Prog. Languages

Notes for WVU cs310, Programming lanuages, Spring 2011.

Gold1 and 2:
Basic OO.

Intermediary OO.

This time, we mean it.

LIAR: Logic Inference and Rules

Inside LIAR (Logic Inference and Rules)

This code reviews and extend's Graham's Lisp-based inference system (see taken from Chapter 17 of Ansi COMMON LISP (see That chapter should be read before this page.

About this Document

LIAR is an extension to Graham's code that implements forward and backward chaining rules.


A function named x% or x%% is a preliminary version of a function that will be refined, later.

Anything starting with $ is a UNIX shell command; e.g.

 $ ls
 abcd.lisp       counts.lisp     dist.lisp       macros.lisp     nb.lisp
 bounded.lisp    data.lisp       gold.lisp       make.lisp       random.lisp
 class.lisp      deftest.lisp    knn.lisp        misc.lisp       rbst.lisp

Anything starting with > is a LISP REPL command; e.g.

 > (+ 1 1)

Load Code

 (defun make ()
    (handler-bind ((style-warning #'muffle-warning))
      (load "tricks.lisp")
      (load "liar.lisp")))
 (defun match (x y &optional binds)
     ((eql x y) (values binds t))
     ((assoc x binds) (match (binding x binds) y binds))
     ((assoc y binds) (match x (binding y binds) binds))
     ((var? x) (values (cons (cons x y) binds) t))
     ((var? y) (values (cons (cons y x) binds) t))
      (when (and (consp x) (consp y))
       (multiple-value-bind (b2 yes) 
                            (match (car x) (car y) binds)
         (and yes (match (cdr x) (cdr y) b2)))))))
 (defun var? (x)
   (and (symbolp x) 
        (eql (char (symbol-name x) 0) #\?)))
 (defun binding (x binds)
   (let ((b (assoc x binds)))
     (if b
         (or (binding (cdr b) binds) 
             (cdr b)))))
 (defun xpand (x binds)
   (cond ((var? x)  (xpand (binding x binds) binds))
        ((listp x) (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (xpand y binds)) x))
        (t         x)))
 (defun xpands (binds)
   (mapcar #'(lambda (bind)
              (cons (car bind)
                    (xpand (cdr bind) binds)))
 (defun quoted (binds)
   (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(,(car x) . ',(cdr x))) binds))
 (defparameter *brules* (make-hash-table))
 (defun brules ()
   (showh *brules*))
 (defmacro <-     (con &optional ant)  `(defrule ',con ',ant))
 (defun defrule (con &optional ant)
   (length (push (cons (cdr con) ant)
                (gethash (car con) *brules*))))
 (defun head? (x)
   (gethash x *brules*))
 (defun prove (expr &optional binds)
   (case (car expr)
      (debug        (prints :bindings binds) (list binds))
      ((<= <  > >=) (if (prove-code expr binds)
                       (list binds)))
      ((prints say)
                    (prove-code expr binds)  (list binds))
      (is           (list
                    (prove-is   (second expr) (third expr) binds)))
      (and          (prove-and (reverse (cdr expr)) binds))
      (or           (prove-or (cdr expr) binds))
      (not          (prove-not (cadr expr) binds))
      (t            (prove-simple (car expr) (cdr expr) binds))))
 (defun prove-is (var expr binds)
   (match var
     (prove-code expr binds)
 (defun prove-code (expr binds)
   (let* ((code  (sublis (xpands (quoted binds)) expr)))
     (eval code)))
 (defun prove-simple (pred args binds)
   (mapcan #'(lambda (r)
               (multiple-value-bind (b2 yes) 
                                    (match args (car r) 
                 (when yes
                   (if (cdr r) 
                       (prove (cdr r) b2) 
                       (list b2)))))
           (mapcar #'change-vars 
                   (gethash pred *brules*))))
 (defun change-vars (r)
   (sublis (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (cons v (gensym "?")))
                   (vars-in r))
 (defun vars-in (expr)
   (if (atom expr)
       (if (var? expr) (list expr))
       (union (vars-in (car expr))
              (vars-in (cdr expr)))))
 (defun prove-and (clauses binds)
   (if (null clauses)
       (list binds)
       (mapcan #'(lambda (b)
                   (prove (car clauses) b))
               (prove-and (cdr clauses) binds))))
 (defun prove-or (clauses binds)
   (mapcan #'(lambda (c) (prove c binds))
 (defun prove-not (clause binds)
   (unless (prove clause binds)
     (list binds)))
 (defun retract (rule)
   (let* ((head (first rule))
         (args (rest rule))
         (old  (gethash head *brules*))
         (new  (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (equal x (list args))) old)))
     (setf (gethash head *brules*) new)))
 (defmacro with-answer (query &body body)
   (let* ((binds '%bindings%)
         (lets  (mapcar #'(lambda (v) `(,v (xpand ',v ,binds)))
                        (vars-in query))))   
     `(dolist (,binds (prove ',query))
        (let (,@lets)
 (defmacro ?? (query)
   `(with-answer ,query
      (print ',query) (print %bindings%)))
 (defmacro ? (query)
   `(with-answer ,query
      (when %bindings%
           (print ',query) (print %bindings%))))))

