Q1 Do : Create your own local version of the repository Hint : Find out your group number (XX) : cd; mkdir 310; svn co https://websvn.lcsee.wvu.edu/cs310gpXX : cd cs310gpXX Q2 Setup : Make sure Q1 is completed. Do : Checkout this week's support code into ~/310/cs310gpXX/1/a Hint : cd ; mkdir -p 310/cs310gpXX/1 ; svn add 310/cs310gpXX/1; : cd 310/cs310gpXX/1 : svn export http://unbox.org/wisp/var/timm/10/310/src/gawk/1/a : svn add a : svn commit -m "homework 1 a ready to go" If it works... : you should see output like this: : : Adding 1/a : Adding 1/a/english.rules : Adding 1/a/questions.otl : Adding 1/a/questions.txt : Adding 1/a/run : Adding 1/a/scifi.rules : Adding 1/a/story.awk : Adding 1/a/todo.otl : Transmitting file data ....... : Committed revision 1. : Q3 Setup : Make sure Q2 is completed. Do the following in the directory "1/a" Write : A standard boy-meets-girl, boy-losses-girl, boy-gets-girl-again plot : using the same syntax as the file "english.rules". Write that plot : into "plot.rules". Usage : Add the following lines to a file called run. : : printf "==== 1/a/3 ===================================\n\n" : cat plot.rules : for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do : echo Sentence | gawk -f story.awk -v Seed=$RANDOM -v Grammar=plot.rules; done : done Test : bash run : : If this works, you should see something like: : : the boy runs slowly : the boy walks very quickly : the boy walks quickly : the girl runs very very very quickly : the boy runs slowly : : If you get errors like svn: "Server sent unexpected return value", : find your modified files (using "svn status") and commit them, one : by one (using "svn commit -m "file1" file1) Handin : Once it is working, run : : ~timm/bin/handin : : Then print and STAPLE hand in the file ~/tmp/2print.pdf. It should look : a little like this: http://www.csee.wvu.edu/~timm/2print.pdf