Figure 1: Standard deviation using higher-order functions
sd(xs) = sqrt(v) where n = length( xs ) v = fold( plus, map(sqr, xs ))/n - sqr( fold(plus, xs)/n)
1a. human(Socrates) | Fact |
1b. human(Penelope) | Fact |
2. mortal(X) if human(X) | Rule |
3. ¬mortal(Y) | Assumption |
4a. X = Y | from 2 & 3 by unification |
4b. ¬human(Y) | and modus tollens |
5a. Y = Socrates | from 1 and 4 by unification |
5b. Y = Penelope | |
6. Contradiction | 5a, 4b, and 1a; 5b, 4b and 1b |
S0 -O0-> S1 - ... -> Sn-1 -On-1-> Sn |
Figure 2.1: G0 a grammar for a fragment of English
The grammatical categories are: S, NP, VP, D, N, V.
The words are: a, the, cat, mouse, ball, boy, girl, ran, bounced, caught.
The grammar rules are:S --> NP VP NP --> N NP --> D N VP --> V VP --> V NP V --> ran | bounced | caught D --> a | the N --> cat | mouse | ball | boy | girlThe most general category is S, a sentence.
Figure 2.2: G1 An expression grammar
N = { E } T = { c, id, +, *, (, ) } P = {E --> c, E --> id, E --> (E), E --> E + E, E --> E * E } S = E
Figure 2.3: G2 An abstract expression grammar
N = { E } T = { c, id, add, mult} P = {E --> c, E --> id, E --> add E E , E --> mult E E } S = E
Figure 2.4: Top-down Parse
PARSE TREE UNRECOGNIZED INPUT S the cat caught the mouse /\ NP VP the cat caught the mouse / \ \ D N \ the cat caught the mouse | | \ the | \ cat caught the mouse | \ cat \ caught the mouse /\ V NP caught the mouse | \ caught \ the mouse /\ D N the mouse | | the | mouse | mouse
Figure 2.5: Bottom-up Parse
PARSE TREE UNRECOGNIZED INPUT the cat caught the mouse the cat caught the mouse | D cat caught the mouse | | cat caught the mouse | | | N caught the mouse \ / NP caught the mouse | | caught the mouse | | | V the mouse | | | | the mouse | | | | | D mouse | | | | | | mouse | | | | | | | N | | \ / | | NP | \ / | VP \ / S
Figure 2.6 Top-down parse of id+id*id
STACK INPUT RULE/ACTION E] id+id*id] pop & push using E --> E+E E+E] id+id*id] pop & push using E --> id id+E] id+id*id] pop & consume +E] +id*id] pop & consume E] id*id] pop & push using E --> E*E E*E] id*id] pop & push using E --> id id*E] id*id] pop & consume *E] *id] pop & consume E] id] pop & push using E --> id id] id] pop & consume ] ] accept
Figure 2.7: Bottom-up parse of id+id*id
STACK INPUT RULE/ACTION ] id+id*id] Shift id] +id*id] Reduce using E --> id E] +id*id] Shift +E] id*id] Shift id+E] *id] Reduce using E --> id E+E] *id] Shift *E+E] id] Shift id*E+E] ] Reduce using E --> id E*E+E] ] Reduce using E --> E*E E+E] ] Reduce using E --> E+E E] ] Accept
Figure 2.8: Context-free grammar for Simple
program ::= LET definitions IN command_sequence END definitions ::= e | INTEGER id_seq IDENTIFIER .id_seq ::= e | id_seq IDENTIFIER , command_sequence ::= e | command_sequence command ; command := SKIP | READ IDENTIFIER | WRITE exp | IDENTIFIER := exp | IF exp THEN command_sequence ELSE command_sequence FI | WHILE bool_exp DO command_sequence END exp ::= exp + term | exp - term | term term :: term * factor | term / factor | factor factor ::= factor^primary | primary primary ::= NUMBER | IDENT | ( exp ) bool_exp ::= exp = exp | exp < exp | exp > exp
Figure N.1: Algebraic Definition of Peano Arithmetic
Bool = {true, false} (Boolean values)
N in Nat (the natural numbers)
N ::= 0 | S(N)Semantic functions:
= : (Nat, Nat) -> Bool
+ : (Nat, Nat) -> Nat
× : (Nat, Nat) -> NatSemantic axioms and equations:
not S(N) = 0
if S(M) = S(N) then M = N
( n + 0 ) = n
( m + S(n) ) = S( m + n )
( n × 0 ) = 0
( m × S(n)) = (( m × n) + m)where m,n in Nat
Figure N.2: Algebraic definition of an Integer Stack ADT
Nat (the natural numbers
Stack ( of natural numbers)
Bool (boolean values)Semantic functions:
newStack: () -> Stack
push : (Nat, Stack) -> Stack
pop: Stack -> Stack
top: Stack -> Nat
empty : Stack -> BoolSemantic axioms:
pop(push(N,S)) = S
top(push(N,S)) = N
empty(push(N,S)) = false
empty(newStack()) = trueErrors:
top(newStack()) where N in Nat and S in Stack.
