; This file is part of AIslash.
; AIslash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; AIslash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with AIslash. If not, see
We have
(defstruct node (id (incf (wm-id *w*)))) (defstruct (nodes (:include node )) kids) (defstruct (node1 (:include node )) kid ) (defstruct ($and (:include nodes)) ) (defstruct ($or (:include nodes)) ) (defstruct ($not (:include node1)) ) (defstruct (thing (:include node1)) name ; short print name description ; long name ako ; a kind of what? (priority 1) ; how much to stress on achieving this one givens ; known prior distributions goals ; desired future distributions computeds ; what we can achieve costs ; cost of reaching parts parts of the distribitions (lockedp t) ; locked or free (are you allowed to adjust the prior?) ) ; goals not used at proppergation, just at rrepport ; change if goal then delta computeds to goal ; if given then delta computers to given ;;
Note that, as far as users are concerned, all their domain
;concepts are the only
(defmethod clear ((x node )) t) (defmethod clear ((x thing)) (setf (thing-computeds x) nil)) ;
(defmethod node+ ((x node)) (setf (gethash (node-handle x) (wm-verticies *w*)) x) x) (defmethod node+ ((x thing)) (call-next-method) (if (thing-ako x) (push (node-handle x) ; add to kinds (if this has an 'ako') (gethash (thing-ako x) (wm-kinds *w*)))) x) (defmethod node= ((x integer)) (gethash x (wm-verticies *w*))) (defmethod node= ((x symbol)) (gethash x (wm-verticies *w*))) (defmethod node= ((x node)) x) (deftest test-node+ () (zap) (let ((th (make-thing :name 'happiness :description "Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy." :ako 'emotion :givens (rare!)))) (node+ th) (let ((out (with-output-to-string (s) (showh (wm-verticies *w*) :stream s)))) (check (samep out "HAPPINESS = #S(THING :ID 1 :KID NIL :NAME HAPPINESS :DESCRIPTION Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy. :AKO EMOTION :PRIORITY 1 :GIVENS #S(DIST :BUCKETS ((1 . 0.23529412) (2 . 0.4117647) (3 . 0.23529412) (4 . 0.11764706) (5 . 0.0) (6 . 0.0) (7 . 0.0) (8 . 0.0) (9 . 0.0) (10 . 0.0)) :CARDINALITY 10 :MIN 0 :MAX 100) :GOALS NIL :COMPUTEDS NIL :COSTS NIL :LOCKEDP t)"))))) (deftest test-node= () (zap) (let ((thing (make-thing :name 'happiness :description "Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy." :ako 'emotion :givens (rare!)))) (node+ thing) (node= (node-id thing)))) (defmethod ! ((x null )) nil) (defmethod ! ((x number)) (! (node= x))) (defmethod ! ((x node)) (error "{!} shouyld be inplemented by sub-class")) (defmethod ! ((x thing)) (or (thing-computed x) (setf (thing-computed x) (? x)))) (defmethod ? ((x thing)) ; if no kids then just return your our dist (if (thing-locked? x) (thing-givens x) (! (thing-kid x)))) (defmethod ? ((x $not)) (dist-not (! x))) (defmethod ? ((x $and)) (accumulate #'dist-and (first (nodes-kid x)) (rest (nodes-kides)))) (defmethod ? ((x $or)) (accumulate #'dist-or (first (nodes-kid x)) (rest (nodes-kides)))) (defmethod node-handle ((x node)) (node-id x)) (defmethod node-handle ((x thing)) (thing-name x)) (defmethod node-kid+ (dad kid) (if (node1-kid dad) (error "~% can't have more than one kid" (node-handle dad)) (setf (node1-kid dad) (node-handle kid)))) (defun node-kids+ (a b creator) (let* ((dad (node= a)) (grandkid (node-handle (node= b))) (kid (node1-kid dad))) (if kid (push grandkid (nodes-kids (node= kid))) (setf (node1-kid dad) (node-handle (node+ (funcall creator :kids (list grandkid)))))))) (defmacro == (a b) `(node-kid+ (node= ',a) (node= ',b))) (defmacro ^ (a b) `(node-kids+ ',a ',b #'make-$and)) (defmacro v (a b) `(node-kids+ ',a ',b #'make-$or)) (defmacro thing (name &key help ako) `(node+ (make-thing :name ',name :description ',help :ako ',ako))) (defun model1 () (zap) (thing happy) (thing healthy) (thing rich) (thing wise) (thing poor) (^ happy healthy) (^ happy rich) (^ happy wise) (== wise poor) ;XXX or ) (deftest test-model1 () (zap) (model1) (let ((string (with-output-to-string (str) (showh (wm-verticies *w*) :stream str)))) (check (samep string "6 = #S($AND :ID 6 :KIDS (WISE RICH HEALTHY)) HAPPY = #S(THING :ID 1 :KID 6 :NAME HAPPY :DESCRIPTION NIL :AKO NIL :PRIORITY 1 :GIVENS NIL :GOALS NIL :COMPUTEDS NIL :COSTS NIL :LOCKEDP T) HEALTHY = #S(THING :ID 2 :KID NIL :NAME HEALTHY :DESCRIPTION NIL :AKO NIL :PRIORITY 1 :GIVENS NIL :GOALS NIL :COMPUTEDS NIL :COSTS NIL :LOCKEDP T) POOR = #S(THING :ID 5 :KID NIL :NAME POOR :DESCRIPTION NIL :AKO NIL :PRIORITY 1 :GIVENS NIL :GOALS NIL :COMPUTEDS NIL :COSTS NIL :LOCKEDP T) RICH = #S(THING :ID 3 :KID NIL :NAME RICH :DESCRIPTION NIL :AKO NIL :PRIORITY 1 :GIVENS NIL :GOALS NIL :COMPUTEDS NIL :COSTS NIL :LOCKEDP T) WISE = #S(THING :ID 4 :KID POOR :NAME WISE :DESCRIPTION NIL :AKO NIL :PRIORITY 1 :GIVENS NIL :GOALS NIL :COMPUTEDS NIL :COSTS NIL :LOCKEDP T)"))))