;% 1. Title: meta-data ;% ;% 2. Sources: ;% (a) Creator: ;% LIACC - University of Porto ;% R.Campo Alegre 823 ;% 4150 PORTO ;% (b) Donor: P.B.Brazdil or J.Gama Tel.: +351 600 1672 ;% LIACC, University of Porto Fax.: +351 600 3654 ;% Rua Campo Alegre 823 Email: statlog-adm@ncc.up.pt ;% 4150 Porto, Portugal ;% (c) Date: March, 1996 ;% ;% (d) Acknowlegements: ;% LIACC wishes to thank Commission of European Communities ;% for their support. Also, we wish to thank the following partners ;% for providing the individual test results: ;% ;% - Dept. of Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK ;% - Dept. of Statistics, University of Leeds, UK ;% - Aston University, Birmingham, UK ;% - Forschungszentrum Ulm, Daimler-Benz AG, Germany ;% - Brainware GmbH, Berlin, Germany ;% - Frauenhofer Gesellschaft IITB-EPO, Berlin, Germany ;% - Institut fuer Kybernetik, Bochum, Germany ;% - ISoft, Gif sur Yvette, France ;% - Dept. of CS and AI, University of Granada, Spain ;% ;% ;% 3. Past Usage: ;% ;% ;% Meta-Data was used in order to give advice about which classification ;% method is appropriate for a particular dataset. ;% This work is described in: ;% ;% -"Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Learning" ;% Eds. D.Michie,D.J.Spiegelhalter and C.Taylor ;% Ellis Horwood-1994 ;% ;% - "Characterizing the Applicability of ;% Classification Algorithms Using Meta-Level Learning", ;% P. Brazdil, J.Gama and B.Henery: ;% in Proc. of Machine Learning - ECML-94, ;% ed. F.Bergadano and L.de Raedt,LNAI Vol.784 Springer-Verlag. ;% ;% -"Characterization of Classification Algorithms" ;% J.Gama, P.Brazdil ;% in Proc. of EPIA 95, LNAI Vol.990 ;% Springer-Verlag, 1995 ;% ;% ;% 4. Relevant Information:n ;% This DataSet is about the results of Statlog project. ;% The project performed a comparative study between Statistical, Neural ;% and Symbolic learning algorithms. ;% ;% Project StatLog (Esprit Project 5170) was concerned with comparative ;% studies of different machine learning, neural and statistical ;% classification algorithms. About 20 different algorithms were ;% evaluated on more than 20 different datasets. The tests carried out ;% under project produced many interesting results. ;% ;% Algorithms DataSets ;% ------------------------- -------------------------- ;% C4.5 NewId Credit_Austr Belgian ;% AC2 CART Chromosome Credit_Man ;% IndCART Cal5 CUT DNA ;% CN2 ITRule Diabetes Digits44 ;% Discrim QuaDisc Credit_German Faults ;% LogDisc ALLOC80 Head Heart ;% kNN SMART KLDigits Letters ;% BayesTree CASTLE New_Belgian Sat_Image ;% DIPLO92 RBF Segment Shuttle ;% LVQ Backprop Technical TseTse ;% Kohonen Vehicle ;% ;% ;% The results of these tests are comprehensively described in a book ;% (D.Michie et.al, 1994). ;% ;% 5. Number of Instances: 528 ;% ;% 6. Number of Attributes: 22 (including an Id#) plus the class attribute ;% -- all but two attributes are continuously valued ;% ;% 7. Attribute Information: ;% 1. DS_Name categorical Name of DataSet ;% 2. T continuous Number of examples in test set ;% 3. N continuous Number of examples ;% 4. p continuous Number of attributes ;% 5. k continuous Number of classes ;% 6. Bin continuous Number of binary Attributes ;% 7. Cost continuous Cost (1=yes,0=no) ;% 8. SDratio continuous Standard deviation ratio ;% 9. correl continuous Mean correlation between attributes ;% 10. cancor1 continuous First canonical correlation ;% 11. cancor2 continuous Second canonical correlation ;% 12. fract1 continuous First eigenvalue ;% 13. fract2 continuous Second eigenvalue ;% 14. skewness continuous Mean of |E(X-Mean)|^3/STD^3 ;% 15. kurtosis continuous Mean of |E(X-Mean)|^4/STD^4 ;% 16. Hc continuous Mean entropy of attributes ;% 17. Hx continuous Entropy of classes ;% 18. MCx continuous Mean mutual entropy of class and attributes ;% 19. EnAtr continuous Equivalent number of attributes ;% 20. NSRatio continuous Noise-signal ratio ;% 21. Alg_Name categorical Name of Algorithm ;% 22. Norm_error continuous Normalized Error (continuous class) ;% ;% ;% 8. Missing Attribute Values: ;% ;% Note that fract2 and cancor2 only apply to datasets with more than ;% 2 classes. When they appear as '?' this means a don't care value. ;% ;% Summary Statistics: ;% ;% Attribute Min Max Mean Std ;% T 270 20000 4569.05 5704.01 ;% N 270 58000 10734.2 14568.8 ;% p 6 180 29.5455 36.8533 ;% k 2 91 9.72727 19.3568 ;% Bin 0 43 3.18182 9.29227 ;% Cost 0 1 0.13636 0.35125 ;% SdRatio 1.0273 4.0014 1.4791 0.65827 ;% Correl 0.0456 0.751 0.23684 0.1861 ;% Cancor1 0.5044 0.9884 0.79484 0.15639 ;% Cancor2 0.1057 0.9623 0.74106 0.269 ;% Fract1 0.1505 1 0.70067 0.3454 ;% Fract2 0.2807 1 0.70004 0.29405 ;% Skewness 0.1802 6.7156 1.78422 1.79022 ;% Kurtosis 0.9866 160.311 22.6672 41.8496 ;% Hc 0.2893 4.8787 1.87158 1.44665 ;% Hx 0.3672 6.5452 3.34502 1.80383 ;% Mcx 0.0187 1.3149 0.31681 0.33548 ;% EnAtr 1.56006 160.644 20.6641 35.6614 ;% NsRatio 1.02314 159.644 28.873 37.925 ;% (defun meta () (data :name 'meta :columns '(DS_Name T N p k Bin Cost SDratio correl cancor1 cancor2 fract1 fract2 skewness kurtosis Hc Hx MCx EnAtr NSRatio Alg_Name class) :egs '( (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Ac2 3.893) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Alloc80 5.45) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 BackProp 1.791) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Bayes 1.557) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 BayesTree 3.114) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 C4_5 1.868) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 CART 1.09) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Cal5 0) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Cascade 67.655) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Castle 1.324) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Cn2 5.683) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Default 24.057) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Dipol92 0.779) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Discrim 0.779) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 ITrule 0.467) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 IndCART 1.635) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 KNN 3.893) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Kohonen 67.655) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 LVQ 5.138) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 LogDisc 0.779) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 NewId 3.893) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 QuaDisc 5.917) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 RBF 1.09) (Aust_Credit 690 690 14 2 4 0 1.2623 0.1024 0.7713 ? 1 ? 