Figure N.3: Program to compute S = sumi=1nA[i]
S,I := 0,0 while I < n do S,I := S+A[I+1],I+1 end
Figure N.4: Verification of S = sumi=1nA[i]
{ 0 = Sumi=10A[i], 0 < |A| = n }
S,I := 0,0
{S = Sumi=1IA[i], I <= n }
while I < n do
{S = Sumi=1IA[i], I < n }
{S+A[I+1] = Sumi=1I+1A[i], I+1 <= n }
S,I := S+A[I+1],I+1
{ S = Sumi=1IA[i], I <= n }
{S = Sumi=1IA[i], I <= n, I >= n }
{S = Sumi=1nA[i] }
Figure N.5: Recursive version of summation
S,I := 0,0 loop: if I < n then S,I := S+A[I+1],I+1; loop else skip fi
Figure N.6: Denotational definition of Peano Arithmetic
Abstract Syntax:
N in Nat (the Natural Numbers)
N ::= 0 | S(N) | (N + N) | (N × N)
Semantic Algebra:
Nat (the natural numbers (0, 1, ...)
+ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Valuation Function:
D : Nat -> Nat
D[( n + 0 )] = D[n]
D[( m + S(n) )] = D[(m+n)] + 1
D[( n × 0 )] = 0
D[( m × S(n))] = D[ (( m × n) + m) ]
where m,n in Nat
Abstract Syntax: C in Command E in Expression O in Operator N in Numeral V in Variable C ::= V := E | if E then C1 else C2 end | while E do C3 end | C1;C2 | skip E ::= V | N | E1 O E2 | (E) O ::= + | - | * | / | = | < | > | <> Semantic Algebra: Domains: tau in T = {true, false}; the boolean values zeta in Z = {...-1,0,1,...}; the integers + : Z -> Z -> Z ... = : Z -> Z -> T ... sigma in S = Variable -> Numeral; the state Valuation Functions: C in C -> (S -> S) E in E -> E -> (N union T) C[ skip ] sigma = sigma C[ V := E ] sigma = sigma [ V:E[ E ] sigma C[ C1; C2 ] = C[ C2 ] · C[ C1] C[ if E then C1 else C2 end ] sigma = C[ C1 ] sigma if E[ E ]sigma = true = C[ C2 ] sigma if E[ E ]sigma = false C[ while E do C end}]sigma = limn -> infty C[ (if E then C else skip end)n ] sigma E[ V ] sigma = sigma(V) E[ N ] = zeta E[ E1+E2 ] = E[ E ] sigma + E[ E ] sigma ... E[ E1=E2 ] sigma = E[ E ] sigma = E[ E ] sigma |
Figure N.8: Operational semantics for Peano arithmetic
Abstract Syntax: N in Nat (the natural numbers) N ::= 0 | S(N) | (N + N) | (N × N) Interpreter: I: N -> N I[ ( n + 0 ) ] ==> n I[ ( m + S(n) ) ] ==> S( I[ (m+n ) ] ) I[ ( n × 0 ) ] ==> 0 I[ ( m × S(n)) ] ==> I[ (( m × n) + m) ] where m,n in Nat
Figure N.9: Operational semantics for Simple
Interpreter: I: C × Sigma -> Sigma {nu} in E × Sigma} -> T union Z Semantic Equations: I(skip,sigma) = sigma I(V := E,sigma) = sigma[V:nu(E,sigma)] I(C1 ;C2,sigma) = E(C2,E(C1,sigma)) I(if E then C1 else C2 end,sigma) = I(C1,sigma)&if nu(E,sigma) = true} I(C2,sigma)&if nu(E,sigma) = false} while E do C end = if E then (C;while E do C end) else skip nu(V,sigma) = sigma(V) nu(N,sigma) = N nu(E1+E2,sigma) = nu(E1,sigma) + nu(E2,sigma) ... nu(E1=E2,sigma) = true if nu(E,sigma) = nu(E,sigma)} false if nu(E,sigma) != nu(E,sigma)} otherwise ...
