Introduction to Compilers
A language translator is a program which translates programs from source
language into an equivalent program in an object language.
Keywords and phrases:source-language, object-language, syntax-directed,
compiler, assembler, linker, loader, parser, scanner, top-down, bottom-up,
context-free grammar, regular expressions
A computer constructed from actual physical devices is termed an
computer or hardware computer. From the programming point of
view, it is the instruction set of the hardware that defines a machine.
An operating system is built on top of a machine to manage access to the
machine and to provide additional services. The services provided by the
operating system constitute another machine, a virtual machine.
A programming language provides a set of operations. Thus, for example,
it is possible to speak of a Java computer or a Haskell computer. For the
programmer, the programming language is the computer; the programming language
defines a virtual computer. The virtual machine for Simple consists of
a data area which contains the association between variables and values
and the program which manipulates the data area.
Figure M.N: Simple's Virtual Machine and Runtime Environment
Memory |
Code Segment |
Data Segment |
Figure M.N: C's Virtual machine
Program counter |
Activation record |
Stack top |
Heap information |
Memory |
Code Segment |
Subroutine0 |
... |
Subroutinen |
Data segment |
Global data |
Stack (local data) |
Heap |
Figure M.N: Nonrecursive language with subroutines
Subroutine0 |
... |
Subroutinen |
Code |
... |
Code |
Data |
... |
Data |
Between the programmer's view of the program and the virtual machine
provided by the operating system is another virtual machine. It consists
of the data structures and algorithms necessary to support the execution
of the program. This virtual machine is the run time system of the language.
Its complexity may range in size from virtually nothing, as in the case
of FORTRAN, to an extremely sophisticated system supporting memory management
and inter process communication as in the case of a concurrent programming
language like SR. The run time system for Simple as includes the processing
unit capable of executing the code and a data area in which the values
assigned to variables are accessed through an offset into the data area.
User programs constitute another class of virtual machines.
A language translator is a program which translates
programs from source language into an equivalent program in an object language.
The source language is usually a high-level programming language and the
object language is usually the machine language of an actual computer.
From the pragmatic point of view, the translator defines the semantics
of the programming language, it transforms operations specified by the
syntax into operations of the computational model---in this case, to some
virtual machine. Context-free grammars are used in the construction of
language translators. Since the translation is based on the syntax of the
source language, the translation is said to be syntax-directed.
A compiler is a translator whose source language is a high-level
language and whose object language is close to the machine language of
an actual computer. The typical compiler consists of an analysis phase
and a synthesis phase.
In contrast with compilers an interpreter is a program which
simulates the execution of programs written in a source language. Interpreters
may be used either at the source program level or an interpreter may be
used it interpret an object code for an idealized machine. This is the
case when a compiler generates code for an idealized machine whose architecture
more closely resembles the source code.
There are several other types of translators that are often used in
conjunction with a compiler to facilitate the execution of programs. An
is a translator whose source language (an assembly language) represents
a one-to-one transliteration of the object machine code. Some compilers
generate assembly code which is then assembled into machine code by an
assembler. A loader is a translator whose source and object languages
are machine language. The source language programs contain tables of data
specifying points in the program which must be modified if the program
is to be executed. A link editor takes collections of executable
programs and links them together for actual execution. A preprocessor
is a translator whose source language is an extended form of some high-level
language and whose object language is the standard form of the high-level
The typical compiler consists of several phases each of which passes
its output to the next phase
The lexical phase (scanner) groups characters into lexical units
or tokens. The input to the lexical phase is a character stream. The output
is a stream of tokens. Regular expressions are used to define the tokens
recognized by a scanner (or lexical analyzer). The scanner is implemented
as a finite state machine.
The parser groups tokens into syntactical units. The output of the
parser is a parse tree representation of the program. Context-free grammars
are used to define the program structure recognized by a parser. The parser
is implemented as a push-down automata.
The contextual analysis phase analyzes the parse tree for context-sensitive
information often called the static semantics. The output of the
contextual analysis phase is an annotated parse tree. Attribute grammars
are used to describe the static semantics of a program.
The optimizer applies semantics preserving transformation to the
annotated parse tree to simplify the structure of the tree and to facilitate
the generation of more efficient code.
