change to name=value multi class dscretizer change reading so it knows the @meta tag try wthe which test seperaete out scoring from the rest reducing rows columns. does as well as full set? apps --------------------------- applications of induction to model-based reasoning: more than just "prediction" quick baseline for other methods incremental learning - theory revision feature selection - variance reduction instance selection - variance reduction - optimization classification optimization goal-sensitive learning - adjust the scoring function - effort-minimization (pd vs effort) contrast set learning - planning/ repair(constrast lower to higher) - not n-step planning (just 1 step) - for n-step, use this as the eval function on a beam search - diagnosis (contast higher to lower) anomaly detection - verification (e.g. proof carrying code) explanation - from naive bayes - from clustering mode indentification (anomaly detection when all prior classes are "known") monitoring (classifying with weighted classes + anomaly detection) prediction (after classification, have norms for the local site) decision support - argument support distributed learning - realtime, anytime - fusion - privacy and security