1.9701 12.5538 0.9912 2.3012 0.113 8.77168 19.3646 Smart 2.102) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Ac2 9.035) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Alloc80 9.939) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 BackProp 2.711) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Bayes 20.781) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 BayesTree 7.228) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 C4_5 1.807) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 CART 885.438) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Cal5 2.711) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Cascade 885.438) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Castle 24.395) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Cn2 10.842) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Default 27.105) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Dipol92 0) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Discrim 11.746) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 ITrule 23.491) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 IndCART 4.518) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 KNN 9.939) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Kohonen 20.781) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 LVQ 18.07) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 LogDisc 9.035) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 NewId 11.746) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 QuaDisc 27.105) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 RBF 9.939) (BT 16000 20000 7 2 0 0 1.0975 0.1146 0.6109 ? 1 ? 6.1012 93.1399 0.2893 2.7416 0.0495 5.84444 54.3859 Smart 0) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Ac2 12.819) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Alloc80 17.397) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 BackProp 5.036) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Bayes 25.637) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 BayesTree 10.987) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 C4_5 15.566) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 CART 12.819) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Cal5 10.53) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Cascade 455.064) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Castle 18.77) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Cn2 11.903) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Default 162.981) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Dipol92 5.494) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Discrim 8.698) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 ITrule 27.011) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 IndCART 12.819) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 KNN 24.264) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Kohonen 22.891) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 LVQ 21.975) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 LogDisc 0.458) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 NewId 9.614) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 QuaDisc 21.059) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 RBF 12.819) (Belgian 1250 2500 28 2 0 0 1.5124 0.3503 0.8869 ? 1 ? 0.4334 2.6581 0.9453 5.4853 0.3172 2.98014 16.2929 Smart 0) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Ac2 13.84) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Alloc80 1.432) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 BackProp 4.295) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Bayes 20.521) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 BayesTree 0) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 C4_5 0.954) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 CART 460.999) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Cal5 5.249) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Cascade 460.999) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Castle 12.885) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Cn2 3.818) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Default 12.408) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Dipol92 5.249) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Discrim 7.636) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 ITrule 22.907) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 IndCART 2.863) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 KNN 0.954) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Kohonen 7.636) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 LVQ 3.341) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 LogDisc 5.727) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 NewId 2.386) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 QuaDisc 25.77) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 RBF 4.772) (CUT 7480 18700 20 2 0 0 1.032 0.2178 0.55 ? 1 ? 0.9012 3.5214 0.3256 4.6908 0.0292 160.644 159.644 Smart 6.204) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Ac2 76.475) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Alloc80 86.162) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 BackProp 467.007) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Bayes 122.36) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 BayesTree 40.787) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 C4_5 46.395) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 CART 467.007) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Cal5 81.573) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Cascade 467.007) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Castle 47.924) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Cn2 33.649) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Default 446.613) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Dipol92 3.569) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Discrim 11.726) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 ITrule 312.527) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 IndCART 45.375) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 KNN 19.883) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Kohonen 45.885) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 LVQ 18.864) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 LogDisc 23.962) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 NewId 46.905) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 QuaDisc 0) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 RBF 22.942) (Chromosone 20000 40000 16 24 0 0 1.3218 0.1885 0.9884 0.9191 0.1505 0.2807 0.42 4.4024 4.5603 5.6411 1.3149 3.46817 3.29014 Smart 22.433) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Ac2 9.523) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Alloc80 17.142) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 BackProp 9.714) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Bayes 14.475) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 BayesTree 8.38) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 C4_5 0) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 CART 