;% ;% Notes: The large soybean database (soybean-large-data.arff) and it's ;% corresponding test database (soybean-large-test.arff) combined ;% into a single file (soybean-large.arff). ;% ;% 1. Title: Large Soybean Database ;% ;% 2. Sources: ;% (a) R.S. Michalski and R.L. Chilausky "Learning by Being Told and ;% Learning from Examples: An Experimental Comparison of the Two ;% Methods of Knowledge Acquisition in the Context of Developing ;% an Expert System for Soybean Disease Diagnosis", International ;% Journal of Policy Analysis and Information Systems, Vol. 4, ;% No. 2, 1980. ;% (b) Donor: Ming Tan & Jeff Schlimmer (Jeff.Schlimmer%cs.cmu.edu) ;% (c) Date: 11 July 1988 ;% ;% 3. Past Usage: ;% 1. See above. ;% 2. Tan, M., & Eshelman, L. (1988). Using weighted networks to represent ;% classification knowledge in noisy domains. Proceedings of the Fifth ;% International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 121-134). Ann Arbor, ;% Michigan: Morgan Kaufmann. ;% -- IWN recorded a 97.1% classification accuracy ;% -- 290 training and 340 test instances ;% 3. Fisher,D.H. & Schlimmer,J.C. (1988). Concept Simplification and ;% Predictive Accuracy. Proceedings of the Fifth ;% International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 22-28). Ann Arbor, ;% Michigan: Morgan Kaufmann. ;% -- Notes why this database is highly predictable ;% ;% 4. Relevant Information Paragraph: ;% There are 19 classes, only the first 15 of which have been used in prior ;% work. The folklore seems to be that the last four classes are ;% unjustified by the data since they have so few examples. ;% There are 35 categorical attributes, some nominal and some ordered. The ;% value ``dna'' means does not apply. The values for attributes are ;% encoded numerically, with the first value encoded as ``0,'' the second as ;% ``1,'' and so forth. An unknown values is encoded as ``?''. ;% ;% 5. Number of Instances: 683 ;% ;% 6. Number of Attributes: 35 (all have been nominalized) ;% ;% 7. Attribute Information: ;% -- 19 Classes ;% diaporthe-stem-canker, charcoal-rot, rhizoctonia-root-rot, ;% phytophthora-rot, brown-stem-rot, powdery-mildew, ;% downy-mildew, brown-spot, bacterial-blight, ;% bacterial-pustule, purple-seed-stain, anthracnose, ;% phyllosticta-leaf-spot, alternarialeaf-spot, ;% frog-eye-leaf-spot, diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight, ;% cyst-nematode, 2-4-d-injury, herbicide-injury. ;% ;% 1. date: april,may,june,july,august,september,october,?. ;% 2. plant-stand: normal,lt-normal,?. ;% 3. precip: lt-norm,norm,gt-norm,?. ;% 4. temp: lt-norm,norm,gt-norm,?. ;% 5. hail: yes,no,?. ;% 6. crop-hist: diff-lst-year,same-lst-yr,same-lst-two-yrs, ;% same-lst-sev-yrs,?. ;% 7. area-damaged: scattered,low-areas,upper-areas,whole-field,?. ;% 8. severity: minor,pot-severe,severe,?. ;% 9. seed-tmt: none,fungicide,other,?. ;% 10. germination: '90-100%','80-89%','lt-80%',?. ;% 11. plant-growth: norm,abnorm,?. ;% 12. leaves: norm,abnorm. ;% 13. leafspots-halo: absent,yellow-halos,no-yellow-halos,?. ;% 14. leafspots-marg: w-s-marg,no-w-s-marg,dna,?. ;% 15. leafspot-size: lt-1/8,gt-1/8,dna,?. ;% 16. leaf-shread: absent,present,?. ;% 17. leaf-malf: absent,present,?. ;% 18. leaf-mild: absent,upper-surf,lower-surf,?. ;% 19. stem: norm,abnorm,?. ;% 20. lodging: yes,no,?. ;% 21. stem-cankers: absent,below-soil,above-soil,above-sec-nde,?. ;% 22. canker-lesion: dna,brown,dk-brown-blk,tan,?. ;% 23. fruiting-bodies: absent,present,?. ;% 24. external decay: absent,firm-and-dry,watery,?. ;% 25. mycelium: absent,present,?. ;% 26. int-discolor: none,brown,black,?. ;% 27. sclerotia: absent,present,?. ;% 28. fruit-pods: norm,diseased,few-present,dna,?. ;% 29. fruit spots: absent,colored,brown-w/blk-specks,distort,dna,?. ;% 30. seed: norm,abnorm,?. ;% 31. mold-growth: absent,present,?. ;% 32. seed-discolor: absent,present,?. ;% 33. seed-size: norm,lt-norm,?. ;% 34. shriveling: absent,present,?. ;% 35. roots: norm,rotted,galls-cysts,?. ;% ;% ;% (defun soybean () (data :name 'soybean :columns '(date plant-stand precip temp hail crop-hist area-damaged severity seed-tmt germination plant-growth leaves leafspots-halo leafspots-marg leafspot-size leaf-shread leaf-malf leaf-mild stem lodging stem-cankers canker-lesion fruiting-bodies external-decay mycelium int-discolor sclerotia fruit-pods fruit-spots seed mold-growth seed-discolor seed-size shriveling roots class) :egs '( (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dnxa dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (august normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (october normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (july normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (october normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (october normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (october normal lt-norm gt-norm no diff-lst-year upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (july normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry present none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (july normal gt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry present none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (april lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal norm norm ? diff-lst-year low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (april lt-normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs low-areas severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? diff-lst-year low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no below-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? diff-lst-year low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (july lt-normal lt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (october normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm norm absent dna gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september lt-normal lt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september lt-normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august lt-normal lt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (july lt-normal lt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (july normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (october normal norm lt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (may lt-normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe other 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (october lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (august lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor other 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (october normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (june lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (october lt-normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (september lt-normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (may lt-normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe other 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (october normal gt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (june normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (may normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (may normal gt-norm lt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (august lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (april lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe other 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (april lt-normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor other 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field severe other 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august lt-normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm colored norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field severe other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field severe other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (june normal norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (july normal norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (july normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (july normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (july normal norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (august normal gt-norm norm no diff-lst-year whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (june normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (june lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent galls-cysts bacterial-pustule) (july normal gt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (june normal norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent lt-norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (july normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present lt-norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (july lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (july normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor none 80-89 abnorm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present lt-norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent lt-norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (august normal norm norm no same-lst-yr whole-field minor none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present lt-norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (september lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (october normal gt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (october normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (august normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent norm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (august normal gt-norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm no absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (august normal gt-norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (july normal gt-norm lt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered minor none 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent norm no absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (july normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent norm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (august normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present norm present norm anthracnose) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present norm absent norm anthracnose) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm anthracnose) (october lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe other lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present norm absent norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (april normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent lt-norm absent norm anthracnose) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm absent present lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor other 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (july lt-normal norm norm yes diff-lst-year upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (july normal lt-norm norm no diff-lst-year upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (july normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june normal lt-norm norm no diff-lst-year whole-field minor other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (may normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year whole-field minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year whole-field minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year whole-field minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm absent present lt-norm present norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present absent absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor other lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field ? ? 