#!/usr/bin/env lua --[[ # markdown.lua -- version 0.32 # minor additions by timm **Author:** Niklas Frykholm, **Tinkerer:** Tim Menzies **Date:** 17 Apr 2011 This is an implementation of the popular text markup language Markdown in pure Lua. Markdown can convert documents written in a simple and easy to read text format to well-formatted HTML. For a more thourough description of Markdown and the Markdown syntax, see . The original Markdown source is written in Perl and makes heavy use of advanced regular expression techniques (such as negative look-ahead, etc) which are not available in Luas simple regex engine. Therefore this Lua port has been rewritten from the ground up. It is probably not completely bug free. If you notice any bugs, please report them to me. A unit test that exposes the error is helpful. ## Usage require "markdown" markdown(source) ``markdown.lua`` exposes a single global function named ``markdown(s)`` which applies the Markdown transformation to the specified string. ``markdown.lua`` can also be used directly from the command line: lua markdown.lua test.md Creates a file ``test.html`` with the converted content of ``test.md``. Run: lua markdown.lua -h For a description of the command-line options. ``markdown.lua`` uses the same license as Lua, the MIT license. ## License Copyright © 2008 Niklas Frykholm. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## Version history - **tim version1** -- 16 Apr 2011 - Add table of contents - **0.32** -- 31 May 2008 - Fix for links containing brackets - **0.31** -- 1 Mar 2008 - Fix for link definitions followed by spaces - **0.30** -- 25 Feb 2008 - Consistent behavior with Markdown when the same link reference is reused - **0.29** -- 24 Feb 2008 - Fix for
 blocks with spaces in them
-	**0.28** -- 18 Feb 2008
	-	Fix for link encoding
-	**0.27** -- 14 Feb 2008
	-	Fix for link database links with ()
-	**0.26** -- 06 Feb 2008
	-	Fix for nested italic and bold markers
-	**0.25** -- 24 Jan 2008
	-	Fix for encoding of naked <
-	**0.24** -- 21 Jan 2008
	-	Fix for link behavior.
-	**0.23** -- 10 Jan 2008
	-	Fix for a regression bug in longer expressions in italic or bold.
-	**0.22** -- 27 Dec 2007
	-	Fix for crash when processing blocks with a percent sign in them.
-	**0.21** -- 27 Dec 2007
	- 	Fix for combined strong and emphasis tags
-	**0.20** -- 13 Oct 2007
	-	Fix for < as well in image titles, now matches Dingus behavior
-	**0.19** -- 28 Sep 2007
	-	Fix for quotation marks  and ampersands & in link and image titles.
-	**0.18** -- 28 Jul 2007
	-	Does not crash on unmatched tags (behaves like standard markdown)
-	**0.17** -- 12 Apr 2007
	-	Fix for links with %20 in them.
-	**0.16** -- 12 Apr 2007
	-	Do not require arg global to exist.
-	**0.15** -- 28 Aug 2006
	-	Better handling of links with underscores in them.
-	**0.14** -- 22 Aug 2006
	-	Bug for *`foo()`*
-	**0.13** -- 12 Aug 2006
	-	Added -l option for including stylesheet inline in document.
	-	Fixed bug in -s flag.
	-	Fixed emphasis bug.
-	**0.12** -- 15 May 2006
	-	Fixed several bugs to comply with MarkdownTest 1.0 
-	**0.11** -- 12 May 2006
	-	Fixed bug for escaping `*` and `_` inside code spans.
	-	Added license terms.
	-	Changed join() to table.concat().
-	**0.10** -- 3 May 2006
	-	Initial public release.

// Niklas

-- Set up a table for holding local functions to avoid polluting the global namespace
local M = {}
local MT = {__index = _G}
setmetatable(M, MT)
setfenv(1, M)

-- Utility functions

-- Locks table t from changes, writes an error if someone attempts to change the table.
-- This is useful for detecting variables that have "accidently" been made global. Something
-- I tend to do all too much.
function lock(t)
	function lock_new_index(t, k, v)
		error("module has been locked -- " .. k .. " must be declared local", 2)

	local mt = {__newindex = lock_new_index}
	if getmetatable(t) then mt.__index = getmetatable(t).__index end
	setmetatable(t, mt)

-- Returns the result of mapping the values in table t through the function f
function map(t, f)
	local out = {}
	for k,v in pairs(t) do out[k] = f(v,k) end
	return out