9.523) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Cal5 0.762) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Cascade 14.666) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Castle 7.428) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Cn2 10.095) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Default 79.805) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Dipol92 9.333) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Discrim 9.523) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 ITrule 16.761) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 IndCART 0) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 KNN 21.713) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Kohonen 20.951) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 LVQ 16.19) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 LogDisc 9.714) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 NewId 9.523) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 QuaDisc 11.428) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 RBF 9.523) (Credit 2670 8900 16 2 8 0 1.0273 0.0825 0.7618 ? 1 ? 1.2082 4.4046 1 1.77 0.641 1.56006 1.76131 Smart 5.524) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Ac2 10.247) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Alloc80 2.779) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 BackProp 8.163) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Bayes 4.689) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 BayesTree 9.379) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 C4_5 6.079) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 CART 7.642) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Cal5 15.631) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Cascade 166.556) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Castle 5.384) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Cn2 9.379) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Default 76.244) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Dipol92 1.216) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Discrim 3.126) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 ITrule 16.326) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 IndCART 5.558) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 KNN 19.799) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Kohonen 51.756) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 LVQ 166.556) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 LogDisc 3.474) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 NewId 10.247) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 QuaDisc 3.126) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 RBF 0) (DNA 1186 3186 180 3 0 0 1.5407 0.0456 0.8729 0.83 0.5252 1 2.5582 29.5674 1.4725 0.8072 0.0218 67.5459 36.0275 Smart 17.368) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Ac2 3.529) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Alloc80 5.193) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 BackProp 1.664) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Bayes 2.596) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 BayesTree 3.196) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 C4_5 3.129) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 CART 2.13) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Cal5 1.798) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Cascade 51.73) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Castle 2.33) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Cn2 4.394) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Default 8.455) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Dipol92 0.067) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Discrim 0.133) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 ITrule 1.465) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 IndCART 3.196) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 KNN 6.724) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Kohonen 3.329) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 LVQ 3.262) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 LogDisc 0) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 NewId 4.394) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 QuaDisc 2.596) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 RBF 1.332) (Diabetes 768 768 8 2 0 0 1.0377 0.1439 0.5507 ? 1 ? 1.0586 5.827 0.9331 4.5301 0.112 8.33125 39.4473 Smart 0.599) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Ac2 48.412) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Alloc80 9.413) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 BackProp 14.792) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Bayes 83.376) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 BayesTree 41.688) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 C4_5 45.722) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 CART 50.653) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Cal5 77.548) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Cascade 8.069) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Castle 55.135) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Cn2 38.998) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Default 382.362) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Dipol92 11.206) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Discrim 30.033) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 ITrule 78.445) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 IndCART 47.963) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 KNN 0) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Kohonen 12.551) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 LVQ 6.276) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 LogDisc 17.482) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 NewId 46.17) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 QuaDisc 3.138) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 RBF 16.137) (Digits 9000 18000 16 10 0 0 1.5673 0.2119 0.8929 0.8902 0.2031 0.4049 0.8562 5.1256 3.3219 6.5452 0.5049 6.57932 11.9634 Smart 25.551) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Ac2 0) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Alloc80 10.391) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 BackProp 3.401) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Bayes 6.298) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 BayesTree 6.864) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 C4_5 8.25) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 CART 9.068) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Cal5 7.746) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Cascade 52.018) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Castle 9.068) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Cn2 11.336) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Default 