90-100 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs whole-field ? ? 80-89 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field ? ? 90-100 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (may lt-normal norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs scattered ? ? lt-80 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (september ? gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs whole-field ? ? ? norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs whole-field ? ? 90-100 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (june ? ? ? ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (july ? ? ? ? same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (august ? ? ? ? same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (july ? ? ? ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (july ? ? ? ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (august ? ? ? ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (may lt-normal ? lt-norm ? same-lst-yr scattered ? ? ? abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos no-w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) (april lt-normal ? lt-norm ? diff-lst-year whole-field ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) (may lt-normal ? lt-norm ? diff-lst-year scattered ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) (may lt-normal ? lt-norm ? same-lst-yr whole-field ? ? ? abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos no-w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dna present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm diaporthe-stem-canker) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (august normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes diff-lst-year upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (july normal lt-norm gt-norm no diff-lst-year upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (august normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (october normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (october normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent black present norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm charcoal-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent rotted rhizoctonia-root-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe none 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry present none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (august normal gt-norm lt-norm no diff-lst-year low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry present none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry present none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil brown absent firm-and-dry present none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm rhizoctonia-root-rot) (june lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes below-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent dna dna norm absent absent norm absent norm phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (april lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? diff-lst-year low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (august lt-normal norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (august lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? below-soil dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (august lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (august lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (august lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (august lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-soil dk-brown-blk ? watery absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (june lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july lt-normal norm norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk ? absent absent none absent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted phytophthora-rot) (july normal lt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-yr scattered severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (july normal lt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none 90-100 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (october normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal norm lt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (july lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered severe none lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field severe none 90-100 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august lt-normal lt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas severe none 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august lt-normal norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (october lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no absent tan absent absent absent brown absent norm dna norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (july normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (july normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (august normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (september normal lt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent dna absent absent absent brown absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-stem-rot) (may normal lt-norm lt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (june normal norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (july normal gt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (august normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (september normal norm lt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (august normal norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (july lt-normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (august lt-normal norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor other 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (june lt-normal norm lt-norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (september lt-normal lt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent upper-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm powdery-mildew) (july normal gt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (august normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (september normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (june normal gt-norm lt-norm no diff-lst-year whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (july normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (october lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (july lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (september lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent lower-surf norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present absent norm absent norm downy-mildew) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan present firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe other 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr low-areas minor other 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (april normal norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor none 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent absent absent none absent norm colored norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august normal norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (april normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe other 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (april normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor other lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (may normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm brown-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (august lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (june lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (august normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (july normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none 90-100 abnorm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (august normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (july normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (august lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor none lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (september normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm bacterial-blight) (july normal norm lt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (may lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent lt-norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (june normal norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (july lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (june normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (june normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (may normal norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present lt-norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (june lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (september