- abstract type
- An abstract data type ---
- abstraction
- An abstraction is the
- actual parameter
- aliasing
- Aliasing occurs whenever a given object becomes accessible through more than one name.
- actual parameter
- argument
- assembly language
- assertion
- backtrack
- binding
- Binding is an association between two objects.
- block
- class
- clause
- coertion
- composite type
- A composite type is a type whose values are compose of simpler values.
- computation
- A computation is the application of a sequence of
operations to a set of values to yield a value.
- computational model
- A computational model is a collection of values and
- concurrent programming
- Concurrent programming is characterized by programming with more than one process.
- context
- context-sensitive
- A syntactic element is context-sensitive if its value depends on the context in which it appears.
- coroutine
- deadlock
- domain
- environment
- exception
- formal parameter
- functional programming
- Functional programming is characterized by programming with values, functions and functional forms.
- generator
- imperative programming
- Imperative programming is characterized by programming sequential modifications to a state.
- inheritance
- instance
- iterator
- lexical analyzer
- a scanner
- live-lock
- liveness
- logic programming
- Logic programming is characterized by programming with relations and deduction.
- machine language
- 1's and 0's.
- method
- module
- object
- object-oriented programming
- Object-oriented programming is characterized by programming with objects, messages, and hierarchies of objects.
- overloading
- parameter
- partition
- polymorphism
- pragmatics
- The pragmatics of a programming language describe the degree
of success with which a programming language meets its goals both
in its faithfulness to the underlying model of computation and
in its utility for human programmers.
- primitive type
- A primitive type
is a type whose values cannot be decomposed. The values are atomic.
- process
- program
- A program is a specification of a
- programming language
- A programming language is a
notation for writing programs.
- recursive type
- A recursive type is a type whose values may be composed of other values of the same type.
- safety
- scanner
- A scanner is a program which groups characters in an input stream into a sequence of tokens.
- scope
- semantics
- The semantics of a programming language describe the
relationship between the syntactical elements and the model of computation.
- semantic algebra
- A semantic algebra is set of values and operations defined on those values.
A semantic algebra is distinguished from a type in that semantic algebras are the objects denoted in denotational semantics while types are the syntactic objects
- semantic domain
- A semantic domain is a set of values.
- side effect
- A side effect is a modification of a non-local environment.
- starvation
- state
- static semantics
- The static semantics is the description of the structural constraints (context-sensitive aspects) that cannot be adequately described by context-free grammars.
- symbol table
- syntax
- The syntax of a programming language describes the structure of programs.
- type
- A type is a set of values and a set of operations (see semantic algebra).
- value
- A value is any thing that may be evaluated, stored, incorporated in a data structure, passed as an argument to a procedure or
function, returned as a function result, and so on.
- variable
- virtual machine
Author: A. Aaby