-- The identity function, useful as a placeholder.
function identity(text) return text end

-- Functional style if statement. (NOTE: no short circuit evaluation)
function iff(t, a, b) if t then return a else return b end end

-- Splits the text into an array of separate lines.
function split(text, sep)
	sep = sep or "\n"
	local lines = {}
	local pos = 1
	while true do
		local b,e = text:find(sep, pos)
		if not b then table.insert(lines, text:sub(pos)) break end
		table.insert(lines, text:sub(pos, b-1))
		pos = e + 1
	return lines

-- Converts tabs to spaces
function detab(text)
	local tab_width = 4
	local function rep(match)
		local spaces = -match:len()
		while spaces<1 do spaces = spaces + tab_width end
		return match .. string.rep(" ", spaces)
	text = text:gsub("([^\n]-)\t", rep)
	return text

-- Applies string.find for every pattern in the list and returns the first match
function find_first(s, patterns, index)
	local res = {}
	for _,p in ipairs(patterns) do
		local match = {s:find(p, index)}
		if #match>0 and (#res==0 or match[1] < res[1]) then res = match end
	return unpack(res)

-- If a replacement array is specified, the range [start, stop] in the array is replaced
-- with the replacement array and the resulting array is returned. Without a replacement
-- array the section of the array between start and stop is returned.
function splice(array, start, stop, replacement)
	if replacement then
		local n = stop - start + 1
		while n > 0 do
			table.remove(array, start)
			n = n - 1
		for i,v in ipairs(replacement) do
			table.insert(array, start, v)
		return array
		local res = {}
		for i = start,stop do
			table.insert(res, array[i])
		return res

-- Outdents the text one step.
function outdent(text)
	text = "\n" .. text
	text = text:gsub("\n  ? ? ?", "\n")
	text = text:sub(2)
	return text

-- Indents the text one step.
function indent(text)
	text = text:gsub("\n", "\n    ")
	return text

-- Does a simple tokenization of html data. Returns the data as a list of tokens. 
-- Each token is a table with a type field (which is either "tag" or "text") and
-- a text field (which contains the original token data).
function tokenize_html(html)
	local tokens = {}
	local pos = 1
	while true do
		local start = find_first(html, {"", start)
		elseif html:match("^<%?", start) then
			_,stop = html:find("?>", start)
			_,stop = html:find("%b<>", start)
		if not stop then
			-- error("Could not match html tag " .. html:sub(start,start+30)) 
		 	table.insert(tokens, {type="text", text=html:sub(start, start)})
			pos = start + 1
			table.insert(tokens, {type="tag", text=html:sub(start, stop)})
			pos = stop + 1
	return tokens

-- Hash

-- This is used to "hash" data into alphanumeric strings that are unique
-- in the document. (Note that this is not cryptographic hash, the hash
-- function is not one-way.) The hash procedure is used to protect parts
-- of the document from further processing.

local HASH = {
	-- Has the hash been inited.
	inited = false,
	-- The unique string prepended to all hash values. This is to ensure
	-- that hash values do not accidently coincide with an actual existing
	-- string in the document.
	identifier = "",
	-- Counter that counts up for each new hash instance.
	counter = 0,
	-- Hash table.
	table = {}

-- Inits hashing. Creates a hash_identifier that doesn't occur anywhere
-- in the text.
function init_hash(text)
	HASH.inited = true
	HASH.identifier = ""
	HASH.counter = 0
	HASH.table = {}
	local s = "HASH"
	local counter = 0
	local id
	while true do
		id  = s .. counter
		if not text:find(id, 1, true) then break end
		counter = counter + 1
	HASH.identifier = id

-- Returns the hashed value for s.
function hash(s)
	if not HASH.table[s] then
		HASH.counter = HASH.counter + 1
		local id = HASH.identifier .. HASH.counter .. "X"
		HASH.table[s] = id
	return HASH.table[s]

-- Protection

-- The protection module is used to "protect" parts of a document
-- so that they are not modified by subsequent processing steps. 
-- Protected parts are saved in a table for later unprotection

-- Protection data
local PD = {
	-- Saved blocks that have been converted
	blocks = {},

	-- Block level tags that will be protected
	tags = {"p", "div", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "blockquote",
	"pre", "table", "dl", "ol", "ul", "script", "noscript", "form", "fieldset",
	"iframe", "math", "ins", "del"}

