Homework Submission
- Ensure that all your homework is in a directory 1/a, 1/b, 1/c etc.
- Ensure that all the commands that call this system are in one file, called 'run'.
- Go to that directory.
- Type "~timm/bin/handin"
- Print the file ~/tmp/2print.pdf
- Stable that file.
- Give it to the lecturer at start of class Tuesday.
Note that:
- The last page of that print out will be handed back to you. It is your responsibility to check that that page comes back.
- Homework is late if it arrives start of class Tuesday.
- Max mark for a project that is late is 2.5, no matter how many days it is late.
- The lecturer will run a random sample of the submissions by:
- Calling a student to his office
- Asking the student to log intot heir CSEE account
- Chaning to the directory ofthe homework.
- Typing "bash run".
- If the generated output is not the same as the submission, the students will lose the marks from that submission.
Such students can resubmit, but their max grade will be 2.5.