%%-*- text -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This is a PROMISE Software Engineering Repository data set made publicly % available in order to encourage repeatable, verifiable, refutable, and/or % improvable predictive models of software engineering. % % If you publish material based on PROMISE data sets then, please % follow the acknowledgment guidelines posted on the PROMISE repository % web page http://promise.site.uottawa.ca/SERepository . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 1. Title/Topic: COCOMO NASA 2 / Software cost estimation % 2. Sources: % % -- 93 NASA projects from different centers % for projects from the following years: % % n year % --- ---- % 1 1971 % 1 1974 % 2 1975 % 2 1976 % 10 1977 % 4 1978 % 19 1979 % 11 1980 % 13 1982 % 7 1983 % 7 1984 % 6 1985 % 8 1986 % 2 1987 % % Collected by % Jairus Hihn, JPL, NASA, Manager SQIP Measurement & % Benchmarking Element % Phone (818) 354-1248 (Jairus.M.Hihn@jpl.nasa.gov) % % -- Donor: Tim Menzies (tim@menzies.us) % % -- Date: Feb 8 2006 % % 3. Past Usage % None with this specific data set. But for older work on similar data, see: % % 1. "Validation Methods for Calibrating Software Effort % Models", T. Menzies and D. Port and Z. Chen and % J. Hihn and S. Stukes, Proceedings ICSE 2005, % http://menzies.us/pdf/04coconut.pdf % -- Results % -- Given background knowledge on 60 prior projects, % a new cost model can be tuned to local data using % as little as 20 new projects. % -- A very simple calibration method (COCONUT) can % achieve PRED(30)=7% or PRED(20)=50% (after 20 projects). % These are results seen in 30 repeats of an incremental % cross-validation study. % -- Two cost models are compared; one based on just % lines of code and one using over a dozen "effort % multipliers". Just using lines of code loses 10 to 20 % PRED(N) points. % % 3.1 Additional Usage: % 2. "Feature Subset Selection Can Improve Software Cost Estimation Accuracy" % Zhihao Chen, Tim Menzies, Dan Port and Barry Boehm % Proceedings PROMISE Workshop 2005, % http://www.etechstyle.com/chen/papers/05fsscocomo.pdf % P02, P03, P04 are used in this paper. % -- Results % -- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report % of applying feature subset selection (FSS) % to software effort data. % % -- FSS can dramatically improve cost estimation. % % ---T-tests are applied to the results to demonstrate % that always in our data sets, removing % attributes improves performance without increasing the % variance in model behavior. % % 4. Relevant Information % % The COCOMO software cost model measures effort in calendar months % of 152 hours (and includes development and management hours). % COCOMO assumes that the effort grows more than linearly on % software size; i.e. months=a* KSLOC^b*c. Here, "a" and "b" are % domain-specific parameters; "KSLOC" is estimated directly or % computed from a function point analysis; and "c" is the product % of over a dozen "effort multipliers". I.e. % % months=a*(KSLOC^b)*(EM1* EM2 * EM3 * ...) % % The effort multipliers are as follows: % % increase | acap | analysts capability % these to | pcap | programmers capability % decrease | aexp | application experience % effort | modp | modern programing practices % | tool | use of software tools % | vexp | virtual machine experience % | lexp | language experience % ----------+------+--------------------------- % | sced | schedule constraint % ----------+------+--------------------------- % decrease | stor | main memory constraint % these to | data | data base size % decrease | time | time constraint for cpu % effort | turn | turnaround time % | virt | machine volatility % | cplx | process complexity % | rely | required software reliability % % In COCOMO I, the exponent on KSLOC was a single value ranging from % 1.05 to 1.2. In COCOMO II, the exponent "b" was divided into a % constant, plus the sum of five "scale factors" which modeled % issues such as ``have we built this kind of system before?''. The % COCOMO~II effort multipliers are similar but COCOMO~II dropped one % of the effort multiplier parameters; renamed some others; and % added a few more (for "required level of reuse", "multiple-site % development", and "schedule pressure"). % % The effort multipliers fall into three groups: those that are % positively correlated to more effort; those that are % negatively correlated to more effort; and a third group % containing just schedule information. In COCOMO~I, "sced" has a % U-shaped correlation to effort; i.e. giving programmers either % too much or too little time to develop a system can be % detrimental. % % The numeric values of the effort multipliers are: % % very very extra productivity % low low nominal high high high range % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % acap 1.46 1.19 1.00 0.86 0.71 2.06 % pcap 1.42. 1.17 1.00 0.86 0.70 1.67 % aexp 1.29 1.13 1.00 0.91 0.82 1.57 % modp 1.24. 