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Overview of different paradigms of programming languages. Detailed studies in object-oriented, functional, and logic programming. Theoretical aspects of programming languages including basic language translation, virtual machines, abstraction mechanisms, declarations and types.
Note that all the case studies involve translating and executing a high-level specification, written as a variant of an attributed EBNF grammar. Hence, they all contribute to b, c
ACM curriculum:
LCSEE computer science program objectives:
You MUST be prepared to dedicate AT LEAST 5-8 working hours a week to this class (excluding the time spent in the classroom). A minimal prerequisite for the successful completion is good understanding of programming concepts. You should have gained these in the prerequisite class, CS 111. Familiarity with a high level programming language is assumed (as taught in CS 111). Laboratory instruction is not included in CS 310. You will be given class accounts on CS Department machines and all assignments will have to be submitted and run there. Please note that a Linux server can be accessed from any PC using a secure connection service, such as SSH (explanation to be provided in class).
All students will commit their work to an on-line repository, supplied by the lecturer.
This is a tools-based subject and it is required that students learn those tools (Ssh, Emacs, Subversion, LISP).
See also, below, for how to lose marks due to poor attendance.
Lectures: Students are expected to regularly attend lectures. After three noted absences, students will lose two points per absence. After three noted lated arrivals, students will lose one point per late arrival. If you have another commitment that requires you to be consistently late, you should drop the class.
Exams: Consistent with WVU guidelines, students absent from regularly scheduled examinations because of authorized University activities will have the opportunity to take them at an alternate time. Make-up exams for absences due to any other reason will be at the discretion of the instructor.
There are no late marks; i.e. late homeworks score zero marks.
Total student marks add up to 18+40+16*3 = 106.
That is, you can skip any 3 of the (a,b,c) homeworks and get full marks.
The wise student will hoard all their “skip” marks and use them only for sickness.
However, all students homeworks must be submitted prior to worked solutions being released. So if you are skipping you still have to hand in one sheet of paper saying "skipping"".
See me at start of semester advising planned absences or if you need other special considerations.
Homework due: weeks 2,3,4,5,6, then 8,9,10,11,12,13,14
Mid-session test: week 7
Final exams: as per university timetable.
West Virginia University is committed to social justice. I concur with that commitment and expect to foster a nurturing learning environment based upon open communication, mutual respect, and non-discrimination. Our University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color or national origin. Any suggestions as to how to further such a positive and open environment in this class will be appreciated and given serious consideration.
If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to participate in this class, please advise me and make appropriate arrangements with Disability Services (293-6700).
The integrity of the classes offered by any academic institution solidifies the foundation of its mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency, ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, I will enforce rigorous standards of academic integrity in all aspects and assignments of this course.
For the detailed policy of West Virginia University regarding the definitions of acts considered to fall under academic dishonesty and possible ensuing sanctions, please see the Student Conduct Code at http://www.arc.wvu.edu/admissions/integrity.html. Should you have any questions about possibly improper research citations or references, or any other activity that may be interpreted as an attempt at academic dishonesty, please see me before the assignment is due to discuss the matter.
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