The code generator transforms the simplified annotated parse tree
into object code using rules which denote the semantics of the source language.
The peep-hole optimizer examines the object code, a few instructions
at a time, and attempts to do machine dependent code improvements.
Figure N.1: Traditional Compiler Structure
Source code
(in source language)
\/ |
(front-end) |
Scanner |
Parser |
checker |
code generator |
Optimizer |
Code Generator |
Peep hole
Optimizer |
(back-end) |
Target code
(in target language)
The Scanner
The scanner groups the input stream (of characters) into a stream
of tokens (lexeme) and constructs a symbol table which is used later
for contextual analysis. The lexemes include
Key words,
constants: numeric, character, special, and
The lexical phase (scanner) groups characters into lexical units
or tokens. The input to the lexical phase is a character stream. The output
is a stream of tokens. Regular expressions are used to define the tokens
recognized by a scanner (or lexical analyzer). The scanner is implemented
as a finite state machine.
Lex and Flex are tools for generating scanners is C. Flex is a faster
version of Lex.
The Parser
The parser groups tokens into syntactical units. The output of the
parser is a parse tree representation of the program. Context-free grammars
are used to define the program structure recognized by a parser. The parser
is implemented as a push-down automata.
Yacc and Bison are tools for generating bottom-up parsers in C. Bison
is a faster version of Yacc. Jack is a tool for generating scanners and
top-down parsers in Java.
Symbol Tables and Error Handlers
In addition to a data stream passing through the phases of the compiler,
additional information acquired during a phase may be needed by a later
phase. The symbol table is used to store the names encountered in
the source program and relavant attributes. The information in the symbol
table is used by the semantic checker when applying the context-senitive
rules and by the code generator. The error handler is used to report
and recover from errors encountered in the source.
Contextual Checkers
Contextual checkers analyze the parse tree for context-sensitive information
often called the static semantics. The output of the semantic analysis
phase is an annotated parse tree. Attribute grammars are used to describe
the static semantics of a program.
This phase is often combined with the paser. During the parse, information
concerning variables and other objects is stored in a symbol table.
The information is utilized to perform the context-sensitive checking.
Intermediate Code Generator
The data structure passed between the analysis and synthesis phases is
called the intermediate representation (IR)of the program.
A well designed intermediate representation facilitates the independence
of the analysis and syntheses (front- and back-end) phases. Intermedate
representations may be
assembly language like or
be an abstract syntax tree.
Code Optimizer
Restructuring the parse tree to reduce its size or to present an equivalent
tree from which the code generator can produce more efficient code is called
It may be possible to restructure the parse tree to reduce its size
or to present a parse to the code generator from which the code generator
is able to produce more efficient code. Some optimizations that can be
applied to the parse tree are illustrated using source code rather than
the parse tree.
Constant folding
I := 4 + J - 5; --> I := J - 1;
I := 3; J := I + 2; --> I := 3; J := 5
Loop-Constant code motion
while (count < limit) do
end; -->
while (COUNT < LIMIT) do
Induction variable elimination Most program time is spent in the
body of loops so loop optimization can result in significant performance
improvement. Often the induction variable of a for loop is used only within
the loop. In this case, the induction variable may be stored in a register
rather than in memory. And when the induction variable of a for loop is
referenced only as an array subscript, it may be initialized to the initial
address of the array and incremented by only used for address calculation.
In such cases, its initial value may be set
For I := 1 to 10 do
A[I] := A[I] + E
For I := address of first element in A
to address of last element in A
increment by size of an element of A do
A[I] := A[I] + E
Common subexpression elimination
A := 6 * (B+C);
D := 3 + 7 * (B+C);
E := A * (B+C);
TEMP := B + C;
A := 6 * TEMP;
D := 3 * 7 * TEMP;
E := A * TEMP;
Strength reduction
2*x --> x + x
2*x --> shift left x
Mathematical identities
a*b + a*c --> a*(b+c)
a - b --> a + ( - b )
We do not illustrate an optimizer in the parser for Simp.
Code Generator
The code generator transforms the intermediate representation into
object code using rules which denote the semantics of the source language.