normal norm gt-norm no diff-lst-year low-areas minor none 80-89 abnorm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm present present norm absent norm bacterial-pustule) (june lt-normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm yellow-halos no-w-s-marg lt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent rotted bacterial-pustule) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm no absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (october normal gt-norm lt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent norm no absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (september normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (july normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor none 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent norm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (july normal gt-norm lt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor none lt-80 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent norm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent norm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg lt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes absent tan absent absent absent none absent diseased colored abnorm absent present norm absent norm purple-seed-stain) (april normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (june normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor other lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (august normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (may normal gt-norm norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor other 80-89 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm present norm anthracnose) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm absent norm anthracnose) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (october lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (october lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (july lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 90-100 abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe none 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas severe fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (october lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present absent lt-norm present norm anthracnose) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe none 90-100 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm norm absent dna dna absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm absent absent norm absent norm anthracnose) (may normal lt-norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (july normal lt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor none lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (may lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june lt-normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr upper-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june normal lt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr whole-field minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor none 90-100 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas minor fungicide 80-89 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (june lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present present absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm phyllosticta-leaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 present absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr low-areas minor other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered minor other lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes diff-lst-year scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal norm gt-norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent abnorm absent present norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm alternarialeaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal norm norm no same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october normal norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal norm norm no diff-lst-year low-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dna absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm no above-sec-nde brown absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm no diff-lst-year scattered pot-severe fungicide lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm no above-soil brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm no same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe other 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe none lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm no same-lst-sev-yrs scattered pot-severe other lt-80 abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm no above-sec-nde brown absent firm-and-dry absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent norm yes absent dna absent absent absent none absent norm absent norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered minor none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field minor fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas pot-severe fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs scattered minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (july normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr low-areas pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas pot-severe none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr scattered pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs low-areas minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas minor none lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-yr whole-field pot-severe fungicide 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-two-yrs scattered minor none 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october lt-normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas minor fungicide lt-80 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (august normal gt-norm norm yes same-lst-yr upper-areas pot-severe none 90-100 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm yes same-lst-two-yrs whole-field minor fungicide 80-89 norm abnorm no-yellow-halos w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent absent absent abnorm yes above-sec-nde dk-brown-blk absent firm-and-dry absent none absent diseased colored norm absent absent norm absent norm frog-eye-leaf-spot) (october ? gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-two-yrs whole-field ? ? ? norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (october ? gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr whole-field ? ? ? norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (september ? gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr whole-field ? ? ? norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (october ? gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field ? ? ? norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (october ? gt-norm gt-norm ? diff-lst-year whole-field ? ? ? norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (may lt-normal norm gt-norm ? diff-lst-year scattered ? ? lt-80 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks norm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-yr whole-field ? ? 90-100 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (september normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field ? ? 90-100 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (october normal gt-norm gt-norm ? same-lst-sev-yrs whole-field ? ? 80-89 norm norm ? ? ? ? ? ? abnorm ? absent dna present absent absent none absent diseased brown-w/blk-specks abnorm present present lt-norm present ? diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight) (june ? ? ? ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (july ? ? ? ? same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (august ? ? ? ? same-lst-yr low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (june ? ? ? ? same-lst-two-yrs upper-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (july ? ? ? ? same-lst-two-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (august ? ? ? ? same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (august ? ? ? ? same-lst-sev-yrs low-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (july ? ? ? ? same-lst-sev-yrs upper-areas ? ? ? abnorm abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? norm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? few-present ? abnorm absent ? lt-norm ? galls-cysts cyst-nematode) (september ? ? ? ? ? low-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (april ? ? ? ? ? scattered ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (may ? ? ? ? ? low-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (june ? ? ? ? ? upper-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (july ? ? ? ? ? whole-field ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (august ? ? ? ? ? scattered ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (october ? ? ? ? ? upper-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (april ? ? ? ? ? whole-field ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (may ? ? ? ? ? scattered ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (june ? ? ? ? ? low-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (july ? ? ? ? ? upper-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (august ? ? ? ? ? whole-field ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (september ? ? ? ? ? scattered ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (october ? ? ? ? ? low-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (april ? ? ? ? ? upper-areas ? ? ? ? abnorm absent dna dna ? present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2-4-d-injury) (april lt-normal ? lt-norm ? diff-lst-year scattered ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) (june lt-normal ? lt-norm ? diff-lst-year scattered ? ? ? abnorm abnorm absent dna dna absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) (april lt-normal ? lt-norm ? same-lst-yr whole-field ? ? ? abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos no-w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) (june lt-normal ? lt-norm ? same-lst-yr whole-field ? ? ? abnorm abnorm no-yellow-halos no-w-s-marg gt-1/8 absent present ? abnorm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dna ? ? ? ? ? ? rotted herbicide-injury) )))