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(Code from Paradigms of AI Programming, copyright (c) 1991 Peter Norvig.)
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Find a state that satisfies goal-p. Start with states, and search according to successors and combiner. You won’t get this yet till you look at a few examples.
(defconstant fail nil) (defun tree-search (states goal-p successors combiner) (blab :search "~&;; Search: ~a" states) (cond ((null states) fail) ((funcall goal-p (first states)) (first states)) (t (tree-search (funcall combiner (funcall successors (first states)) (rest states)) goal-p successors combiner))))
Search new states first until goal is reached.
(defun depth-first-search (start goal-p successors) (tree-search (list start) ; initially, our states are just "start" goal-p ; a function to recognize "success" successors ; a generator of states next to current #'append ; dfs= explore new before old ))
Sample scucessors function:
(defun binary-tree (x) (print x) (print (list (* 2 x) (+ 1 (* 2 x)))))
This generates:
1 | 2..................3 | | 4.........5 6........7 | | | | 8,9 10,11 12,13 14,15
Sample goalp function:
(defun is (value) #'(lambda (x) (eql x value)))
Low level detail:
(defun blab (what str data) (declare (ignore what)) (format t str data))
Lets give it a try..
(defun demo-dfs () (depth-first-search 1 (is 12) #'binary-tree))
But the results are bad...
(demo-dfs) ; Search: (1) ; Search: (2 3) ; Search: (4 5 3) ; Search: (8 9 5 3) ; Search: (16 17 9 5 3) ; Search: (32 33 17 9 5 3) ; Search: (64 65 33 17 9 5 3) ; Search: (128 129 65 33 17 9 5 3) ; Search: (256 257 129 65 33 17 9 5 3) ; Search: (512 513 257 129 65 33 17 9 5 3) ; Search: (1024 1025 513 257 129 65 33 17 9 5 3) ;... ;boom!
D’oh! We went off into the left most sub-tree and never found 12>
(defun prepend (x y) "Prepend y to start of x" (append y x)) (defun breadth-first-search (start goal-p successors) "Search old states first until goal is reached." (tree-search (list start) goal-p successors #'prepend))
Lets give it a try..
(defun demo-bfs () (breadth-first-search 1 (is 12) #'binary-tree))
And the results are better
(demo-bfs) ; Search: (1) ; Search: (2 3) ; Search: (3 4 5) ; Search: (4 5 6 7) ; Search: (5 6 7 8 9) ; Search: (6 7 8 9 10 11) ; Search: (7 8 9 10 11 12 13) ; Search: (8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) ; Search: (9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) ; Search: (10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19) ; Search: (11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21) ; Search: (12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23)
(defun finite-binary-tree (n) "Return a successor function that generates a binary tree with n nodes." #'(lambda (x) (remove-if #'(lambda (child) (> (log child 2) ; depth of search n)) (binary-tree x)))) (defun dfid-search (start goal-p successors max &optional (now 1)) (unless (> now max) (blab :dfid "~&;; Extending leash to : ~a" now) (or (depth-first-search start goal-p (funcall successors now)) (dfid-search start goal-p successors max (1+ now))))) (defun demo-dfid (&optional (max 5)) (dfid-search 1 (is 12) #'finite-binary-tree max))
And, the winner is...
(demo-dfid 5) ; Extending leash to : 1 ; Search: (1) ; Search: (2) ; Search: NIL ; Extending leash to : 2 ; Search: (1) ; Search: (2 3) ; Search: (4 3) ; Search: (3) ; Search: NIL ; Extending leash to : 3 ; Search: (1) ; Search: (2 3) ; Search: (4 5 3) ; Search: (8 5 3) ; Search: (5 3) ; Search: (3) ; Search: (6 7) ; Search: (7) ; Search: NIL ; Extending leash to : 4 ; Search: (1) ; Search: (2 3) ; Search: (4 5 3) ; Search: (8 9 5 3) ; Search: (16 9 5 3) ; Search: (9 5 3) ; Search: (5 3) ; Search: (10 11 3) ; Search: (11 3) ; Search: (3) ; Search: (6 7) ; Search: (12 13 7)
Lets give out search knowledge of how close the current state is to the goal state.
(defun diff (num) "Return the function that finds the difference from num." #'(lambda (x) (abs (- x num))))
Lets sort the states by their distance to the goal and explore them nearest to furthest.
(defun sorter (cost-fn) "Return a combiner function that sorts according to cost-fn." #'(lambda (new old) (sort (append new old) #'< :key cost-fn))) (defun best-first-search (start goal-p successors cost-fn) "Search lowest cost states first until goal is reached." (tree-search (list start) goal-p successors (sorter cost-fn))) (defun demo-bestfs1 (&optional (goal 12)) (best-first-search 1 (is goal) #'binary-tree (diff goal)))
And if we give it a go....
(demo-bestfs2) ; Search: (1) ; Search: (3 2) ; Search: (7 6 2) ; Search: (14 15 6 2) ; Search: (15 6 2 28 29) ; Search: (6 2 28 29 30 31) ; Search: (12 13 2 28 29 30 31)
As before, but now lets give a big penalty for jumping over the goal.
(defun price-is-right (price) "Return a function that measures the difference from price, but gives a big penalty for going over price." #'(lambda (x) (if (> x price) most-positive-fixnum (- price x)))) (defun demo-bestfs2 (&optional (goal 12)) (best-first-search 1 (is goal) #'binary-tree (price-is-right goal)))
And this gives us...
