;% Publication Request: ;% >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;% This file describes the contents of the heart-disease directory. ;% ;% This directory contains 4 databases concerning heart disease diagnosis. ;% All attributes are numeric-valued. The data was collected from the ;% four following locations: ;% ;% 1. Cleveland Clinic Foundation (cleveland.data) ;% 2. Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, Budapest (hungarian.data) ;% 3. V.A. Medical Center, Long Beach, CA (long-beach-va.data) ;% 4. University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland (switzerland.data) ;% ;% Each database has the same instance format. While the databases have 76 ;% raw attributes, only 14 of them are actually used. Thus I've taken the ;% liberty of making 2 copies of each database: one with all the attributes ;% and 1 with the 14 attributes actually used in past experiments. ;% ;% The authors of the databases have requested: ;% ;% ...that any publications resulting from the use of the data include the ;% names of the principal investigator responsible for the data collection ;% at each institution. They would be: ;% ;% 1. Hungarian Institute of Cardiology. Budapest: Andras Janosi, M.D. ;% 2. University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland: William Steinbrunn, M.D. ;% 3. University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland: Matthias Pfisterer, M.D. ;% 4. V.A. Medical Center, Long Beach and Cleveland Clinic Foundation: ;% Robert Detrano, M.D., Ph.D. ;% ;% Thanks in advance for abiding by this request. ;% ;% David Aha ;% July 22, 1988 ;% >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;% ;% 1. Title: Heart Disease Databases ;% ;% 2. Source Information: ;% (a) Creators: ;% -- 1. Hungarian Institute of Cardiology. Budapest: Andras Janosi, M.D. ;% -- 2. University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland: William Steinbrunn, M.D. ;% -- 3. University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland: Matthias Pfisterer, M.D. ;% -- 4. V.A. Medical Center, Long Beach and Cleveland Clinic Foundation: ;% Robert Detrano, M.D., Ph.D. ;% (b) Donor: David W. Aha (aha@ics.uci.edu) (714) 856-8779 ;% (c) Date: July, 1988 ;% ;% 3. Past Usage: ;% 1. Detrano,~R., Janosi,~A., Steinbrunn,~W., Pfisterer,~M., Schmid,~J., ;% Sandhu,~S., Guppy,~K., Lee,~S., \& Froelicher,~V. (1989). {\it ;% International application of a new probability algorithm for the ;% diagnosis of coronary artery disease.} {\it American Journal of ;% Cardiology}, {\it 64},304--310. ;% -- International Probability Analysis ;% -- Address: Robert Detrano, M.D. ;% Cardiology 111-C ;% V.A. Medical Center ;% 5901 E. 7th Street ;% Long Beach, CA 90028 ;% -- Results in percent accuracy: (for 0.5 probability threshold) ;% Data Name: CDF CADENZA ;% -- Hungarian 77 74 ;% Long beach 79 77 ;% Swiss 81 81 ;% -- Approximately a 77% correct classification accuracy with a ;% logistic-regression-derived discriminant function ;% 2. David W. Aha & Dennis Kibler ;% -- ;% ;% ;% -- Instance-based prediction of heart-disease presence with the ;% Cleveland database ;% -- NTgrowth: 77.0% accuracy ;% -- C4: 74.8% accuracy ;% 3. John Gennari ;% -- Gennari, J.~H., Langley, P, \& Fisher, D. (1989). Models of ;% incremental concept formation. {\it Artificial Intelligence, 40}, ;% 11--61. ;% -- Results: ;% -- The CLASSIT conceptual clustering system achieved a 78.9% accuracy ;% on the Cleveland database. ;% ;% 4. Relevant Information: ;% This database contains 76 attributes, but all published experiments ;% refer to using a subset of 14 of them. In particular, the Cleveland ;% database is the only one that has been used by ML researchers to ;% this date. The "goal" field refers to the presence of heart disease ;% in the patient. It is integer valued from 0 (no presence) to 4. ;% Experiments with the Cleveland database have concentrated on simply ;% attempting to distinguish presence (values 1,2,3,4) from absence (value ;% 0). ;% ;% The names and social security numbers of the patients were recently ;% removed from the database, replaced with dummy values. ;% ;% One file has been "processed", that one containing the Cleveland ;% database. All four unprocessed files also exist in this directory. ;% ;% 5. Number of Instances: ;% Database: # of instances: ;% Cleveland: 303 ;% Hungarian: 294 ;% Switzerland: 123 ;% Long Beach VA: 200 ;% ;% 6. Number of Attributes: 76 (including the predicted attribute) ;% ;% 7. Attribute Information: ;% -- Only 14 used ;% -- 1. #3 (age) ;% -- 2. #4 (sex) ;% -- 3. #9 (chest_pain) ;% -- 4. #10 (trestbps) ;% -- 5. #12 (chol) ;% -- 6. #16 (fbs) ;% -- 7. #19 (restecg) ;% -- 8. #32 (thalach) ;% -- 9. #38 (exang) ;% -- 10. #40 (oldpeak) ;% -- 11. #41 (slope) ;% -- 12. #44 (ca) ;% -- 13. #51 (thal) ;% -- 14. #58 (num) (the predicted attribute) ;% ;% -- Complete attribute documentation: ;% 1 id: patient identification number ;% 2 ccf: social security number (I replaced this with a dummy value of 0) ;% 3 age: age in years ;% 4 sex: sex (1 = male; 0 = female) ;% 5 painloc: chest pain location (1 = substernal; 0 = otherwise) ;% 6 painexer (1 = provoked by exertion; 0 = otherwise) ;% 