Q0 Set up : svn export http://unbox.org/wisp/var/timm/10/310/src/prolog/4/d : svn add d : svn commit -m "4d ready to go" : For each of the following questions, add lines like this to "run" printf "\n===== 4/d/q1 ========================\n\n" cat myCodeThatAnswersThisQuestion.pl execute : where "execute" is the "test" command shown below. WARNING: HARD TASK!!!! NO HINTS GIVEN (EXCEPT WHAT IS BELOW). Q1 Modify prove.pl and golorp such that regular expression operators are supported: * : zero or more + : one or more ? : zero or one Then we can do shortcuts in the grammar. For example, here is a grammar with zero or more "very"s. verbphrase --> verb, [very]*,adverb, [towards], male. Hints: - you will need to define suffix operators for (?) (*) (+) - you will need to handle the grammar expansion of things like [very]*. Tricky. Hint: goal_expansion can rewrite sub-terms - No other hints. Up to you Test: - Write an english.pl variant that uses all three of the above regular expression operators. Call that in the usual way from z.pl