(demo-bestfs2) ; Search: (1) ; Search: (3 2) ; Search: (7 6 2) ; Search: (6 2 14 15) ; Search: (12 2 13 14 15)
Beam-search is the same as best-search but we "lower the beam" and chop off anything not in the top beam-width items in the sorted set of successor states.
(defun beam-search (start goal-p successors cost-fn beam-width) "Search highest scoring states first until goal is reached, but never consider more than beam-width states at a time." (tree-search (list start) goal-p successors #'(lambda (old new) (let ((sorted (funcall (sorter cost-fn) old new))) (if (> beam-width (length sorted)) sorted (subseq sorted 0 beam-width))))))
Here’s some knowledge on cities.
(defstruct (city (:type list)) name long lat) (defparameter *cities* '((Atlanta 84.23 33.45) (Los-Angeles 118.15 34.03) (Boston 71.05 42.21) (Memphis 90.03 35.09) (Chicago 87.37 41.50) (New-York 73.58 40.47) (Denver 105.00 39.45) (Oklahoma-City 97.28 35.26) (Eugene 123.05 44.03) (Pittsburgh 79.57 40.27) (Flagstaff 111.41 35.13) (Quebec 71.11 46.49) (Grand-Jct 108.37 39.05) (Reno 119.49 39.30) (Houston 105.00 34.00) (San-Francisco 122.26 37.47) (Indianapolis 86.10 39.46) (Tampa 82.27 27.57) (Jacksonville 81.40 30.22) (Victoria 123.21 48.25) (Kansas-City 94.35 39.06) (Wilmington 77.57 34.14))) (defun neighbors (city) "Find all cities within 1000 kilometers." (remove-if-not #'(lambda (c) (and (not (eq c city)) (< (air-distance c city) 1000.0))) *cities*)) (defun city (name) "Find the city with this name." (assoc name *cities*)) (defun trip (start dest) "Search for a way from the start to dest." (beam-search start (is dest) #'neighbors #'(lambda (c) (air-distance c dest)) 1))
Here’s some distance details.
(defconstant earth-diameter 12765.0 "Diameter of planet earth in kilometers.") (defun air-distance (city1 city2) "The great circle distance between two cities." (let ((d (distance (xyz-coords city1) (xyz-coords city2)))) ;; d is the straight-line chord between the two cities, ;; The length of the subtending arc is given by: (* earth-diameter (asin (/ d 2))))) (defun xyz-coords (city) "Returns the x,y,z coordinates of a point on a sphere. The center is (0 0 0) and the north pole is (0 0 1)." (let ((psi (deg->radians (city-lat city))) (phi (deg->radians (city-long city)))) (list (* (cos psi) (cos phi)) (* (cos psi) (sin phi)) (sin psi)))) (defun distance (point1 point2) "The Euclidean distance between two points. The points are coordinates in n-dimensional space." (sqrt (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (a b) (expt (- a b) 2)) point1 point2)))) (defun deg->radians (deg) "Convert degrees and minutes to radians." (* (+ (truncate deg) (* (rem deg 1) 100/60)) pi 1/180))
And here’s our driver:
(defun demo-trip () (format t "one way...~%") (trip (city 'san-francisco) (city 'boston)) (format t "~%~%and the other way...~%") (trip (city 'boston) (city 'san-francisco) ))
Lets drive this both ways...
(demo-trip) one way... ; Search: (#<Path to (SAN-FRANCISCO 122.26 37.47) cost 0.0>) ; Search: (#<Path to (RENO 119.49 39.3) cost 4355.0>) ; Search: (#<Path to (GRAND-JCT 108.37 39.05) cost 4427.3>) ; Search: (#<Path to (DENVER 105.0 39.45) cost 4428.3>) ; Search: (#<Path to (KANSAS-CITY 94.35 39.06) cost 4492.0>) ; Search: (#<Path to (INDIANAPOLIS 86.1 39.46) cost 4507.1>) ; Search: (#<Path to (PITTSBURGH 79.57 40.27) cost 4514.8>) ; Search: (#<Path to (BOSTON 71.05 42.21) cost 4514.8>) (BOSTON 71.05 42.21) and the other way... ; Search: (#<Path to (BOSTON 71.05 42.21) cost 0.0>) ; Search: (#<Path to (PITTSBURGH 79.57 40.27) cost 4418.4>) ; Search: (#<Path to (CHICAGO 87.37 41.5) cost 4423.7>) ; Search: (#<Path to (KANSAS-CITY 94.35 39.06) cost 4520.0>) ; Search: (#<Path to (DENVER 105.0 39.45) cost 4521.4>) ; Search: (#<Path to (GRAND-JCT 108.37 39.05) cost 4527.0>) ; Search: (#<Path to (RENO 119.49 39.3) cost 4577.3>) ; Search: (#<Path to (SAN-FRANCISCO 122.26 37.47) cost 4577.3>) (SAN-FRANCISCO 122.26 37.47)
Say what? One way is longer than the other? Why?
The problem is that a local search made a sub-optimal decision. Instead of minimizing the distance to the destimation, we should minimize the sum of the distance to the destination plus the distance already traveled. Note: this will be the core the A-star algorithm that we will discuss later in the subject.
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