7 relrest (1 = relieved after rest; 0 = otherwise) ;% 8 pncaden (sum of 5, 6, and 7) ;% 9 chest_pain: chest pain type ;% -- Value 1: typical angina ;% -- Value 2: atypical angina ;% -- Value 3: non-anginal pain ;% -- Value 4: asymptomatic ;% 10 trestbps: resting blood pressure (in mm Hg on admission to the ;% hospital) ;% 11 htn ;% 12 chol: serum cholestoral in mg/dl ;% 13 smoke: I believe this is 1 = yes; 0 = no (is or is not a smoker) ;% 14 cigs (cigarettes per day) ;% 15 years (number of years as a smoker) ;% 16 fbs: (fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl) (1 = true; 0 = false) ;% 17 dm (1 = history of diabetes; 0 = no such history) ;% 18 famhist: family history of coronary artery disease (1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 19 restecg: resting electrocardiographic results ;% -- Value 0: normal ;% -- Value 1: having ST-T wave abnormality (T wave inversions and/or ST ;% elevation or depression of > 0.05 mV) ;% -- Value 2: showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy ;% by Estes' criteria ;% 20 ekgmo (month of exercise ECG reading) ;% 21 ekgday(day of exercise ECG reading) ;% 22 ekgyr (year of exercise ECG reading) ;% 23 dig (digitalis used furing exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 24 prop (Beta blocker used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 25 nitr (nitrates used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 26 pro (calcium channel blocker used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 27 diuretic (diuretic used used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 28 proto: exercise protocol ;% 1 = Bruce ;% 2 = Kottus ;% 3 = McHenry ;% 4 = fast Balke ;% 5 = Balke ;% 6 = Noughton ;% 7 = bike 150 kpa min/min (Not sure if "kpa min/min" is what was ;% written!) ;% 8 = bike 125 kpa min/min ;% 9 = bike 100 kpa min/min ;% 10 = bike 75 kpa min/min ;% 11 = bike 50 kpa min/min ;% 12 = arm ergometer ;% 29 thaldur: duration of exercise test in minutes ;% 30 thaltime: time when ST measure depression was noted ;% 31 met: mets achieved ;% 32 thalach: maximum heart rate achieved ;% 33 thalrest: resting heart rate ;% 34 tpeakbps: peak exercise blood pressure (first of 2 parts) ;% 35 tpeakbpd: peak exercise blood pressure (second of 2 parts) ;% 36 dummy ;% 37 trestbpd: resting blood pressure ;% 38 exang: exercise induced angina (1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 39 xhypo: (1 = yes; 0 = no) ;% 40 oldpeak = ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest ;% 41 slope: the slope of the peak exercise ST segment ;% -- Value 1: upsloping ;% -- Value 2: flat ;% -- Value 3: downsloping ;% 42 rldv5: height at rest ;% 43 rldv5e: height at peak exercise ;% 44 ca: number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopy ;% 45 restckm: irrelevant ;% 46 exerckm: irrelevant ;% 47 restef: rest raidonuclid (sp?) ejection fraction ;% 48 restwm: rest wall (sp?) motion abnormality ;% 0 = none ;% 1 = mild or moderate ;% 2 = moderate or severe ;% 3 = akinesis or dyskmem (sp?) ;% 49 exeref: exercise radinalid (sp?) ejection fraction ;% 50 exerwm: exercise wall (sp?) motion ;% 51 thal: 3 = normal; 6 = fixed defect; 7 = reversable defect ;% 52 thalsev: not used ;% 53 thalpul: not used ;% 54 earlobe: not used ;% 55 cmo: month of cardiac cath (sp?) (perhaps "call") ;% 56 cday: day of cardiac cath (sp?) ;% 57 cyr: year of cardiac cath (sp?) ;% 58 num: diagnosis of heart disease (angiographic disease status) ;% -- Value 0: < 50% diameter narrowing ;% -- Value 1: > 50% diameter narrowing ;% (in any major vessel: attributes 59 through 68 are vessels) ;% 59 lmt ;% 60 ladprox ;% 61 laddist ;% 62 diag ;% 63 cxmain ;% 64 ramus ;% 65 om1 ;% 66 om2 ;% 67 rcaprox ;% 68 rcadist ;% 69 lvx1: not used ;% 70 lvx2: not used ;% 71 lvx3: not used ;% 72 lvx4: not used ;% 73 lvf: not used ;% 74 cathef: not used ;% 75 junk: not used ;% 76 name: last name of patient ;% (I replaced this with the dummy string "name") ;% ;% 9. Missing Attribute Values: Several. Distinguished with value -9.0. ;% ;% 10. Class Distribution: ;% Database: 0 1 2 3 4 Total ;% Cleveland: 164 55 36 35 13 303 ;% Hungarian: 188 37 26 28 15 294 ;% Switzerland: 8 48 32 30 5 123 ;% Long Beach VA: 51 56 41 42 10 200 ;% ;% ;% ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'sex' ;% From: 0 To: female ;% From: 1 To: male ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'chest_pain' ;% From: 1 To: typ_angina ;% From: 4 To: asympt ;% From: 3 To: non_anginal ;% From: 2 To: atyp_angina ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'fbs' ;% From: 1 To: t ;% From: 0 To: f ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'restecg' ;% From: 2 To: left_vent_hyper ;% From: 0 To: normal ;% From: 1 To: st_t_wave_abnormality ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'exang' ;% From: 0 To: no ;% From: 1 To: yes ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'slope' ;% From: 3 To: down ;% From: 2 To: flat ;% From: 1 To: up ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'thal' ;% From: 6 To: fixed_defect ;% From: 3 To: normal ;% From: 7 To: reversable_defect ;% ;% ;% Relabeled values in attribute 'num' ;% From: '0' To: <50 ;% From: '1' To: '>50_1' ;% From: '2' To: '>50_2' ;% From: '3' To: '>50_3' ;% From: '4' To: '>50_4' ;% (defun hungarian-14-heart-disease () (data :name 'hungarian-14-heart-disease :columns '(age sex chest_pain trestbps chol fbs restecg thalach exang oldpeak slope ca thal num) :egs '( (28 male atyp_angina 130 132 f left_vent_hyper 185 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (29 male atyp_angina 120 243 f normal 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (29 male atyp_angina 140 ? f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (30 female typ_angina 170 237 f st_t_wave_abnormality 170 no 0 ? ? fixed_defect <50) (31 female atyp_angina 100 219 f st_t_wave_abnormality 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (32 female atyp_angina 105 198 f normal 165 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (32 male atyp_angina 110 225 f normal 184 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (32 male atyp_angina 125 254 f normal 155 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (33 male non_anginal 120 298 f normal 185 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (34 female atyp_angina 130 161 f normal 190 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (34 male atyp_angina 150 214 f st_t_wave_abnormality 168 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (34 male atyp_angina 98 220 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (35 female typ_angina 120 160 f st_t_wave_abnormality 185 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (35 female asympt 140 167 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (35 male atyp_angina 120 308 f left_vent_hyper 180 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (35 male atyp_angina 150 264 f normal 168 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (36 male atyp_angina 120 166 f normal 180 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (36 male non_anginal 112 340 f normal 184 no 1 flat ? normal <50) (36 male non_anginal 130 209 f normal 178 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (36 male non_anginal 150 160 f normal 172 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (37 female atyp_angina 120 260 f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (37 female non_anginal 130 211 f normal 142 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (37 female asympt 130 173 f st_t_wave_abnormality 184 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (37 male atyp_angina 130 283 f st_t_wave_abnormality 98 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (37 male non_anginal 130 194 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (37 male asympt 120 223 f normal 168 no 0 ? ? normal <50) (37 male asympt 130 315 f normal 158 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (38 female atyp_angina 120 275 ? normal 129 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (38 male atyp_angina 140 297 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (38 male non_anginal 145 292 f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 female non_anginal 110 182 f st_t_wave_abnormality 180 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 male atyp_angina 120 ? f st_t_wave_abnormality 146 no 2 up ? ? <50) (39 male atyp_angina 120 200 f normal 160 yes 1 flat ? ? <50) (39 male atyp_angina 120 204 f normal 145 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 male atyp_angina 130 ? f normal 120 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 male atyp_angina 190 241 f normal 106 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 male non_anginal 120 339 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 male non_anginal 160 147 t normal 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 male asympt 110 273 f normal 132 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (39 male asympt 130 307 f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (40 male atyp_angina 130 275 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (40 male atyp_angina 140 289 f normal 172 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (40 male non_anginal 130 215 f normal 138 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (40 male non_anginal 130 281 f normal 167 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (40 male non_anginal 140 ? f normal 188 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (41 female atyp_angina 110 250 f st_t_wave_abnormality 142 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (41 female atyp_angina 125 184 f normal 180 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (41 female atyp_angina 130 245 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (41 male atyp_angina 120 291 f st_t_wave_abnormality 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (41 male atyp_angina 120 295 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (41 male atyp_angina 125 269 f normal 144 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (41 male asympt 112 250 f normal 142 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (42 female non_anginal 115 211 f st_t_wave_abnormality 137 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (42 male atyp_angina 120 196 