-- Pattern for matching a block tag that begins and ends in the leftmost
-- column and may contain indented subtags, i.e.
-- A nested block. --
-- Nested data. --
function block_pattern(tag) return "\n<" .. tag .. ".-\n[ \t]*\n" end -- Pattern for matching a block tag that begins and ends with a newline function line_pattern(tag) return "\n<" .. tag .. ".-[ \t]*\n" end -- Protects the range of characters from start to stop in the text and -- returns the protected string. function protect_range(text, start, stop) local s = text:sub(start, stop) local h = hash(s) PD.blocks[h] = s text = text:sub(1,start) .. h .. text:sub(stop) return text end -- Protect every part of the text that matches any of the patterns. The first -- matching pattern is protected first, etc. function protect_matches(text, patterns) while true do local start, stop = find_first(text, patterns) if not start then break end text = protect_range(text, start, stop) end return text end -- Protects blocklevel tags in the specified text function protect(text) -- First protect potentially nested block tags text = protect_matches(text, map(PD.tags, block_pattern)) -- Then protect block tags at the line level. text = protect_matches(text, map(PD.tags, line_pattern)) -- Protect
and comment tags text = protect_matches(text, {"\n]->[ \t]*\n"}) text = protect_matches(text, {"\n[ \t]*\n"}) return text end -- Returns true if the string s is a hash resulting from protection function is_protected(s) return PD.blocks[s] end -- Unprotects the specified text by expanding all the nonces function unprotect(text) for k,v in pairs(PD.blocks) do v = v:gsub("%%", "%%%%") text = text:gsub(k, v) end return text end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Block transform ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The block transform functions transform the text on the block level. -- They work with the text as an array of lines rather than as individual -- characters. -- Returns true if the line is a ruler of (char) characters. -- The line must contain at least three char characters and contain only spaces and -- char characters. function is_ruler_of(line, char) if not line:match("^[ %" .. char .. "]*$") then return false end if not line:match("%" .. char .. ".*%" .. char .. ".*%" .. char) then return false end return true end -- Identifies the block level formatting present in the line function classify(line) local info = {line = line, text = line} if line:match("^ ") then info.type = "indented" info.outdented = line:sub(5) return info end for _,c in ipairs({'*', '-', '_', '='}) do if is_ruler_of(line, c) then info.type = "ruler" info.ruler_char = c return info end end if line == "" then info.type = "blank" return info end if line:match("^(#+)[ \t]*(.-)[ \t]*#*[ \t]*$") then local m1, m2 = line:match("^(#+)[ \t]*(.-)[ \t]*#*[ \t]*$") info.type = "header" info.level = m1:len() info.text = m2 return info end if line:match("^ ? ? ?(%d+)%.[ \t]+(.+)") then local number, text = line:match("^ ? ? ?(%d+)%.[ \t]+(.+)") info.type = "list_item" info.list_type = "numeric" info.number = 0 + number info.text = text return info end if line:match("^ ? ? ?([%*%+%-])[ \t]+(.+)") then local bullet, text = line:match("^ ? ? ?([%*%+%-])[ \t]+(.+)") info.type = "list_item" info.list_type = "bullet" info.bullet = bullet info.text= text return info end if line:match("^>[ \t]?(.*)") then info.type = "blockquote" info.text = line:match("^>[ \t]?(.*)") return info end if is_protected(line) then info.type = "raw" info.html = unprotect(line) return info end info.type = "normal" return info end -- Find headers constisting of a normal line followed by a ruler and converts them to -- header entries. function headers(array) local i = 1 while i <= #array - 1 do if array[i].type == "normal" and array[i+1].type == "ruler" and (array[i+1].ruler_char == "-" or array[i+1].ruler_char == "=") then local info = {line = array[i].line} info.text = info.line info.type = "header" info.level = iff(array[i+1].ruler_char == "=", 1, 2) table.remove(array, i+1) array[i] = info end i = i + 1 end return array end -- Find list blocks and convert them to protected data blocks function lists(array, sublist) local function process_list(arr) local function any_blanks(arr) for i = 1, #arr do if arr[i].type == "blank" then return true end end return false end local function split_list_items(arr) local acc = {arr[1]} local res = {} for i=2,#arr do if arr[i].type == "list_item" then table.insert(res, acc) acc = {arr[i]} else table.insert(acc, arr[i]) end end table.insert(res, acc) return res end local function process_list_item(lines, block) while lines[#lines].type == "blank" do table.remove(lines) end local itemtext = lines[1].text for i=2,#lines do itemtext = itemtext .. "\n" .. outdent(lines[i].line) end if block then itemtext = block_transform(itemtext, true) if not itemtext:find("
