Notes on: src/lisp/table/nbins.lisp How to load (load "games") (make-tables) (load "tables/nbin.lisp") (load "../../share/data/weathernumerics.lisp") (nth (weather-numerics) :n 3) : rsults should all be labelled 0,1,2 What does a table look like itnernally? run (make-data1) and see How to get data out of a table 2, 29, 30, 32,33,33 What are the valid accessors to a table? See src/lisp/table/structs.lisp How to put data into a new table see general form of nbins How turn a string to a symbol intern, 41 How turn a symbol to a string symbl-name, 43 How to case on type 53,56,37,40 How to use inherited accessorts Note 44 header-name. Works for both column and numerics How to define local functions inside a fnctions see "labels" in nbins How to pass code as data 34 becomes the "how" of discretize How to do error handling (e.g. abort after n warnings) define on "caution" struct : before processing that table carry it around : over all the processsing example : nbins defines a "caution", : sane numbers writes a caution How to remove funny symbols from the numbers sane-numbers (line 4) bug (exercise for the reader) : column of numbers will now be shorter after removal How to runs columns into rows, with header data at the start of each row First, add the header list to the start of egs (51) Second, transpose columns to rows (50) Thirds, run down row (header data is at start of each row) Fourth, transpose back (47) How to write another discretizer need a new top level driver (clone "nbins") need lowerest level worker (clone "nbins1") what you won't need : a new discrete egs