(Written by yours truly.)
Prolog variables support generalizations. For example, the following monkeys and bananas solution supports climbing onto a box anywhere in the room as well as push anything to anywhere.
It uses the following database:
% making Move in State1 results in State2; % move( State1, Move, State2) % representing the current state % state( MonkeyHorizontal, MonkeyVertical, BoxPosition, HasBanana)
Our goal is to get the banana.
Our start state...
This is how we can get from state1 to state2:
canget( S,[]) :- goal(S). % base case canget( State1,[Act|Rest]) :- % general case move( State1, Act, State2), % Do something canget( State2,Rest). % Repeat
The knowledge base:
move( state( middle, onbox, middle, hasnot), % Before move grasp, % Grasp banana state( middle, onbox, middle, has) ). % After move move( state( P, onfloor, P, H), climb, % Climb box state( P, onbox, P, H) ). move( state( P1, onfloor, P1, H), push( P1, P2), % Push box from P1 to P2 state( P2, onfloor, P2, H) ). move( state( P1, onfloor, B, H), walk( P1, P2), % Walk from P1 to P2 state( P2, onfloor, B, H) ).
Main program:
main :- start(S0), canget(S0, Steps), forall(member(Step,Steps), (print(Step),nl)).
?- main. walk(atfloor, atwindow) push(atwindow, middle) climb grasp true ;
We pause here (even though we asked PROLOG to backtrack and find more solutions with the ";" command) to comment that we we got to the bananas.
Moving on, as we backtrack, we see that the solution gets longer. This is not a bug. What is going on?
walk(atfloor, atwindow) push(atwindow, _G251) push(_G251, middle) climb grasp true ; % new solution found walk(atfloor, atwindow) push(atwindow, _G251) push(_G251, _G262) push(_G262, middle) climb grasp true ; % another solution found walk(atfloor, atwindow) push(atwindow, _G251) push(_G251, _G262) push(_G262, _G273) push(_G273, middle) climb grasp true . % yet another solution found
Hmm.... looks like we need to control how far the money walks.
(Adapted from John Fisher's excellent Prolog tutorial.)
Prolog's hardwired search is depth-first through its list of clauses. But this can easily be changed. For example, in this section we will code up DFID in Prolog.
For our first DFID, we control the size of the list that shows the steps taken to reach the goal. We can build that leash using the following trick:
?- between(1,5,N), length(List, N). N = 1, List = [_G292] ; N = 2, List = [_G292, _G295] ; N = 3, List = [_G292, _G295, _G298] ; N = 4, List = [_G292, _G295, _G298, _G301] ; N = 5, List = [_G292, _G295, _G298, _G301, _G304].
We will use this trick to define dfid as a loop around the monkey's "canget" predicate:
dfid(Max) :- start(S0), between(1,Max,Depth), % on backtracking, Depth=1,2,3,... length(Steps,Depth), % Steps is a list of size Depth print(leash(Steps)),nl, canget(S0,Steps), print(Depth),nl, forall(member(Step,Steps), (tab(4),print(Step),nl)).
For example:
?- dfid(5), fail. % backtrack through all solutions. leash([_G254]) leash([_G254, _G257]) leash([_G254, _G257, _G260]) leash([_G254, _G257, _G260, _G263]) 4 walk(atfloor, atwindow) push(atwindow, middle) climb grasp leash([_G254, _G257, _G260, _G263, _G266]) 5 walk(atfloor, atwindow) push(atwindow, _G280) push(_G280, middle) climb grasp 5 walk(atfloor, atwindow) push(atwindow, middle) walk(middle, middle) climb grasp 5 walk(atfloor, _G272) walk(_G272, atwindow) push(atwindow, middle) climb grasp