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.82 1.34 % tool 1.24 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.83 1.49 % vexp 1.21 1.10 1.00 0.90 1.34 % lexp 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.95 1.20 % sced 1.23 1.08 1.00 1.04 1.10 e % stor 1.00 1.06 1.21 1.56 -1.21 % data 0.94 1.00 1.08 1.16 -1.23 % time 1.00 1.11 1.30 1.66 -1.30 % turn 0.87 1.00 1.07 1.15 -1.32 % virt 0.87 1.00 1.15 1.30 -1.49 % rely 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15 1.40 -1.87 % cplx 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.65 -2.36 % % These were learnt by Barry Boehm after a regression analysis of the % projects in the COCOMO I data set. % @Book{boehm81, % Author = "B. Boehm", % Title = "Software Engineering Economics", % Publisher = "Prentice Hall", % Year = 1981} % % The last column of the above table shows max(E)/min(EM) and shows % the overall effect of a single effort multiplier. For example, % increasing "acap" (analyst experience) from very low to very % high will most decrease effort while increasing "rely" % (required reliability) from very low to very high will most % increase effort. % % There is much more to COCOMO that the above description. The % COCOMO~II text is over 500 pages long and offers % all the details needed to implement data capture and analysis of % COCOMO in an industrial context. % @Book{boehm00b, % Author = "Barry Boehm and Ellis Horowitz and Ray Madachy and % Donald Reifer and Bradford K. Clark and Bert Steece % and A. Winsor Brown and Sunita Chulani and Chris Abts", % Title = "Software Cost Estimation with Cocomo II", % Publisher = "Prentice Hall", % Year = 2000, % ibsn = "0130266922"} % % Included in that book is not just an effort model but other % models for schedule, risk, use of COTS, etc. However, most % (?all) of the validation work on COCOMO has focused on the effort % model. % @article{chulani99, % author = "S. Chulani and B. Boehm and B. Steece", % title = "Bayesian Analysis of Empirical Software Engineering % Cost Models", % journal = "IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering", % volume = 25, % number = 4, % month = "July/August", % year = "1999"} % % The value of an effort predictor can be reported many ways % including MMRE and PRED(N).MMRE and PRED are computed from the % relative error, or RE, which is the relative size of the % difference between the actual and estimated value: % % RE.i = (estimate.i - actual.i) / (actual.i) % % Given a data set of of size "D", a "Train"ing set of size % "(X=|Train|) <= D", and a "test" set of size "T=D-|Train|", then % the mean magnitude of the relative error, or MMRE, is the % percentage of the absolute values of the relative errors, % averaged over the "T" items in the "Test" set; i.e. % % MRE.i = abs(RE.i) % MMRE.i = 100/T*( MRE.1 + MRE.2 + ... + MRE.T) % % PRED(N) reports the average percentage of estimates that were % within N% of the actual values: % % count=0 % for(i=1;i<=T;i++) do if (MRE.i <= N/100) then count++ fi done % PRED(N) = 100/T * sum % % For example, e.g. PRED(30)=50% means that half the estimates are % within 30% of the actual. Shepperd and Schofield comment that % "MMRE is fairly conservative with a bias against overestimates % while Pred(25) will identify those prediction systems that are % generally accurate but occasionally wildly inaccurate". % @article{shepperd97, % author="M. Shepperd and C. Schofield", % title="Estimating Software Project Effort Using Analogies", % journal="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", % volume=23, % number=12, % month="November", % year=1997, % note="Available from % \url{http://www.utdallas.edu/~rbanker/SE_XII.pdf}"} % % 5. Number of instances: 93 % 6. Number of attributes: 24 % - 15 standard COCOMO-I discrete attributes in the range Very_Low to % Extra_High % - 7 others describing the project; % - one lines of code measure, % - one goal field being the actual effort in person months. % 7. Attribute information: @relation cocomonasa_2 % Unique id @attribute recordnumber real % unique id. note that these numbers are % NOT continguous since the records shown % below are a subset of another NASA % database. %project name @attribute projectname {de,erb,gal,X,hst,slp,spl,Y} %cagetory of application @attribute cat2 {Avionics, application_ground, avionicsmonitoring, batchdataprocessing, communications, datacapture, launchprocessing, missionplanning, monitor_control, operatingsystem, realdataprocessing, science, simulation, utility} % flight or ground system? @attribute forg {f,g} %which nasa center? @attribute center {1,2,3,4,5,6} %year of development @attribute year real %development mode @attribute mode {embedded,organic,semidetached} %cocomo attributes: described above in section 4 @attribute rely {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute data {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute cplx {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute time {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute stor {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute virt {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute turn {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute acap {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute aexp {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute pcap {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute vexp {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute lexp {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute modp {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute tool {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} @attribute sced {vl,l,n,h,vh,xh} %equivalent physical 1000 lines of source code @attribute equivphyskloc real %development effort in months (one month =152 hours and includes development and management hours) @attribute act_effort real % Section 8. Missing attributes: none % Section 9: Distribution of class values % % # development months % == ================== % 46 0 - 499 % 28 500 - 999 % 7 1000 - 1499 % 3 1500 - 1999 % 3 2000 - 2499 % 3 2500 - 2999 % 0 3000 - 3999 % 1 4000 - 4499 % 1 4500 - 4999 % 0 5000 - 7999 % 1 8000 @data 1,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,25.9,117.6 2,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,24.6,117.6 3,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,7.7,31.2 4,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,8.2,36 5,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,9.7,25.2 6,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,2.2,8.4 7,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,3.5,10.8 8,erb,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1982,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,66.6,352.8 9,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1980,semidetached,h,l,h,xh,xh,l,h,h,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,7.5,72 10,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1980,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,vh,vh,n,h,n,n,n,20,72 11,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1984,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,vh,h,n,h,n,n,n,6,24 12,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1980,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,vh,vh,n,h,n,n,n,100,360 13,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1985,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,vh,n,n,l,n,n,n,11.3,36 14,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1980,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,h,l,h,h,h,l,vl,n,n,n,100,215 15,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1983,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,vh,h,n,h,n,n,n,20,48 16,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1982,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,n,n,n,vl,n,n,n,100,360 17,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1980,semidetached,n,l,h,n,xh,l,l,h,vh,vh,n,h,n,n,n,150,324 18,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1984,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,h,h,n,h,n,n,n,31.5,60 19,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1983,semidetached,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,h,vh,h,n,h,n,n,n,15,48 20,gal,missionplanning,g,1,1984,semidetached,n,l,h,n,xh,l,l,h,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,32.5,60 21,X,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1985,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,19.7,60 22,X,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1985,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,66.6,300 23,X,simulation,g,2,1985,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,29.5,120 24,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,n,15,90 25,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,n,38,210 26,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,n,10,48 27,X,realdataprocessing,g,2,1982,semidetached,n,vh,h,vh,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,l,h,vh,vh,l,15.4,70 28,X,realdataprocessing,g,2,1982,semidetached,n,vh,h,vh,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,l,h,vh,vh,l,48.5,239 29,X,realdataprocessing,g,2,1982,semidetached,n,vh,h,vh,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,l,h,vh,vh,l,16.3,82 30,X,communications,g,2,1982,semidetached,n,vh,h,vh,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,l,h,vh,vh,l,12.8,62 31,X,batchdataprocessing,g,2,1982,semidetached,n,vh,h,vh,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,l,h,vh,vh,l,32.6,170 32,X,datacapture,g,2,1982,semidetached,n,vh,h,vh,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,l,h,vh,vh,l,35.5,192 33,X,missionplanning,g,2,1985,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,5.5,18 34,X,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1987,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,10.4,50 35,X,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1987,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,14,60 36,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,6.5,42 37,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,13,60 38,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,h,h,h,n,90,444 39,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,8,42 40,X,monitor_control,g,2,1986,semidetached,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,16,114 41,hst,datacapture,g,2,1980,semidetached,n,h,h,vh,h,l,h,h,n,h,l,h,h,n,l,177.9,1248 42,slp,launchprocessing,g,6,1975,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,h,n,n,h,vl,n,302,2400 