") then itemtext = indent(itemtext) end
				return "    
  • " .. itemtext .. "
  • " else local lines = split(itemtext) lines = map(lines, classify) lines = lists(lines, true) lines = blocks_to_html(lines, true) itemtext = table.concat(lines, "\n") if not itemtext:find("
    ") then itemtext = indent(itemtext) end
    				return "    
  • " .. itemtext .. "
  • " end end local block_list = any_blanks(arr) local items = split_list_items(arr) local out = "" for _, item in ipairs(items) do out = out .. process_list_item(item, block_list) .. "\n" end if arr[1].list_type == "numeric" then return "
      \n" .. out .. "
    " else return "
      \n" .. out .. "
    " end end -- Finds the range of lines composing the first list in the array. A list -- starts with (^ list_item) or (blank list_item) and ends with -- (blank* $) or (blank normal). -- -- A sublist can start with just (list_item) does not need a blank... local function find_list(array, sublist) local function find_list_start(array, sublist) if array[1].type == "list_item" then return 1 end if sublist then for i = 1,#array do if array[i].type == "list_item" then return i end end else for i = 1, #array-1 do if array[i].type == "blank" and array[i+1].type == "list_item" then return i+1 end end end return nil end local function find_list_end(array, start) local pos = #array for i = start, #array-1 do if array[i].type == "blank" and array[i+1].type ~= "list_item" and array[i+1].type ~= "indented" and array[i+1].type ~= "blank" then pos = i-1 break end end while pos > start and array[pos].type == "blank" do pos = pos - 1 end return pos end local start = find_list_start(array, sublist) if not start then return nil end return start, find_list_end(array, start) end while true do local start, stop = find_list(array, sublist) if not start then break end local text = process_list(splice(array, start, stop)) local info = { line = text, type = "raw", html = text } array = splice(array, start, stop, {info}) end -- Convert any remaining list items to normal for _,line in ipairs(array) do if line.type == "list_item" then line.type = "normal" end end return array end -- Find and convert blockquote markers. function blockquotes(lines) local function find_blockquote(lines) local start for i,line in ipairs(lines) do if line.type == "blockquote" then start = i break end end if not start then return nil end local stop = #lines for i = start+1, #lines do if lines[i].type == "blank" or lines[i].type == "blockquote" then elseif lines[i].type == "normal" then if lines[i-1].type == "blank" then stop = i-1 break end else stop = i-1 break end end while lines[stop].type == "blank" do stop = stop - 1 end return start, stop end local function process_blockquote(lines) local raw = lines[1].text for i = 2,#lines do raw = raw .. "\n" .. lines[i].text end local bt = block_transform(raw) if not bt:find("
    ") then bt = indent(bt) end
    		return "
    \n " .. bt .. "\n
    " end while true do local start, stop = find_blockquote(lines) if not start then break end local text = process_blockquote(splice(lines, start, stop)) local info = { line = text, type = "raw", html = text } lines = splice(lines, start, stop, {info}) end return lines end -- Find and convert codeblocks. function codeblocks(lines) local function find_codeblock(lines) local start for i,line in ipairs(lines) do if line.type == "indented" then start = i break end end if not start then return nil end local stop = #lines for i = start+1, #lines do if lines[i].type ~= "indented" and lines[i].type ~= "blank" then stop = i-1 break end end while lines[stop].type == "blank" do stop = stop - 1 end return start, stop end local function process_codeblock(lines) local raw = detab(encode_code(outdent(lines[1].line))) for i = 2,#lines do raw = raw .. "\n" .. detab(encode_code(outdent(lines[i].line))) end return "
    " .. raw .. "\n
    " end while true do local start, stop = find_codeblock(lines) if not start then break end local text = process_codeblock(splice(lines, start, stop)) local info = { line = text, type = "raw", html = text } lines = splice(lines, start, stop, {info}) end return lines end -- Convert lines to html code function blocks_to_html(lines, no_paragraphs) local out = {} local toc = "" local lastLineLevel = 0 local counter = 0 local i = 1 local epilog = "" while i <= #lines do local line = lines[i] if line.type == "ruler" then table.insert(out, "
    ") elseif line.type == "raw" then table.insert(out, line.html) elseif line.type == "normal" then local s = line.line while i+1 <= #lines and lines[i+1].type == "normal" do i = i + 1 s = s .. "\n" .. lines[i].line end if no_paragraphs then table.insert(out, span_transform(s)) else table.insert(out, "