; rules (defstruct rule label if uses (then t) then-compiled adds deletes)

 (defmacro make-if (label iff uses)
   `'(and (= ?name ,label)
        (= ?wme ,uses)
        (not (used ?name ?wme))))
 (defmacro make-then (code &optional quotep)
   (let* ((binds (gensym "BINDINGS-"))
         (lets  (mapcar #'(lambda (v) `(,v (binding ',v ,binds)))
                        (vars-in code)))
         (source     `(lambda (,binds)
                        (let  (,@lets)
     (if quotep
 (defparameter *frules* nil)
 (defmacro rule (label &key if uses then adds deletes)
      :label          ',label
      :if             (make-if    ',label ,if ,uses)
      :then-compiled  (make-then ,then)
      :then           (make-then  ,then t)
      :adds           (append ',adds '((used ?name ?wme)))
      :deletes        ',deletes
      :uses ',uses
 (defun $reset ()
   (clrhash *brules*)
   (setf *frules* nil))
 (defun run (&optional (frules (reverse *frules*)))
   (if frules
       (let ((frule (car frules)))
        (if ($step frule)
            (run (cdr frules))))))
 (defun $step (rule)
   (with-slots (label if then-compiled adds deletes) rule
     ;(format t "testing ~a~%" label)
     (let* ((binds (prove if)))
       (when binds
        (setf binds (xpands (first binds)))
        (format t "~&; FIRING ~a~%" label)
        (mapcar #'defrule (sublis binds adds))
        (mapcar #'retract (sublis binds deletes))
        (funcall then-compiled binds))
 (defmacro defrelation (relation key &rest fields)
   `(defrelation-worker ',relation ',key ',fields))
 (defun defrelation-worker (relation key fields)
   (let (body)
      (labels ((q (x) (intern (string-upcase (format nil "?~a" x))))
              (r (x) (defrule (list x (q key) (q x))  body)))
        (setf body (cons relation (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (q x)) (cons key fields))))
        (mapc #'r (cons key fields)))))
 (defun !one ()
   (clrhash *brules*)
   (<- (person matt m 23))
   (<- (person dean m 30))
   (<- (person clint m 100))
   (<- (younger ?x ?y) (and (person ?x ?g1   ?age1) (person ?y ?g2 ?age2) (< ?age1 ?age2)))
   (<- (sameSex ?x ?y) (and (person ?x ?gender ?a1) (person ?y ?gender ?a2)))
   (<- (hates   ?x ?y) (and (sameSex ?x ?y) (younger ?y ?x)))
   (with-answer (hates ?x ?y)
       (format t "~a hates ~a~%" ?x ?y)))
 (defun !two ()
   (clrhash *brules*)
   (defrelation person name age gender)
   (<- (person nancy  23 f))
   (<- (person betty  40 f))
   (<- (person donald 60 m))
   (<- (parent donald nancy))
   (<- (parent donald betty))
   (<- (parent donald suzie))  
   (<- (male ?x)   (person ?x ?_ m))
   (<- (older  ?x ?y) (and (age ?x ?age1)
                          (age ?y ?age2)
                          (> ?age1 ?age2)
                          (say "---- ~a ~a~%" ?age1 ?age2)))
   (<- (father ?x ?y) (and (parent ?x  ?y) (male ?x)))
   (<- (= ?x ?x)) 3
   (<- (sibling ?x ?y) (and (parent ?z ?x)
                           (parent ?z ?y)
                           (not (= ?x ?y))))
   (with-answer (father ?x ?y) nil
       (format t "the father of ~a is ~a~%" ?x ?y))
   (with-answer (sibling ?x ?y) nil ;((?x . suzie))
     (format t "the sibling of ~a is ~a~%" ?x ?y))
   (with-answer (older ?x ?y) nil
     (format t " ~a is older than ~a~%" ?x ?y)))
 (defun !rule ()
   (!rule-brules) (!rule-frules)
 (defun !rule-brules ()
   (<- (= ?x ?x))
   (<- (item bread))
   (<- (item pop))
   (<- (item sad))
   (<- (item bread))
   (<- (grocery pop   water))
   (<- (grocery breod wheat)))
 (defun !rule-frules ()
   (rule missing-grocery
        :if      (and (item ?x) (not (grocery ?x ?y)) (is ?z (+ 1 2)))
        :then    (prints 'bad ?x ?z)
        :adds    ((item fred))
        :deletes ((item ?x))
        :uses    (?x ?z)))



Source code:

 $ wget

This doco:

 $ wget


First load into LISP:

 > (load "liar.lisp") ; ignore warning messages


 > (make)


Tim Menzies (


Share and enjoy.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see