(defmacro o (x)
"print a named value;
e.g. (let ((a 22)) (o a)) ==> [a]=[22]"
`(progn (format t "[~a]=[~a] " (quote ,x) ,x) ,x))
(defmacro oo (&rest l)
"print a list of names values;
e.g. (let ((aa 22) (b 33)) (oo a b)) ==> [a]=22;[b]=[33]"
`(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda(x) `(o ,x)) l) (terpri)))
(defmacro inc> (new-relation old)
`(if (> ,new ,old) (setf ,old ,new)))
(defmacro inc< (new old)
`(if (< ,new ,old) (setf ,old ,new)))
(defmacro doitems ((one n list &optional out) &body body )
`(let ((,n 0))
(dolist (,one ,list ,out) (incf ,n) ,@body)))
(defmacro doitems1 ((one n list &optional out) &body body )
`(let ((,n 1))
(dolist (,one ,list ,out) (incf ,n) ,@body)))
(defmacro inca (key l &optional (inc 1))
`(if (cdr (assoc ,key ,l))
(cdr (assoc ,key ,l))
(+ ,inc (cdr (assoc ,key ,l))))
(push (cons ,key ,inc) ,l)))
(defun hkeys (h)
(let (out)
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (push k out)) h)
(defun hshow (h &optional (header ""))
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (format t "~a~a = ~a~%" header k v)) h)
(defun ?elt (choices)
(elt choices (floor (random (length choices)))))
(defun ?quantity (min max)
(if (> min max)
(?quantity max min)
(+ min (random (+ 1 (- max min))))))
(defun sum (l)
(let ((s 0))
(dolist (x l s)
(incf s x))))
(defun countlist (l)
(let (out)
(doitems (one n l (reverse out))
(push (cons (1- n) one) out))))
(defstruct counts
class sample frequency)
(defun h2l (h)
(let (all)
(labels ((keep (k v)
(push (make-counts :class (second k)
:sample (fourth k)
:frequency v)
(maphash #'keep h)
(defun distance1 (x y col max)
"in this system, all ranges are numbered 1..N and '0'
denotes a wild card"
(cond ((zerop x) (?QUANTITY 0 10)) ((zerop y) (?QUANTITY 0 10))
((numericp col) (- x y))
((eql x y) 0)
(t max)))
(defun distance (l1 l2 max &optional (cols (rel-columns *the-relation*)))
"Returns a number 0..1"
(let ((sum 0))
(mapc #'(lambda (one two col)
(let* ((delta (distance1 one two col max))
(pow (expt delta 2)))
(incf sum pow)))
l1 l2 cols)
(/ (sqrt sum) max)))