Notes for WVU cs310, Programming lanuages, Spring 2011.
Gold1 and 2:
Basic OO.
Intermediary OO.
This time, we mean it.
More of Inside GOLD (version 3)
These pages describes more details behing Graham's GOLD system. Those pages (chp 17 of Graham) should be read first.
A function named x%
is a preliminary version of a function that will be refined,
Anything starting with $
is a UNIX shell command; e.g.
$ ls abcd.lisp counts.lisp dist.lisp macros.lisp nb.lisp bounded.lisp data.lisp gold.lisp make.lisp random.lisp class.lisp deftest.lisp knn.lisp misc.lisp rbst.lisp
Anything starting with >
is a LISP REPL command; e.g.
> (+ 1 1) 2
(defun make () (handler-bind ((style-warning #'muffle-warning)) (format t "% ~a~%" "gold3.lisp") (load "gold3.lisp")))
In this version of GOLD, we store all the classes in a global
called called *objs*
(defparameter *objs* nil)
As before, objects are hash tables. Parents are stored in a hash table slots. Parents are stored as a slot content.
We define a setf
method for parents so that, as a side-effect
of resetting parent contents, we update the precedence lists
of all our objects.
(defun parents (obj) (gethash :parents obj)) (defun (setf parents) (val obj) (prog1 (setf (gethash :parents obj) val) (make-precendence obj)))
Note the use of prog1
in the above. The return value of
the first form is what is returned (but we do some processing afterwards
to complete the task).
Here's make-precendence
. Note how the precedent list s stored in
(defun make-precendence (obj) (setf (gethash :preclist obj) (precedence obj)) (dolist (x *objs*) (if (member obj (gethash :preclist x)) (setf (gethash :preclist x) (precedence x))))) ; here's an old friend (defun precedence (obj) (labels ((traverse (x) (cons x (mapcan #'traverse (gethash :parents x))))) (delete-duplicates (traverse obj))))
When you create objects, make a new hash-table, store it in the objects, then set the parents.
(defun obj (&rest parents) (let ((obj (make-hash-table))) (push obj *objs*) (setf (parents obj) parents) obj))
Here's the new rget
, that uses :preclist
(defun rget (prop obj) (dolist (c (gethash :preclist obj)) (multiple-value-bind (val in) (gethash prop c) (if in (return (values val in))))))
Here's a macro that batches up all the processing associated with creating a new property of an object.
handles two kinds of properties:
Boring old values are accessed as a dull old rget
Methods are handled by a new method called new-methods
Also, at the end, we define a covenience setf
(defmacro defprop (name &optional meth?) `(progn ,(if meth? `(defun ,name (obj &rest args) (run-methods obj ',name args)) `(defun ,name (obj &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) ; declare ignore must be first line (rget ',name obj))) (defun (setf ,name) (val obj) (setf (gethash ',name obj) val))))
Now we get encapsulation: any property X
becomes a function
(defun X ..)
which, internally, we will either access
as data or a lamdab body to funcall.
(defun run-methods (obj name args) (let ((meth (rget name obj))) (if meth (apply meth obj args) (error "No ~A method for ~A." name obj))))
(defun !oo3 () (setf *objs* nil) (let (circle-class grumpy-circle) (defprop area t) (defprop radius) (setf circle-class (obj) (area circle-class) #'(lambda (c) (* pi (expt (radius c) 2))) grumpy-circle (obj circle-class) (radius grumpy-circle) 10 (area grumpy-circle) #'(lambda (c) (format t "how dare you stereotype me!~%") (funcall (some #'(lambda (x) (gethash 'area x)) (cdr (gethash :preclist c))) c))) (area grumpy-circle)))
The above example defines a super-object called circle-class
that defines things like the area of a circle. It also defines
a sub-object called grumpy-circle
which is so lazy an object
that it can't even be bothered to define its own circle.
Instead, it uses the area definition from the parent object. Note
how it does:
It reaches into the precedent list of the parents;
It pops off the current item (which is this object);
Then it searchers back through the editted list, looking
for the area
Now, we have encapsulation.
The syntax required to define properties is cumbersome.
The syntax required to search for methods in the parents is much more than cumbersome.
We're going to need that parent search- so we will seperate it out in a function all of its own.
(defun get-next (obj name) (some #'(lambda (x) (gethash name x)) (cdr (gethash :preclist obj))))
Here's version one of defmeth
(defmethod) which
we'll make better later.
Note how it does not write a defun
. Instead, it
creates a lambda
and writes it into an object slot.
(defmacro defmeth% (name obj parms &rest body) (let ((gobj (gensym))) `(let ((,gobj ,obj)) (setf (gethash ',name ,gobj) (labels ((next () (get-next ,gobj ',name))) #'(lambda ,parms ,@body))))))
A critical part of the above is the definition of the next
that hooks into get-next
. To understand the above, it is critical to
understand that the lambda generated above encapsulates the next
method of the label.
Here's how it makes life easier:
(defparameter *circle-class* (obj)) (defparameter *grumpy-class* (obj *circle-class*)) (defmeth% area *circle-class* (c) (* pi (expt (radius c) 2))) (defmeth% area *grumpy-class* (c) (format t "How dare you sterotype me!~%") (funcall (next) c))
Observe the use of (next)
in the above method.
That's enough mucking around. Next time, we mean it.
Source code:
$ wget
This doco:
$ wget
First load into LISP:
> (load "gold.lisp") ; ignore warning messages
> (make)
Tim Menzies (
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