    " .. span_transform(s) .. "

    ") end elseif line.type == "header" then local headertxt = span_transform(line.text) counter = counter + 1 local s = "" .. headertxt .. "" table.insert(out, s) local pre = "\n" if (line.level > lastLineLevel) then for i=lastLineLevel,(line.level - 1) do pre = pre .. "
      " end end if (line.level < lastLineLevel) then for i=line.level,(lastLineLevel - 1) do pre = pre .. "
    " end end epilog = "" for i=1,line.level do epilog = epilog .. "" end toc = toc .. pre .. "
  • " .. headertxt .. "
  • " lastLineLevel = line.level else table.insert(out, line.line) end i = i + 1 end return out, toc .. epilog end -- Perform all the block level transforms function block_transform(text, sublist) local toc,lines = "",split(text) lines = map(lines, classify) lines = headers(lines) lines = lists(lines, sublist) lines = codeblocks(lines) lines = blockquotes(lines) lines,toc = blocks_to_html(lines) local text = table.concat(lines, "\n") return toc .. "
    " .. text end -- Debug function for printing a line array to see the result -- of partial transforms. function print_lines(lines) for i, line in ipairs(lines) do print(i, line.type, line.text or line.line) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Span transform ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions for transforming the text at the span level. -- These characters may need to be escaped because they have a special -- meaning in markdown. escape_chars = "'\\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!'" escape_table = {} function init_escape_table() escape_table = {} for i = 1,#escape_chars do local c = escape_chars:sub(i,i) escape_table[c] = hash(c) end end -- Adds a new escape to the escape table. function add_escape(text) if not escape_table[text] then escape_table[text] = hash(text) end return escape_table[text] end -- Escape characters that should not be disturbed by markdown. function escape_special_chars(text) local tokens = tokenize_html(text) local out = "" for _, token in ipairs(tokens) do local t = token.text if token.type == "tag" then -- In tags, encode * and _ so they don't conflict with their use in markdown. t = t:gsub("%*", escape_table["*"]) t = t:gsub("%_", escape_table["_"]) else t = encode_backslash_escapes(t) end out = out .. t end return out end -- Encode backspace-escaped characters in the markdown source. function encode_backslash_escapes(t) for i=1,escape_chars:len() do local c = escape_chars:sub(i,i) t = t:gsub("\\%" .. c, escape_table[c]) end return t end -- Unescape characters that have been encoded. function unescape_special_chars(t) local tin = t for k,v in pairs(escape_table) do k = k:gsub("%%", "%%%%") t = t:gsub(v,k) end if t ~= tin then t = unescape_special_chars(t) end return t end -- Encode/escape certain characters inside Markdown code runs. -- The point is that in code, these characters are literals, -- and lose their special Markdown meanings. function encode_code(s) s = s:gsub("%&", "&") s = s:gsub("<", "<") s = s:gsub(">", ">") for k,v in pairs(escape_table) do s = s:gsub("%"..k, v) end return s end -- Handle backtick blocks. function code_spans(s) s = s:gsub("\\\\", escape_table["\\"]) s = s:gsub("\\`", escape_table["`"]) local pos = 1 while true do local start, stop = s:find("`+", pos) if not start then return s end local count = stop - start + 1 -- Find a matching numbert of backticks local estart, estop = s:find(string.rep("`", count), stop+1) local brstart = s:find("\n", stop+1) if estart and (not brstart or estart < brstart) then local code = s:sub(stop+1, estart-1) code = code:gsub("^[ \t]+", "") code = code:gsub("[ \t]+$", "") code = code:gsub(escape_table["\\"], escape_table["\\"] .. escape_table["\\"]) code = code:gsub(escape_table["`"], escape_table["\\"] .. escape_table["`"]) code = "" .. encode_code(code) .. "" code = add_escape(code) s = s:sub(1, start-1) .. code .. s:sub(estop+1) pos = start + code:len() else pos = stop + 1 end end return s end -- Encode alt text... enodes &, and ". function encode_alt(s) if not s then return s end s = s:gsub('&', '&') s = s:gsub('"', '"') s = s:gsub('<', '<') return s end -- Handle image references function images(text) local function reference_link(alt, id) alt = encode_alt(alt:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2)) id = id:match("%[(.*)%]"):lower() if id == "" then id = text:lower() end link_database[id] = link_database[id] or {} if not link_database[id].url then return nil end local url = link_database[id].url or id url = encode_alt(url) local title = encode_alt(link_database[id].title) if title then title = " title=\"" .. title .. "\"" else title = "" end return add_escape ('' .. alt .. '") end local function inline_link(alt, link) alt = encode_alt(alt:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2)) local url, title = link:match("%(?