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (42 male atyp_angina 120 198 f normal 155 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (42 male atyp_angina 150 268 f normal 136 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (42 male non_anginal 120 228 f normal 152 yes 1.5 flat ? ? <50) (42 male non_anginal 160 147 f normal 146 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (42 male asympt 140 358 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (43 female typ_angina 100 223 f normal 142 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (43 female atyp_angina 120 201 f normal 165 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (43 female atyp_angina 120 215 f st_t_wave_abnormality 175 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (43 female atyp_angina 120 249 f st_t_wave_abnormality 176 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (43 female atyp_angina 120 266 f normal 118 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (43 female atyp_angina 150 186 f normal 154 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (43 female non_anginal 150 ? f normal 175 no 0 ? ? normal <50) (43 male atyp_angina 142 207 f normal 138 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (44 female asympt 120 218 f st_t_wave_abnormality 115 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (44 male atyp_angina 120 184 f normal 142 no 1 flat ? ? <50) (44 male atyp_angina 130 215 f normal 135 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (44 male asympt 150 412 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (45 female atyp_angina 130 237 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (45 female atyp_angina 180 ? f normal 180 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (45 female asympt 132 297 f normal 144 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (45 male atyp_angina 140 224 t normal 122 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (45 male non_anginal 135 ? f normal 110 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (45 male asympt 120 225 f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (45 male asympt 140 224 f normal 144 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (46 female asympt 130 238 f normal 90 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (46 male atyp_angina 140 275 f normal 165 yes 0 ? ? ? <50) (46 male non_anginal 120 230 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (46 male non_anginal 150 163 ? normal 116 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (46 male asympt 110 238 f st_t_wave_abnormality 140 yes 1 flat ? normal <50) (46 male asympt 110 240 f st_t_wave_abnormality 140 no 0 ? ? normal <50) (46 male asympt 180 280 f st_t_wave_abnormality 120 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (47 female atyp_angina 140 257 f normal 135 no 1 up ? ? <50) (47 female non_anginal 130 ? f normal 145 no 2 flat ? ? <50) (47 male typ_angina 110 249 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (47 male atyp_angina 160 263 f normal 174 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (47 male asympt 140 276 t normal 125 yes 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 female atyp_angina ? 308 f st_t_wave_abnormality ? ? 2 up ? ? <50) (48 female atyp_angina 120 ? t st_t_wave_abnormality 148 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 female atyp_angina 120 284 f normal 120 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 female non_anginal 120 195 f normal 125 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 female asympt 108 163 f normal 175 no 2 up ? ? <50) (48 female asympt 120 254 f st_t_wave_abnormality 110 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 female asympt 150 227 f normal 130 yes 1 flat ? ? <50) (48 male atyp_angina 100 ? f normal 100 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 male atyp_angina 130 245 f normal 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 male atyp_angina 140 238 f normal 118 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (48 male non_anginal 110 211 f normal 138 no 0 ? ? fixed_defect <50) (49 female atyp_angina 110 ? f normal 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (49 female atyp_angina 110 ? f normal 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (49 female atyp_angina 124 201 f normal 164 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (49 female non_anginal 130 207 f st_t_wave_abnormality 135 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (49 male atyp_angina 100 253 f normal 174 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (49 male non_anginal 140 187 f normal 172 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (49 male asympt 120 297 ? normal 132 no 1 flat ? ? <50) (49 male asympt 140 ? f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (50 female atyp_angina 110 202 f normal 145 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (50 female asympt 120 328 f normal 110 yes 1 flat ? ? <50) (50 male atyp_angina 120 168 f normal 160 no 0 ? 