +
	cohesion()          * cohesionAmount      * cohesionPriority +
	seperation()        * seperationAmount    * seperationPriority +
	alignment()         * alignAmount         * alignPriority +
    wallAvoidance()     * wallAvoidanceAmount * wallAvoidPriority  +
    chasePrey()         * chaseAmount         * chasePriority +
    avoidPrey()         * avoidAmount         * avoidPriority 

What is going on here? A round robin between two models:

 Player ---> thrust

How to control a whole host of behaviors:.

Pattern Movements (Wandering)

When in doubt, pattern movement. At any "X", going in direction "Y", pick any neighbor at random, favoring those nearer your current compass bearing:

Pick patterns at random. Note: pattern[0] means random walk.

Bread crumbs

Actor X drops bread crumbs. Actor Y steers towards zones of higher bread crumb results.

Bread crumbing have some nice computational properties; e.g. very fast to compute.


Kind of pattern movements, for groups.

Look around to a distance of "D" for an plus/minus "X" degrees from your current compass bearing:

With that knowledge, work out how much to operate, align, cohere:
Separation: steer to avoid crowding local flock mates (give this one the highest priority)
Alignment: steer towards the average heading of local flock mates
Cohesion: steer to move toward the average position of local flock mates, maybe weighted by your compass bearing

(See also Lennard-Jones functions for combining the above into one equation.)

Leader Following

Do a weighted sum of the neighborhood, giving a "leader" more weight than the rest of the flock.

Now the problem of programming the flock reduces to just the problem of programming the leader.

Note: the leader can be selected dynamically:


Predict where the food will be, steer towards there.

Prey avoidance

Predict where the prey will be, steer away from there.

Or, with knowledge of the terrain, find a predator's blind spot (behind a rock) and go steer to there.

Obstacle avoidance

Extend "feelers".

If they fall within "r" of some obstacle, then insert a steering force "b" to deflect the actor

Path finding and way points

Given a terrain map of regions (rooms, valleys with passes between them, oceans connected by straights),

To computer way points:

If you want some geography, add distance measure instead of just "1"

D1=    A B C D E F G
     A . 4 . . . . .
     B . . 2 . . . .
     C . . . 9 7 . .
     D . . . . . . .
     E . . . . . 8 .
     F . . . . . . 3
     G . . . . . . .

These numbers can reflect difficulty in traversing some region (e.g. mud, quicksand, steep slopes)

Navigation in two steps: go straight to the nearest way point, then path follow from weigh point to weigh point.

Note: "previous[]" can be pre-computed and cached (fast runtimes).

When wondering a path, remember to stagger a little and steer more at corners.

And for crowds to walk paths, add obstable avoidance.

Influence Maps

Recall our geograph maps:

D1=    A B C D E F G
     A . 4 . . . . .
     B . . 2 . . . .
     C . . . 9 7 . .
     D . . . . . . .
     E . . . . . 8 .
     F . . . . . . 3
     G . . . . . . .

Remember that these numbers can reflect difficulty in traversing some region (e.g. mud, quicksand, steep slopes)

An inlfuence map is a second "geograohy" map that changes at runtime. E.g. suppose you keep dying everytime you walk from G to A:

Inf=    A B C D E F G
     A . . . . . . .
     B . . . . . . .
     C . . . . . . .
     D . . . . . . .
     E . . . . . . .
     F . . . . . . .
     G 10 . . . . . .

So now we can do A* to minimize g(x)+h(x) where "h=D+Inf"