43,Y,application_ground,g,5,1982,semidetached,n,h,l,n,n,h,n,h,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,282.1,1368 44,Y,application_ground,g,5,1982,semidetached,h,h,l,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,h,n,n,284.7,973 45,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1982,semidetached,h,h,n,n,n,l,l,n,h,h,n,h,n,n,n,79,400 46,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1977,semidetached,l,n,n,n,n,l,l,h,h,vh,n,h,l,l,h,423,2400 47,Y,missionplanning,g,5,1977,semidetached,n,n,n,n,n,l,n,h,vh,vh,l,h,h,n,n,190,420 48,Y,missionplanning,g,5,1984,semidetached,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,h,h,n,n,h,h,n,h,47.5,252 49,Y,missionplanning,g,5,1980,semidetached,vh,n,xh,h,h,l,l,n,h,n,n,n,l,h,n,21,107 50,Y,simulation,g,5,1983,semidetached,n,h,h,vh,n,n,h,h,h,h,n,h,l,l,h,78,571.4 51,Y,simulation,g,5,1984,semidetached,n,h,h,vh,n,n,h,h,h,h,n,h,l,l,h,11.4,98.8 52,Y,simulation,g,5,1985,semidetached,n,h,h,vh,n,n,h,h,h,h,n,h,l,l,h,19.3,155 53,Y,missionplanning,g,5,1979,semidetached,h,n,vh,h,h,l,h,h,n,n,h,h,l,vh,h,101,750 54,Y,missionplanning,g,5,1979,semidetached,h,n,h,h,h,l,h,n,h,n,n,n,l,vh,n,219,2120 55,Y,utility,g,5,1979,semidetached,h,n,h,h,h,l,h,n,h,n,n,n,l,vh,n,50,370 56,spl,datacapture,g,2,1979,semidetached,vh,h,h,vh,vh,n,n,vh,vh,vh,n,h,h,h,l,227,1181 57,spl,batchdataprocessing,g,2,1977,semidetached,n,h,vh,n,n,l,n,h,n,vh,l,n,h,n,l,70,278 58,de,avionicsmonitoring,g,2,1979,semidetached,h,l,h,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,l,0.9,8.4 59,slp,operatingsystem,g,6,1974,semidetached,vh,l,xh,xh,vh,l,l,h,vh,h,vl,h,vl,vl,h,980,4560 60,slp,operatingsystem,g,6,1975,embedded,n,l,h,n,n,l,l,vh,n,vh,h,h,n,l,n,350,720 61,Y,operatingsystem,g,5,1976,embedded,h,n,xh,h,h,l,l,h,n,n,h,h,h,h,n,70,458 62,Y,utility,g,5,1979,embedded,h,n,xh,h,h,l,l,h,n,n,h,h,h,h,n,271,2460 63,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1971,organic,n,n,n,n,n,l,l,h,h,h,n,h,n,l,n,90,162 64,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1980,organic,n,n,n,n,n,l,l,h,h,h,n,h,n,l,n,40,150 65,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1979,embedded,h,n,h,h,n,l,l,h,h,h,n,h,n,n,n,137,636 66,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1977,embedded,h,n,h,h,n,h,l,h,h,h,n,h,n,vl,n,150,882 67,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1976,embedded,vh,n,h,h,n,l,l,h,h,h,n,h,n,n,n,339,444 68,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1983,organic,l,h,l,n,n,h,l,h,h,h,n,h,n,l,n,240,192 69,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1978,semidetached,h,n,h,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,144,576 70,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1979,semidetached,n,l,n,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,151,432 71,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1979,semidetached,n,l,h,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,34,72 72,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1979,semidetached,n,n,h,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,98,300 73,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1979,semidetached,n,n,h,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,85,300 74,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1982,semidetached,n,l,n,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,20,240 75,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1978,semidetached,n,l,n,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,111,600 76,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1978,semidetached,h,vh,h,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,162,756 77,Y,avionicsmonitoring,g,5,1978,semidetached,h,h,vh,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,352,1200 78,Y,operatingsystem,g,5,1979,semidetached,h,n,vh,n,vh,l,n,h,h,h,h,h,l,l,l,165,97 79,Y,missionplanning,g,5,1984,embedded,h,n,vh,h,h,l,vh,h,n,n,h,h,h,vh,h,60,409 80,Y,missionplanning,g,5,1984,embedded,h,n,vh,h,h,l,vh,h,n,n,h,h,h,vh,h,100,703 81,hst,Avionics,f,2,1980,embedded,h,vh,vh,xh,xh,h,h,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,h,32,1350 82,hst,Avionics,f,2,1980,embedded,h,h,h,vh,xh,h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h,n,n,53,480 84,spl,Avionics,f,3,1977,embedded,h,l,vh,vh,xh,l,n,vh,vh,vh,vl,vl,h,h,n,41,599 89,spl,Avionics,f,3,1977,embedded,h,l,vh,vh,xh,l,n,vh,vh,vh,vl,vl,h,h,n,24,430 91,Y,Avionics,f,5,1977,embedded,vh,h,vh,xh,xh,n,n,h,h,h,h,h,h,n,h,165,4178.2 92,Y,science,f,5,1977,embedded,vh,h,vh,xh,xh,n,n,h,h,h,h,h,h,n,h,65,1772.5 93,Y,Avionics,f,5,1977,embedded,vh,h,vh,xh,xh,n,l,h,h,h,h,h,h,n,h,70,1645.9 94,Y,Avionics,f,5,1977,embedded,vh,h,xh,xh,xh,n,n,h,h,h,h,h,h,n,h,50,1924.5 97,gal,Avionics,f,5,1982,embedded,vh,l,vh,vh,xh,l,l,h,l,n,vl,l,l,h,h,7.25,648 98,Y,Avionics,f,5,1980,embedded,vh,h,vh,xh,xh,n,n,h,h,h,h,h,h,n,h,233,8211 99,X,Avionics,f,2,1983,embedded,h,n,vh,vh,vh,h,h,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,h,16.3,480 100,X,Avionics,f,2,1983,embedded,h,n,vh,vh,vh,h,h,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,h,6.2,12 101,X,science,f,2,1983,embedded,h,n,vh,vh,vh,h,h,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,h,3,38