These rules are define a translation semantics.
The code generator's task is to translate the intermediate representation
to the native code of the target machine. The native code may be
an actual executable binary, assembly code or another high-level language.
Producing low-level code requires familiarity with such machine level issues
such as
data handling
machine instruction syntax
variable allocation
program layout
instruction set
The code generator may be integrated with the parser.
As the source program is processed, it is converted to an internal form.
The internal representation in the example is that of an implicit parse
tree. Other internal forms may be used which resemble assembly code. The
internal form is translated by the code generator into object code. Typically,
the object code is a program for a virtual machine. The virtual machine
chosen for Simp consists of three segments. A data segment, a code segment
and an expression stack.
The data segment contains the values associated with the variables.
Each variable is assigned to a location which holds the associated value.
Thus, part of the activity of code generation is to associate an address
with each variable. The code segment consists of a sequence of operations.
Program constants are incorporated in the code segment since their values
do not change. The expression stack is a stack which is used to hold intermediate
values in the evaluation of expressions. The presence of the expression
stack indicates that the virtual machine for Simp is a ``stack machine''.
Declaration translation
Declarations define an environment. To reserve space for the data values,
the DATA instruction is used.
integer x,y,z. DATA 2
Statement translation
The assignment, if, while, read and write statements are translated as
Assignment |
x := expr |
code for expr
Conditional |
if C then
end |
L2: |
code for C
code for S1
code for S2 |
While-do |
while C do S |
L2: |
code for C
code for S
BR L1 |
Input |
read X |
Output |
write expr |
code for expr
If the code is placed in an array, then the label addresses must be
into the code when they become available.
Expression translation
Expressions are evaluated on an expression stack. Expressions are translated
as follows:
constant LD_INT constant
variable LD variable
e1 op e2 code for e1
code for e2
code for op
Peephole Optimizer
Peephole optimizers scan small segments of the target code
for standard replacement patterns of inefficient instruction sequences.
The peephole optimizer produces machine dependent code improvements.
Figure N.1 contains a context-free grammar for a simple imperative programming
language. It will be used to illustrate the concepts in this chapter.
Figure N.2: Context-free grammar for Simple
program ::= LET definitions IN command_sequence END
definitions ::= e | INTEGER id_seq IDENTIFIER .
id_seq ::= e | id_seq IDENTIFIER ,
command_sequence ::= e | command_sequence command ;
command := SKIP
| WRITE exp
| IF exp THEN command_sequence ELSE command_sequence FI
| WHILE bool_exp DO command_sequence END
exp ::= exp + term | exp - term | term
term :: term * factor | term / factor | factor
factor ::= factor^primary | primary
primary ::= NUMBER | IDENT | ( exp )
bool_exp ::= exp = exp | exp < exp | exp > exp
Systematic development of a recursive descent
A parser groups sequences of tokens into larger meaningful units described
by a context-free grammar. The parser takes as input a stream of tokens
where each token contains both the class and spelling of
a token. The stream of tokens is processed sequentially and currentToken
contains the token of immediate interest. The output of the parser is a
syntax tree. The tree may or may not be built explicitly.
There are four steps in the systematic construction of a recursive descent
Transform the grammar into proper form.
Determine the sets First[E] and Follow[N] for each right-hand side E and
non-terminal N of the grammar.
Construct parsing procedures from the grammar.
Construct the parser.
Figure N.1 summarizes the grammar transformation rules.
Figure N.3: Grammar Transformation Rules
Convert the grammar to EBNF
Remove left-recursion: replace N ::= E | NF with N ::= E(F)*
Left-factor the grammar: replace N ::= EFG | EF'G with N ::= E(F|F')G
If N ::= E is not recursive, remove it and replace all occurrences of N
in the grammar with E
First the grammar is converted to EBNF.
The resulting grammar must have a single production rule for each non-terminal
symbol. Next, rules containing left recursion are transformed to rules
which do not contain left recursion. Left recursion occurs when the same
non-terminal appears both at the head of the rule and as a left-most symbol
on the right-hand side. The parser can enter an infinite loop if this transformation
is not done. Mutual recursion must also be eliminated but it is more difficult.