0 ? <50) (50 male atyp_angina 140 216 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? normal <50) (50 male atyp_angina 170 209 f st_t_wave_abnormality 116 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (50 male asympt 140 129 f normal 135 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (50 male asympt 150 215 f normal 140 yes 0 ? ? ? <50) (51 female atyp_angina 160 194 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (51 female non_anginal 110 190 f normal 120 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (51 female non_anginal 130 220 f normal 160 yes 2 up ? ? <50) (51 female non_anginal 150 200 f normal 120 no 0.5 up ? ? <50) (51 male atyp_angina 125 188 f normal 145 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (51 male atyp_angina 130 224 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (51 male asympt 130 179 f normal 100 no 0 ? ? reversable_defect <50) (52 female atyp_angina 120 210 f normal 148 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (52 female atyp_angina 140 ? f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (52 female non_anginal 125 272 f normal 139 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (52 female asympt 130 180 f normal 140 yes 1.5 flat ? ? <50) (52 male atyp_angina 120 284 f normal 118 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (52 male atyp_angina 140 100 f normal 138 yes 0 ? ? ? <50) (52 male atyp_angina 160 196 f normal 165 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (52 male non_anginal 140 259 f st_t_wave_abnormality 170 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (53 female atyp_angina 113 468 ? normal 127 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (53 female atyp_angina 140 216 f normal 142 yes 2 flat ? ? <50) (53 female non_anginal 120 274 f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (53 male atyp_angina 120 ? f normal 132 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (53 male atyp_angina 140 320 f normal 162 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (53 male non_anginal 120 195 f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (53 male asympt 124 260 f st_t_wave_abnormality 112 yes 3 flat ? ? <50) (53 male asympt 130 182 f normal 148 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (53 male asympt 140 243 f normal 155 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 female atyp_angina 120 221 f normal 138 no 1 up ? ? <50) (54 female atyp_angina 120 230 t normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 female atyp_angina 120 273 f normal 150 no 1.5 flat ? ? <50) (54 female atyp_angina 130 253 f st_t_wave_abnormality 155 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 female atyp_angina 140 309 ? st_t_wave_abnormality 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 female atyp_angina 150 230 f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 female atyp_angina 160 312 f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 male typ_angina 120 171 f normal 137 no 2 up ? ? <50) (54 male atyp_angina 110 208 f normal 142 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 male atyp_angina 120 238 f normal 154 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 male atyp_angina 120 246 f normal 110 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 male atyp_angina 160 195 f st_t_wave_abnormality 130 no 1 up ? ? <50) (54 male atyp_angina 160 305 f normal 175 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 male non_anginal 120 217 f normal 137 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 male non_anginal 150 ? f normal 122 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (54 male asympt 150 365 f st_t_wave_abnormality 134 no 1 up ? ? <50) (55 female atyp_angina 110 344 f st_t_wave_abnormality 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (55 female atyp_angina 122 320 f normal 155 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (55 female atyp_angina 130 394 f left_vent_hyper 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (55 male atyp_angina 120 256 t normal 137 no 0 ? ? reversable_defect <50) (55 male atyp_angina 140 196 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? reversable_defect <50) (55 male atyp_angina 145 326 f normal 155 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (55 male non_anginal 110 277 f normal 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (55 male non_anginal 120 220 f left_vent_hyper 134 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (55 male asympt 120 270 f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (55 male asympt 140 229 f normal 110 yes 0.5 flat ? ? <50) (56 female non_anginal 130 219 ? st_t_wave_abnormality 164 no 0 ? ? reversable_defect <50) (56 male atyp_angina 130 184 f normal 100 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (56 male non_anginal 130 ? f normal 114 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (56 male non_anginal 130 276 f normal 128 yes 1 up ? fixed_defect <50) (56 male asympt 120 85 f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (57 female typ_angina 130 308 f normal 98 no 1 flat ? ? <50) (57 female asympt 180 347 f st_t_wave_abnormality 126 yes 0.8 flat ? ? <50) (57 male atyp_angina 140 260 t normal 140 no 0 ? ? fixed_defect <50) (58 male atyp_angina 130 230 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (58 male atyp_angina 130 251 f normal 110 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (58 male non_anginal 140 179 f normal 160 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (58 male asympt 135 222 f normal 100 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (59 female atyp_angina 130 188 f normal 124 no 1 flat ? ? <50) (59 male atyp_angina 140 287 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (59 male non_anginal 130 318 f normal 120 yes 1 flat ? normal <50) (59 male non_anginal 180 213 f normal 100 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (59 male asympt 140 ? f normal 140 no 0 ? 