27.457) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Dipol92 1.071) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Discrim 1.889) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 ITrule 9.824) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 IndCART 10.139) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 KNN 12.658) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Kohonen 18.767) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 LVQ 17.003) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 LogDisc 2.96) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 NewId 8.187) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 QuaDisc 7.494) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 RBF 9.194) (Faults 570 570 45 3 43 0 1.191 0.751 0.8842 0.3002 0.8966 1 1.8972 0.9866 1.5749 0.8717 0.0366 43.0301 22.8169 Smart 10.391) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Ac2 10.489) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Alloc80 1.498) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 BackProp 7.248) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Bayes 5.138) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 BayesTree 7.431) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 C4_5 13.761) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 CART 2.385) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Cal5 2.08) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Cascade 3041.74) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Castle 1.468) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Cn2 9.817) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Default 5.046) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Dipol92 1.957) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Discrim 0) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 ITrule 10.52) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 IndCART 6.911) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 KNN 4.862) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Kohonen 19.113) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 LVQ 13.089) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 LogDisc 0.092) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 NewId 11.927) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 QuaDisc 2.569) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 RBF 13.333) (German_Credit 1000 1000 24 2 9 1 1.0369 0.0848 0.5044 ? 1 ? 1.6986 7.7943 0.8813 1.5031 0.0187 47.1283 79.3797 Smart 2.018) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Ac2 28.78) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Alloc80 10.311) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 BackProp 2.641) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Bayes 4.43) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 BayesTree 3.499) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 C4_5 47.811) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 CART 1.79) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Cal5 11.317) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Cascade 1.139) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Castle 2.152) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Cn2 26.324) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Default 19.334) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Dipol92 6.331) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Discrim 1.428) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 ITrule 14.534) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 IndCART 5.592) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 KNN 12.825) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Kohonen 60.68) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 LVQ 21.169) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 LogDisc 0) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 NewId 26.391) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 QuaDisc 1.553) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 RBF 33.388) (Head 900 900 6 3 1 1 1.1231 0.1217 0.7176 0.1057 0.9787 1 1.0071 5.0408 1.3574 1.9786 0.1929 7.03681 9.25713 Smart 2.848) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Ac2 5.378) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Alloc80 0.48) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 BackProp 2.907) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Bayes 0) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 BayesTree 2.209) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 C4_5 5.916) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 CART 1.134) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Cal5 1.017) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Cascade 1.352) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Castle 0.974) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Cn2 5.712) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Default 2.703) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Dipol92 1.933) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Discrim 0.276) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 ITrule 2.049) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 IndCART 3.721) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 KNN 1.512) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Kohonen 4.637) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 LVQ 3.285) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 LogDisc 0.32) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 NewId 6.831) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 QuaDisc 0.698) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 RBF 5.916) (Heart 270 270 13 2 5 1 1.0612 0.1236 0.7384 ? 1 ? 0.956 3.6494 0.9902 1.6386 0.0876 11.3037 17.7055 Smart 1.512) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Ac2 100.289) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Alloc80 2.711) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 BackProp 19.651) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Bayes 137.559) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 BayesTree 96.901) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 C4_5 108.421) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 CART 664.078) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Cal5 169.408) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Cascade 37.27) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Castle 77.928) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Cn2 108.421) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Default 596.315) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Dipol92 12.875) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Discrim 37.27) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 ITrule 132.816) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 IndCART 101.645) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 