Next, the grammar is simplified by replacing non-terminals with their defining
body. This should be done bottom up, stopping when recursion is encountered.
Finally, simplify the grammar by factoring the right-hand sides. This makes
it easier for the parser to select the correct grammar rule.
The first and follow sets are used by the parser to select the applicable
grammar rule. Figure N.2 summarizes the rules for computing the First and
Follow sets.
Figure N.2: First[E] and Follow[N]
First[e] |
= |
empty set |
First[t] |
= |
{t} |
t is a terminal |
First[N] |
= |
First[E] |
where N ::= E |
First[E F] |
= |
First[E] union First[F] |
if E generates lambda |
= |
First[E] |
otherwise |
First[E|F] |
= |
First[E] union First[F] |
First[E*] |
= |
First[E] |
Follow[N] |
= |
{t} |
in context Nt, t is terminal |
= |
First[F] |
in context NF, F is non-terminal |
The First[E] is the set of terminal symbols that can start a string
generated by E. The Follow[N] is the set of terminal symbols that can appear
in strings that follow those strings generated by N. The importance of
the first and follow sets becomes apparent when the grammar rules are converted
to parsing procedures.
Figure N.3 summarizes the rules for converting the EBNF grammar to a
collection of parsing procedures.
Figure N.3: EBNF to Parsing Procedures
For each grammar rule N::=E, construct a parsing procedure
parseN {
parse E
Refine parse E
If parse E is: |
then refine to: |
parse lambda |
skip |
parse t |
accept(t) where t is a terminal |
parse N |
parseN where N is a non-terminal |
parse E F |
parse E; parse F |
parse E|F |
if currentToken.class in First[E] then
parse E
else if currentToken.class in First[F] then
parse F
else report a syntactic error |
parse E* |
while currentToken.class in First[E] do
parse E |
If parse E is parse lambda (recall lambda
is the empty string), then parse E is the skip command. If parse
E is parse t (where t is a terminal symbol), then parse E
is accept(t). If the current token is known to be t, then
If parse E is parse N (where N is a non-terminal),
then parse E is the call parseN. If
parse E is parse
E F, then parse E is{parse E; parse F}. If parse
E is parse E|F, then parse E is
if currentToken.class in First[E] then
parse E
else if currentToken.class in First[F] then
parse F
report a syntactic error
where First[E] and First[F] are disjoint. If parse
E is parse E*, then parse E is
while currentToken.class in First[E] do
parse E
where First[E] is disjoint from Follow[E*]
The parser consists of:
Systematic development of a table-driven parser
Given a grammar which satisfies the restrictions specified in the recursive
descent parser construction, a table-driven parser may be constructed using
the top-down parsing algorithm.
Systematic development of a scanner
A scanner groups sequences of charactors into tokens described by a regular
grammar. The scanner takes as input a stream of charactors. The stream
of characters is processed sequentially and currentChar contains
the character of immediate interest. The characters defining a token are
collected into a string and the class of the token is identified. The output
of the scanner is a stream of tokens. Each token contains information concerning
its class and spelling.
There are three steps in the systematic construction of a scanner.
Transform the regular expressions into an EBNF grammar.
Transcribe each EBNF production rule N ::= E to a scanning procedure
whose body is determined by E.
Construct the scanner.
Figure N.M summarizes the rules for tranforming the regular expressions
to and EBNF grammar.
Figure N.M: RE to EBNF
Each regular expression REi defining a token class Ti
is put into the EBNF form: Ti ::= REi.
A regular expression Sep is constructed defining the symbols which sparate
The EBNF production S ::= Sep*(T0|...|Tn) is added
to the grammar.
For each regular expression RE defining a token T, the EBNF rule T
::= RE. A regular expression sep* defining the strings that separate tokens
is constructed. And the EBNF production S ::= Sep*(T0|...|Tn)
is defined.
Figure N.3: EBNF to Scanning Procedures
For each grammar rule Ti::=Ei, construct a scanning
procedure scanTi {scan Ei}.