[ \t]*['\"](.+)['\"]") url = url or link:match("%(?%)") url = encode_alt(url) title = encode_alt(title) if title then return add_escape('' .. alt .. '') else return add_escape('' .. alt .. '') end end text = text:gsub("!(%b[])[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(%b[])", reference_link) text = text:gsub("!(%b[])(%b())", inline_link) return text end -- Handle anchor references function anchors(text) local function reference_link(text, id) text = text:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2) id = id:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2):lower() if id == "" then id = text:lower() end link_database[id] = link_database[id] or {} if not link_database[id].url then return nil end local url = link_database[id].url or id url = encode_alt(url) local title = encode_alt(link_database[id].title) if title then title = " title=\"" .. title .. "\"" else title = "" end return add_escape("") .. text .. add_escape("") end local function inline_link(text, link) text = text:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2) local url, title = link:match("%(?[ \t]*['\"](.+)['\"]") title = encode_alt(title) url = url or link:match("%(?%)") or "" url = encode_alt(url) if title then return add_escape("") .. text .. "" else return add_escape("") .. text .. add_escape("") end end local function bar_link(text) local out = "" local sep = "" for word in text:gmatch("%w+") do out = out .. sep .. add_escape("" .. word .. "") sep =" | " end return out end text = text:gsub("(%b[])[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(%b[])", reference_link) text = text:gsub("(%b[])(%b())", inline_link) text = text:gsub("^(%b[])$", bar_link) return text end -- Handle auto links, i.e. . function auto_links(text) local function link(s) return add_escape("") .. s .. "" end -- Encode chars as a mix of dec and hex entitites to (perhaps) fool -- spambots. local function encode_email_address(s) -- Use a deterministic encoding to make unit testing possible. -- Code 45% hex, 45% dec, 10% plain. local hex = {code = function(c) return "&#x" .. string.format("%x", c:byte()) .. ";" end, count = 1, rate = 0.45} local dec = {code = function(c) return "&#" .. c:byte() .. ";" end, count = 0, rate = 0.45} local plain = {code = function(c) return c end, count = 0, rate = 0.1} local codes = {hex, dec, plain} local function swap(t,k1,k2) local temp = t[k2] t[k2] = t[k1] t[k1] = temp end local out = "" for i = 1,s:len() do for _,code in ipairs(codes) do code.count = code.count + code.rate end if codes[1].count < codes[2].count then swap(codes,1,2) end if codes[2].count < codes[3].count then swap(codes,2,3) end if codes[1].count < codes[2].count then swap(codes,1,2) end local code = codes[1] local c = s:sub(i,i) -- Force encoding of "@" to make email address more invisible. if c == "@" and code == plain then code = codes[2] end out = out .. code.code(c) code.count = code.count - 1 end return out end local function mail(s) s = unescape_special_chars(s) local address = encode_email_address("mailto:" .. s) local text = encode_email_address(s) return add_escape("") .. text .. "" end -- links text = text:gsub("<(https?:[^'\">%s]+)>", link) text = text:gsub("<(ftp:[^'\">%s]+)>", link) -- mail text = text:gsub("%s]+)>", mail) text = text:gsub("<([-.%w]+%@[-.%w]+)>", mail) return text end -- Encode free standing amps (&) and angles (<)... note that this does not -- encode free >. function amps_and_angles(s) -- encode amps not part of &..; expression local pos = 1 while true do local amp = s:find("&", pos) if not amp then break end local semi = s:find(";", amp+1) local stop = s:find("[ \t\n&]", amp+1) if not semi or (stop and stop < semi) or (semi - amp) > 15 then s = s:sub(1,amp-1) .. "&" .. s:sub(amp+1) pos = amp+1 else pos = amp+1 end end -- encode naked <'s s = s:gsub("<([^a-zA-Z/?$!])", "<%1") s = s:gsub("<$", "<") -- what about >, nothing done in the original markdown source to handle them return s end -- Handles emphasis markers (* and _) in the text. function emphasis(text) for _, s in ipairs {"%*%*", "%_%_"} do text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s][%*%_]?)" .. s, "%1") text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s][^<>]-[^%s][%*%_]?)" .. s, "%1") end for _, s in ipairs {"%*", "%_"} do text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s_])" .. s, "%1") text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s_])" .. s, "%1") text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s_][^<>_]-[^%s_])" .. s, "%1") text = text:gsub(s .. "([^<>_]-[^<>_]-[^<>_]-)" .. s, "%1") end return text end -- Handles line break markers in the text. function line_breaks(text) return text:gsub(" +\n", "