KNN 0) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Kohonen 664.078) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 LVQ 4.066) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 LogDisc 21.007) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 NewId 96.224) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 QuaDisc 3.388) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 RBF 23.717) (KlDigits 9000 18000 40 10 0 0 1.9657 0.1093 0.9207 0.9056 0.172 0.3385 0.1802 2.92 3.3219 5.5903 0.2029 16.3721 26.552 Smart 25.072) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Ac2 52.292) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Alloc80 0) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 BackProp 75.982) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Bayes 134.341) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 BayesTree 17.334) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 C4_5 19.646) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 CART 270.416) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Cal5 54.603) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Cascade 270.416) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Castle 52.292) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Cn2 14.734) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Default 258.86) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Dipol92 32.358) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Discrim 68.76) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 ITrule 153.12) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 IndCART 19.068) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 KNN 1.733) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Kohonen 54.314) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 LVQ 4.334) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 LogDisc 49.114) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 NewId 18.49) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 QuaDisc 14.156) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 RBF 48.825) (Letters 5000 20000 16 26 0 0 1.8795 0.2577 0.8896 0.8489 0.168 0.321 0.5698 3.5385 4.6996 3.094 0.5189 9.05685 4.96261 Smart 66.737) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Ac2 1.675) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Alloc80 8.933) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 BackProp 2.513) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Bayes 21.217) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 BayesTree 0.279) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 C4_5 1.396) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 CART 2.513) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Cal5 3.629) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Cascade 275.541) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Castle 14.238) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Cn2 3.35) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Default 17.029) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Dipol92 3.629) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Discrim 7.817) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 ITrule 18.984) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 IndCART 0.279) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 KNN 10.888) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Kohonen 19.821) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 LVQ 14.517) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 LogDisc 4.188) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 NewId 1.117) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 QuaDisc 6.142) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 RBF 6.142) (NewBelgian 1000 3000 57 2 0 0 1.0638 0.1216 0.5286 ? 1 ? 1.118 6.7738 0.3879 3.83 0.0421 9.21378 89.9739 Smart 0) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Ac2 9.654) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Alloc80 5.823) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 BackProp 6.896) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Bayes 29.576) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 BayesTree 8.122) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 C4_5 8.582) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 CART 6.743) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Cal5 8.735) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Cascade 10.574) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Castle 15.325) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Cn2 8.582) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Default 102.061) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Dipol92 2.605) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Discrim 11.8) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 ITrule 138.84) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 IndCART 6.743) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 KNN 0) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Kohonen 13.026) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 LVQ 1.686) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 LogDisc 10.574) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 NewId 8.582) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 QuaDisc 9.348) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 RBF 4.138) (SatImage 2000 6435 36 6 0 0 1.297 0.5977 0.9366 0.9332 0.3586 0.7146 0.7316 4.1737 2.4734 5.5759 0.9443 2.61929 4.9048 Smart 9.961) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Ac2 0.282) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Alloc80 0) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 BackProp 6.762) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Bayes 66.211) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 BayesTree 0.845) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 C4_5 2.817) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 CART 2.817) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Cal5 9.016) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Cascade 273.295) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Castle 23.103) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Cn2 3.663) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Default 245.12) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Dipol92 0.282) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Discrim 24.23) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 ITrule 119.743) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 IndCART 4.226) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 KNN 13.242) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Kohonen 10.425) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 LVQ 4.508) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 LogDisc 22.258) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 NewId 