0 ? <50) (60 male non_anginal 120 246 f left_vent_hyper 135 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (61 female asympt 130 294 f st_t_wave_abnormality 120 yes 1 flat ? ? <50) (61 male asympt 125 292 f st_t_wave_abnormality 115 yes 0 ? ? ? <50) (62 female typ_angina 160 193 f normal 116 no 0 ? ? ? <50) (62 male atyp_angina 140 271 f normal 152 no 1 up ? ? <50) (31 male asympt 120 270 f normal 153 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (33 female asympt 100 246 f normal 150 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (34 male typ_angina 140 156 f normal 180 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (35 male atyp_angina 110 257 f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (36 male atyp_angina 120 267 f normal 160 no 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (37 male asympt 140 207 f normal 130 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (38 male asympt 110 196 f normal 166 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (38 male asympt 120 282 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (38 male asympt 92 117 f normal 134 yes 2.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (40 male asympt 120 466 ? normal 152 yes 1 flat ? fixed_defect >50_1) (41 male asympt 110 289 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? fixed_defect >50_1) (41 male asympt 120 237 ? normal 138 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (43 male asympt 150 247 f normal 130 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (46 male asympt 110 202 f normal 150 yes 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (46 male asympt 118 186 f normal 124 no 0 ? ? reversable_defect >50_1) (46 male asympt 120 277 f normal 125 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (47 male non_anginal 140 193 f normal 145 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (47 male asympt 150 226 f normal 98 yes 1.5 flat 0 reversable_defect >50_1) (48 male asympt 106 263 t normal 110 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (48 male asympt 120 260 f normal 115 no 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (48 male asympt 160 268 f normal 103 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (49 female non_anginal 160 180 f normal 156 no 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (49 male non_anginal 115 265 f normal 175 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (49 male asympt 130 206 f normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (50 female non_anginal 140 288 f normal 140 yes 0 ? ? reversable_defect >50_1) (50 male asympt 145 264 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (51 female asympt 160 303 f normal 150 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 130 225 f normal 120 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (54 male asympt 125 216 f normal 140 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (54 male asympt 125 224 f normal 122 no 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (55 male asympt 140 201 f normal 130 yes 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (57 male atyp_angina 140 265 f st_t_wave_abnormality 145 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (58 male non_anginal 130 213 f st_t_wave_abnormality 140 no 0 ? ? fixed_defect >50_1) (59 female asympt 130 338 t st_t_wave_abnormality 130 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (60 male asympt 100 248 f normal 125 no 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (63 male asympt 150 223 f normal 115 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (65 male asympt 140 306 t normal 87 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (32 male asympt 118 529 f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (38 male asympt 110 ? f normal 150 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (39 male asympt 110 280 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? fixed_defect >50_1) (40 female asympt 150 392 f normal 130 no 2 flat ? fixed_defect >50_1) (43 male typ_angina 120 291 f st_t_wave_abnormality 155 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (45 male asympt 130 219 f st_t_wave_abnormality 130 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (46 male asympt 120 231 f normal 115 yes 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (46 male asympt 130 222 f normal 112 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (48 male asympt 122 275 t st_t_wave_abnormality 150 yes 2 down ? ? >50_1) (48 male asympt 160 193 f normal 102 yes 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (48 male asympt 