    \n") end -- Perform all span level transforms. function span_transform(text) text = code_spans(text) text = escape_special_chars(text) text = images(text) text = anchors(text) text = auto_links(text) text = amps_and_angles(text) text = emphasis(text) text = line_breaks(text) return text end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Markdown ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Cleanup the text by normalizing some possible variations to make further -- processing easier. function cleanup(text) -- Standardize line endings text = text:gsub("\r\n", "\n") -- DOS to UNIX text = text:gsub("\r", "\n") -- Mac to UNIX -- Convert all tabs to spaces text = detab(text) -- Strip lines with only spaces and tabs while true do local subs text, subs = text:gsub("\n[ \t]+\n", "\n\n") if subs == 0 then break end end return "\n" .. text .. "\n" end -- Strips link definitions from the text and stores the data in a lookup table. function strip_link_definitions(text) local linkdb = {} local function link_def(id, url, title) id = id:match("%[(.+)%]"):lower() linkdb[id] = linkdb[id] or {} linkdb[id].url = url or linkdb[id].url linkdb[id].title = title or linkdb[id].title return "" end local def_no_title = "\n ? ? ?(%b[]):[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*]+)>?[ \t]*" local def_title1 = def_no_title .. "[ \t]+\n?[ \t]*[\"'(]([^\n]+)[\"')][ \t]*" local def_title2 = def_no_title .. "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*[\"'(]([^\n]+)[\"')][ \t]*" local def_title3 = def_no_title .. "[ \t]*\n?[ \t]+[\"'(]([^\n]+)[\"')][ \t]*" text = text:gsub(def_title1, link_def) text = text:gsub(def_title2, link_def) text = text:gsub(def_title3, link_def) text = text:gsub(def_no_title, link_def) return text, linkdb end link_database = {} -- Main markdown processing function function markdown(text) init_hash(text) init_escape_table() text = cleanup(text) text = protect(text) text, link_database = strip_link_definitions(text) text = block_transform(text) text = unescape_special_chars(text) return text end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End of module ---------------------------------------------------------------------- setfenv(1, _G) M.lock(M) -- Expose markdown function to the world markdown = M.markdown -- Class for parsing command-line options local OptionParser = {} OptionParser.__index = OptionParser -- Creates a new option parser function OptionParser:new() local o = {short = {}, long = {}} setmetatable(o, self) return o end -- Calls f() whenever a flag with specified short and long name is encountered function OptionParser:flag(short, long, f) local info = {type = "flag", f = f} if short then self.short[short] = info end if long then self.long[long] = info end end -- Calls f(param) whenever a parameter flag with specified short and long name is encountered function OptionParser:param(short, long, f) local info = {type = "param", f = f} if short then self.short[short] = info end if long then self.long[long] = info end end -- Calls f(v) for each non-flag argument function OptionParser:arg(f) self.arg = f end -- Runs the option parser for the specified set of arguments. Returns true if all arguments -- where successfully parsed and false otherwise. function OptionParser:run(args) local pos = 1 while pos <= #args do local arg = args[pos] if arg == "--" then for i=pos+1,#args do if self.arg then self.arg(args[i]) end return true end end if arg:match("^%-%-") then local info = self.long[arg:sub(3)] if not info then print("Unknown flag: " .. arg) return false end if info.type == "flag" then info.f() pos = pos + 1 else param = args[pos+1] if not param then print("No parameter for flag: " .. arg) return false end info.f(param) pos = pos+2 end elseif arg:match("^%-") then for i=2,arg:len() do local c = arg:sub(i,i) local info = self.short[c] if not info then print("Unknown flag: -" .. c) return false end if info.type == "flag" then info.f() else if i == arg:len() then param = args[pos+1] if not param then print("No parameter for flag: -" .. c) return false end info.f(param) pos = pos + 1 else param = arg:sub(i+1) info.f(param) end break end end pos = pos + 1 else if self.arg then self.arg(arg) end pos = pos + 1 end end return true end -- Handles the case when markdown is run from the command line local function run_command_line(arg) -- Generate output for input s given options local function run(s, options) s = markdown(s) if not options.wrap_header then return s end local header = "" if options.header then local f = io.open(options.header) or error("Could not open file: " .. options.header) header = f:read("*a") f:close() else header = [[ TITLE ]] local title = options.title or s:match("


