;;;; macros (defmacro ! (&rest l) `(funcall (wme-! *w*) ',l)) (defmacro theu () `(wme-utility-function *w*)) (defmacro thefile () `(wme-file *w*)) (defmacro thetable () `(wme-table *w*)) (defmacro thecols (&optional tbl) `(table-cols (or ,tbl (wme-table *w*)))) (defmacro thename (&optional tbl) `(table-name (or ,tbl (wme-table *w*)))) (defmacro therows (&optional tbl) `(table-rows (or ,tbl (wme-table *w*)))) (defmacro theklasses (&optional tbl) `(table-klasses (or ,tbl (wme-table *w*)))) ;;;; structs (defstruct result target (a 0) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0) acc pf prec pd f details) (defstruct table name rows klasses cols results) (defstruct row cells class utility sortkey) (defstruct col name goalp) (defstruct klass name (n 0)) (defstruct (sym (:include col)) (counts (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (defstruct (num (:include col)) (n 0) (sum 0) (sumsq 0) (min most-positive-fixnum) (max most-negative-fixnum) ) (defstruct wme (goal #\!) (num #\$) (unknown #\?) (file "../data/discrete-lisp/weather.lisp") (utility-function #'zero) (! #'defrow) (ready #'sort-rows) (run #'noop) (report #'noop) table ) (defstruct rig (preprocess #'noop) (train #'noop) (ready #'noop) (tester #'noop) (reporter #'noop)) ;;;; globals (defparameter *w* nil) (defun w0 () (setf *w* (make-wme))) ;;; utils (defun klass.majority (tbl) "return the symbol of the largest class" (maxof (table-klasses tbl) :key #'klass-n :result #'klass-name)) (defun klass.all (tbl &aux out) (mapcar #'klass-name (table-klasses tbl)))