160 329 f normal 92 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (48 male asympt 160 355 f normal 99 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (50 male asympt 130 233 f normal 121 yes 2 flat ? reversable_defect >50_1) (52 male asympt 120 182 f normal 150 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 170 ? f normal 126 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (53 male asympt 120 246 f normal 116 yes 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (54 male non_anginal 120 237 f normal 150 yes 1.5 ? ? reversable_defect >50_1) (54 male asympt 130 242 f normal 91 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (54 male asympt 130 603 t normal 125 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (54 male asympt 140 ? f normal 118 yes 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (54 male asympt 200 198 f normal 142 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (55 male asympt 140 268 f normal 128 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (56 male asympt 150 213 t normal 125 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (57 male asympt 150 255 f normal 92 yes 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (58 male non_anginal 160 211 t st_t_wave_abnormality 92 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (58 male asympt 130 263 f normal 140 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (41 male asympt 130 172 f st_t_wave_abnormality 130 no 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (43 male asympt 120 175 f normal 120 yes 1 flat ? reversable_defect >50_1) (44 male atyp_angina 150 288 f normal 150 yes 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (44 male asympt 130 290 f normal 100 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (46 male typ_angina 140 272 t normal 175 no 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (47 female non_anginal 135 248 t normal 170 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (48 female asympt 138 214 f normal 108 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (49 male asympt 130 341 f normal 120 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (49 male asympt 140 234 f normal 140 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (51 male non_anginal 135 160 f normal 150 no 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 112 342 f st_t_wave_abnormality 96 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 130 298 f normal 110 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 140 404 f normal 124 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 160 246 f st_t_wave_abnormality 82 yes 4 flat ? ? >50_1) (53 male non_anginal 145 518 f normal 130 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (53 male asympt 180 285 f st_t_wave_abnormality 120 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (54 male asympt 140 216 f normal 105 no 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (55 male typ_angina 140 295 f ? 136 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (55 male atyp_angina 160 292 t normal 143 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (55 male asympt 145 248 f normal 96 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (56 female atyp_angina 120 279 f normal 150 no 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (56 male asympt 150 230 f st_t_wave_abnormality 124 yes 1.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (56 male asympt 170 388 f st_t_wave_abnormality 122 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (58 male atyp_angina 136 164 f st_t_wave_abnormality 99 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (59 male asympt 130 ? f normal 125 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (59 male asympt 140 264 t left_vent_hyper 119 yes 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (65 male asympt 170 263 t normal 112 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (66 male asympt 140 ? f normal 94 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) (41 male asympt 120 336 f normal 118 yes 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (43 male asympt 140 288 f normal 135 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (44 male asympt 135 491 f normal 135 no 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (47 female asympt 120 205 f normal 98 yes 2 flat ? fixed_defect >50_1) (47 male asympt 160 291 f st_t_wave_abnormality 158 yes 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (49 male asympt 128 212 f normal 96 yes 0 ? ? ? >50_1) (49 male asympt 150 222 f normal 122 no 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (50 male asympt 140 231 f st_t_wave_abnormality 140 yes 5 flat ? ? >50_1) (50 male asympt 140 341 f st_t_wave_abnormality 125 yes 2.5 flat ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 140 266 f normal 134 yes 2 flat ? ? >50_1) (52 male asympt 160 331 f normal 94 yes 2.5 ? ? ? >50_1) (54 female non_anginal 130 294 f st_t_wave_abnormality 100 yes 0 flat ? ? >50_1) (56 male asympt 155 342 t normal 150 yes 3 flat ? ? >50_1) (58 female atyp_angina 180 393 f normal 110 yes 1 flat ? reversable_defect >50_1) (65 male asympt 130 275 f st_t_wave_abnormality 115 yes 1 flat ? ? >50_1) )))