    ") or s:match("


    ") or s:match("


    ") or "Untitled" header = header:gsub("TITLE", title) if options.inline_style then local style = "" local f = io.open(options.stylesheet) if f then style = f:read("*a") f:close() else error("Could not include style sheet " .. options.stylesheet .. ": File not found") end header = header:gsub('', "") else header = header:gsub("STYLESHEET", options.stylesheet) end header = header:gsub("CHARSET", options.charset) end local footer = "" if options.footer then local f = io.open(options.footer) or error("Could not open file: " .. options.footer) footer = f:read("*a") f:close() end return header .. s .. footer end -- Generate output path name from input path name given options. local function outpath(path, options) if options.append then return path .. ".html" end local m = path:match("^(.+%.html)[^/\\]+$") if m then return m end m = path:match("^(.+%.)[^/\\]*$") if m and path ~= m .. "html" then return m .. "html" end return path .. ".html" end -- Default commandline options local options = { wrap_header = true, header = nil, footer = nil, charset = "utf-8", title = nil, stylesheet = "default.css", inline_style = false } local help = [[ Usage: markdown.lua [OPTION] [FILE] Runs the markdown text markup to HTML converter on each file specified on the command line. If no files are specified, runs on standard input. No header: -n, --no-wrap Don't wrap the output in ... tags. Custom header: -e, --header FILE Use content of FILE for header. -f, --footer FILE Use content of FILE for footer. Generated header: -c, --charset SET Specifies charset (default utf-8). -i, --title TITLE Specifies title (default from first

    tag). -s, --style STYLE Specifies style sheet file (default default.css). -l, --inline-style Include the style sheet file inline in the header. Generated files: -a, --append Append .html extension (instead of replacing). Other options: -h, --help Print this help text. -t, --test Run the unit tests. ]] local run_stdin = true local op = OptionParser:new() op:flag("n", "no-wrap", function () options.wrap_header = false end) op:param("e", "header", function (x) options.header = x end) op:param("f", "footer", function (x) options.footer = x end) op:param("c", "charset", function (x) options.charset = x end) op:param("i", "title", function(x) options.title = x end) op:param("s", "style", function(x) options.stylesheet = x end) op:flag("l", "inline-style", function(x) options.inline_style = true end) op:flag("a", "append", function() options.append = true end) op:flag("t", "test", function() local n = arg[0]:gsub("markdown.lua", "markdown-tests.lua") local f = io.open(n) if f then f:close() dofile(n) else error("Cannot find markdown-tests.lua") end run_stdin = false end) op:flag("h", "help", function() print(help) run_stdin = false end) op:arg(function(path) local file = io.open(path) or error("Could not open file: " .. path) local s = file:read("*a") file:close() s = run(s, options) file = io.open(outpath(path, options), "w") or error("Could not open output file: " .. outpath(path, options)) file:write(s) file:close() run_stdin = false end ) if not op:run(arg) then print(help) run_stdin = false end if run_stdin then local s = io.read("*a") s = run(s, options) io.write(s) end end -- If we are being run from the command-line, act accordingly if arg and arg[0]:find("markdown%.lua$") then run_command_line(arg) else return markdown end