Refine scan Ei
scan Ei |
Refinement |
scan lambda |
skip |
scan ch |
takeIt(t) where ch is a character |
scan N |
scanN where N is a non-terminal |
scan E F |
scan E; scan F |
scan E|F |
if currentChar in First[E] then
scan E
else if currentChar in First[F] then
scan F
else report a syntactic error |
scan E* |
while currentChar in First[E] do
scan E |
The scanner is developed from an EBNF grammar (must be non-self embedding)
as follows:
currentChar contains the current character.
currentToken contains the current token, its spelling and its
Convert the grammar to EBNF with a single production rule for each non-terminal
The scanner consists of the procedures developed in step (2) enhanced to
record the token's class and spelling;
a procedure scanToken that scans 'separator*Token', and sets currentToken.spelling
to the charactor string scanned and currentToken.class token.
the auxiliary procedures
start sets currentToken.spelling to the empty string.
getChar appends currentChar to currentToken.spelling
and fetches the next character into currentChar.
finish sets currentToken.class to the identified class
(used for simple disjoint classes)
screen sets currentToken.class to the identified class
(used for complex classes that require additional analysis to determine
If currentChar is part of currentToken which is under
construction, the procedure takeIt adds currentChar to
and If currentChar is not part of currentToken which
is under construction, the procedure leaveIt adds currentChar
to currentToken.
Attribute Grammars and Contextual Constraints
Context-free grammars are not able to completely specify the structure
of programming languages. For example, declaration of names before reference,
number and type of parameters in procedures and functions, the correspondence
between formal and actual parameters, name or structural equivalence, scope
rules, and the distinction between identifiers and reserved words are all
structural aspects of programming languages which cannot be specified using
context-free grammars. These context-sensitive aspects of the grammar
are often called the static semantics of the language. The term
semantics is used to refer to semantics proper, that is, the relationship
between the syntax and the computational model. Even in a simple language
like Simp, context-free grammars are unable to specify that variables appearing
in expressions must have an assigned value. Context-free descriptions of
syntax are supplemented with natural language descriptions of the static
semantics or are extended to become attribute grammars.
Attribute grammars are an extension of context-free grammars which permit
the specification of context-sensitive properties of programming languages.
Attribute grammars are actually much more powerful and are fully capable
of specifying the semantics of programming languages as well.
For an example, the following partial syntax of an imperative programming
language requires the declaration of variables before reference to the
P ::= D B
D ::= V...
B ::= C ...
C ::= V := E $|$ ...
However, this context-free syntax does not indicate this restriction. The
declarations define an environment in which the body of the program executes.
Attribute grammars permit the explicit description of the environment and
its interaction with the body of the program.
Since there is no generally accepted notation for attribute grammars,
attribute grammars will be represented as context-free grammars which permit
the parameterization of non-terminals and the addition of where statements
which provide further restrictions on the parameters. Figure~\ref{ag:decl}
is an attribute grammar for declarations.
Figure : An attribute grammar for declarations
P ::= D(SymbolTable) B(SymbolTable)
D(SymbolTable) ::= ...V( insert( V in SymbolTable)...
B(SymbolTable) ::= C(SymbolTable)...
C(SymbolTable) ::= V := E(SymbolTable, Error(if V not in SymbolTable)
| ...
The parameters marked with $\downarrow$ are called inherited attributes
and denote attributes which are passed down the parse tree while the parameters
marked with $\uparrow$ are called synthesized attributes and denote attributes
which are passed up the parse tree. Attribute grammars have considerable
expressive power beyond there use to specify context sensitive portions
of the syntax and may be used to specify:
context sensitive rules
evaluation of expressions
Historical Perspectives and Further Reading
For information on compiler construction using Lex and Yacc see\cite{SchFre85}.
Pratt \cite{Pratt84} emphasizes virtual machines. ELI, PCCTS, FLEX/BISON,
LEX/YACC, Amsterdam Compiler Kit, Jack
(translation) Construct a translation semantics for
Construct a scanner and a parser for expressions (use a grammar from chapter
Construct an attribute grammar for expressions
Construct a calculator using the attribute grammar for expressions.
Construct a scanner for Simple
Construct a parser for Simple
Construct a code generator for Simple
Construct an interpreter for Simple
Construct an interpreter for BASIC.
by Anthony A. Aaby. Send
comments to