Source code (in source language) | \/ |
Analysis (front-end) |
Synthesis (back-end) |
| |
Figure N.2: Context-free grammar for Simple
program ::= definitions in command_sequence definitions ::= e | variable command_sequence ::= e | command_sequence command ; command := SKIP | READ variable | WRITE exp | IDENT := exp | IF bool_exp THEN command_sequence ELSE command_sequence FI | WHILE bool_exp DO command_sequence END exp ::= exp + term | exp - term | term term :: term * factor | term / factor | factor factor ::= factor^primary | primary primary ::= INT | IDENT | ( exp ) bool_exp ::= exp = exp | exp < exp | exp > exp
Figure N.3: Grammar Transformation Rules
- Convert the grammar to EBNF
- Remove left-recursion: replace N ::= E | NF with N ::= E(F)*
- Left-factor the grammar: replace N ::= EFG | EF'G with N ::= E(F|F')G
- If N ::= E is not recursive, remove it and replace all occurrences of N in the grammar with E
Figure N.2: First[E] and Follow[N]
First[e] = empty set First[t] = {t} t is a terminal First[N] = First[E] where N ::= E First[E F] = First[E] union First[F] if E generates lambda = First[E] otherwise First[E|F] = First[E] union First[F] First[E*] = First[E] Follow[N] = {t} in context Nt, t is terminal = First[F] in context NF, F is non-terminal
Figure N.3: EBNF to Parsing Procedures
- For each grammar rule N::=E, construct a parsing procedure
parseN { parse E }- Refine parse E
If parse E is: then refine to: parse lambda skip parse t accept(t) where t is a terminal parse N parseN where N is a non-terminal parse E F parse E; parse F parse E|F if currentToken.class in First[E] then
parse E
else if currentToken.class in First[F] then
parse F
else report a syntactic errorparse E* while currentToken.class in First[E] do
parse E
Figure N.M: RE to EBNF
- Each regular expression REi defining a token class Ti is put into the EBNF form: Ti ::= REi.
- A regular expression Sep is constructed defining the symbols which sparate tokens.
- The EBNF production S ::= Sep*(T0|...|Tn) is added to the grammar.
Figure N.3: EBNF to Scanning Procedures
- For each grammar rule Ti::=Ei, construct a scanning procedure scanTi {scan Ei}.
- Refine scan Ei
scan Ei Refinement scan lambda skip scan ch takeIt(t) where ch is a character scan N scanN where N is a non-terminal scan E F scan E; scan F scan E|F if currentChar in First[E] then
scan E
else if currentChar in First[F] then
scan F
else report a syntactic errorscan E* while currentChar in First[E] do
scan E
Figure : An attribute grammar for declarations
P ::= D(SymbolTable) B(SymbolTable) D(SymbolTable) ::= ...V( insert( V in SymbolTable)... B(SymbolTable) ::= C(SymbolTable)... C(SymbolTable) ::= V := E(SymbolTable, Error(if V not in SymbolTable) | ...
Figure M.N: Record implementation
Field1 ... Fieldn
Figure M.N: Object implementation
Instance data Shared methods Code
methods data field1 ... date fieldm -->
method1 ... methodn -->
Figure M.N: Implementation of inheritance
Object supertype Shared methods Code
methods fields -->
methods --> Object subtype
methods shared fields new fields -->
shared methods new methods -->
Figure M.N: Virtual Machine 2
Instruction Counter
Code Segment1 ... Code Segmentn Data Segment Return Address Stack
Figure M.N: Virtual Machine 3
Instruction Counter
Code Segment1 ... Code Segmentn Data Segment1 ... Data Segmentn Return Address Stack
Figure M.N: Monolithic Block Structure
Global Data Return Address1 ... Return Addressn
Figure M.N: Activation Record
Static Link Return Address Dynamic Link Local Data
Figure M.N: Runtime Stack
0 0 0 Local data for M A
SL RA DL Local data for A B
SL RA DL Local data for B Main calls A which calls B.
Figure M.N: Pascal Virtual Machine
Code Segments Run-time Stack Heap
Every sequential program residing on a computer typically comes in four parts (Figure M.N):
Figure M.N: A sequential program in the computer
code the procedures, statements, and expressions of the program, translated into machine language by a compiler or assembler. global data the top-level (static) variables of the program heap data a pool of storage used by the NEW function when allocating new dynamic variables stack a storage area used to hold all local variables, procedure parameters, and bookkeeping information during execution
Program Counter Static pointer Heap Manager Stack Manager
Code Global data Heap Stack
The program counter keeps track of the location of the next instruction in memory. The stack manager allocates and deallocates stack memory. The heap manager allocates and deallocates heap memory. Code is often kept in read-only memory, because it is never changed during execution. The size of the static area is determined when the program is linked by adding up the sizes of the static data areas in each module. The heap starts out as an area of unused storage; each time additional memory is requested, a piece is allocated to the program. Either a garbage collector or the program may return storage for future use. The stack starts out as unused, but every time a prodedure is called a chunk of stroage at the top of the stack is reserved to hold the procedure's parameters and local variables. Every time a procedure returns, the storage it used on the stack is returned.
Figure M.N: A multithreaded program in the computer
Thread1 ... Threadn Shared memory
Code pointer Static pointer Heap access Stack manager Local stack
Code pointer Static pointer Heap access Stack manager Local stack
Code Static and shared data Heap