1.127) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 QuaDisc 35.782) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 RBF 10.988) (Segment 2310 2310 11 7 0 0 4.0014 0.1425 0.976 0.9623 0.3098 0.611 2.958 24.4813 2.8072 3.0787 0.6672 4.20743 3.61436 Smart 6.198) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Ac2 37.331) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Alloc80 98.746) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 BackProp 50.577) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Bayes 540.695) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 BayesTree 1.204) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 C4_5 10.838) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 CART 8.43) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Cal5 2.408) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Cascade 12041) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Castle 456.399) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Cn2 2.408) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Default 2575.83) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Dipol92 56.598) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Discrim 580.434) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 ITrule 48.169) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 IndCART 9.634) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 KNN 51.781) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Kohonen 12041) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 LVQ 51.781) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 LogDisc 460.012) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 NewId 0) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 QuaDisc 808.031) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 RBF 167.387) (Shuttle 14500 58000 9 7 0 0 1.6067 0.3558 0.9668 0.6968 0.6252 0.9499 4.4371 160.311 0.9653 3.4271 0.3348 2.88321 9.23626 Smart 69.845) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Ac2 2.13) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Alloc80 161.514) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 BackProp 161.514) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Bayes 46.857) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 BayesTree 14.909) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 C4_5 5.325) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 CART 161.514) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Cal5 16.506) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Cascade 161.514) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Castle 161.514) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Cn2 5.857) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Default 120.692) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Dipol92 18.104) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Discrim 53.424) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 ITrule 161.514) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 IndCART 0.887) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 KNN 20.234) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Kohonen 47.389) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 LVQ 30.35) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 LogDisc 55.199) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 NewId 0) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 QuaDisc 71.882) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 RBF 41.532) (Technical 2580 7078 56 91 0 0 2.2442 ? 0.9165 0.6818 0.5575 0.866 6.7156 108.296 4.8787 0.3672 0.1815 26.8799 1.02314 Smart 48.987) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Ac2 2.286) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Alloc80 4.364) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 BackProp 6.027) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Bayes 17.458) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 BayesTree 0.208) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 C4_5 2.702) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 CART 1.039) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Cal5 3.949) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Cascade 200.349) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Castle 20.991) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Cn2 0) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Default 94.355) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Dipol92 3.533) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Discrim 17.873) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 ITrule 39.904) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 IndCART 0.623) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 KNN 4.364) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Kohonen 8.105) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 LVQ 6.027) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 LogDisc 16.834) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 NewId 0.831) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 QuaDisc 12.886) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 RBF 3.325) (TseTse 1499 4999 14 2 0 0 1.1316 0.3676 0.7792 ? 1 ? 0.6483 4.3322 0.9998 3.8755 0.285 3.50807 12.5982 Smart 2.286) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Ac2 11.893) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Alloc80 1.874) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 BackProp 4.643) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Bayes 33.235) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 BayesTree 9.856) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 C4_5 9.449) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 CART 6.924) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Cal5 10.508) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Cascade 10.589) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Castle 28.917) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Cn2 13.359) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Default 48.874) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Dipol92 0.081) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Discrim 5.376) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 ITrule 14.174) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 IndCART 12.056) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 KNN 10.182) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Kohonen 15.477) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 LVQ 11.16) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 LogDisc 3.421) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 NewId 12.056) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 QuaDisc 0) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 RBF 12.789) (Vehicle 846 846 18 4 0 0 1.5392 0.4828 0.842 0.8189 0.4696 0.9139 0.8282 5.18 1.9979 4.2472 0.3538 5.64698 11.0045 Smart 5.458) )))